De har fått för sej (Tusen och En Natt?) Att "palestina" omfattar Västbanken (en Jordansk term för det som låg väst om Jordanien och Jordanfloden och illegalt ockuperades av Jordanien med brittisk hjälp 1948-67), "östra Jerusalem" (sammalunda, har aldrig varit "palestinskt" men Jordanien ockuperade det 1948 med brittisk hjälp, aldrig annekterat och bara ockuperat illegalt, de förstörde varenda synagoga de hittade och använde judiska gravstenar till gatsten och att bygga hus med, där hade varit en majoritet av judar sedan mitt på 1800-talet som alla drevs ut, många kristna också).
Sverige erkände aldrig Jordaniens illegala ockupationer så när blev det "palestinskt" ? Gaza fick palAraber ansvar för 2005 med all hjälp från Israel att kunna bygga upp ett livskraftigt område. De knappt 10.000 judarna som Sharon deporterade därifrån levde väl på export av odlade produkter till Israel och av överskottet sålde de för $100 miljoner/år till EU. Varför inte araberna fortsatte med det utan började sända raketer mot kvinnor och barn i Israel i stället kan ju allvetande Sverige förklara.
Sverige erkände aldrig Jordaniens illegala ockupationer så när blev det "palestinskt" ? Gaza fick palAraber ansvar för 2005 med all hjälp från Israel att kunna bygga upp ett livskraftigt område. De knappt 10.000 judarna som Sharon deporterade därifrån levde väl på export av odlade produkter till Israel och av överskottet sålde de för $100 miljoner/år till EU. Varför inte araberna fortsatte med det utan började sända raketer mot kvinnor och barn i Israel i stället kan ju allvetande Sverige förklara.
Sen det ytterst triviala faktum att man faktiskt inte kan erkänna något som inte existerar! Hade palAraberna fullföljt Osloöverenskommelsen hade de haft en stat nu, men de sket i alla löften från sin sida men krävde att Israel uppfyllde sina - vilket de ofta gjort trots att de inte fick något från det.
1967 års gränser FINNS INTE! Där har vår outbildade regering
också missat gravt. Wikin säger:
Hon anser att "palestinier " ska bo kvar. Jag förmodar att det betyder de kanske 5 miljoner som sitter i flyktingläger i Syrien, Libanon, Jordanien huh. Varför inte hjälpa dem först och främst, de har det mycket sämre. Men vad bryr hon sej.
Nu kommer alltså Abbas och efter pusskalaset så ska hon tillrättavisa honom.
Så om en "palestinsk flykting" kommer hit till Sverige och går till henne - får han hjälp då?
Sverige har gett oändliga summor till PA Palestinian Authority, det officiella namnet de fick i och med Osloavtalet) för bl.a. mänskliga rättigheter. Varför ingår inte pressfrihet? Här en färsk rapport som Wallström kan diskutera med Abbas:
80% of Palestinian journalists self-censor; many threatened by Hamas and PA
Journalists protesting Hamas arrest of their colleagues, Jan 27
From Al Monitor:
A late 2014 study by the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms found that 80% of Palestinian journalists in the West Bank and Gaza practice self-censorship of their writing.
Journalist Ghazi Bani Odeh, who conducted the survey, “The Official Media and Freedom of Expression,” told Al-Monitor that attacks and harassment, and thus fear of them, are the main causes leading journalists to censor themselves.
He told Al-Monitor, “There is no difference between the violations [against journalists] committed in the West Bank and those committed in Gaza, as journalists are equally suppressed, thus leading them to examine every word they write.”
The Internal Security forces under the Gaza Ministry of Interior sent young journalist Youssef Hammad a notice requesting him to appear at its headquarters Dec. 30, 2014. Hammad, who works for Al-Watan Radio and some local websites, told Al-Monitor of his visit: “They threatened me. They said it was the last warning and that if I ever criticize Hamas again in my articles, they will break my knees.”
Hammad said that previously he had received a notice from the Government Information Office run by Hamas. “They asked me about an investigative report I wrote about the conflict in mosques between Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. This shows that there is no freedom of expression or freedom of the press. There is no security apparatus in the world that believes in these freedoms,” he stated.
Hammad said he tries to resist censorsing himself, “But when I remember two years ago, when the security forces attacked me at a march [I was covering] and left me with a head injury, I control myself when I write. It’s a self-defensive reflex.”
Mohammed Othman, a freelance journalist who writes for Al-Monitor, was physically assaulted and threatened at the headquarters of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) on Jan. 5. According to Othman, he had published a report about the killing of people accused of collaborating with Israel during the 2014 war. After publication of the report on the web, which contained information provided by a PRC spokesman, the spokesman asked Othman to withdraw the statements. When he refused, he was assaulted. Othman said, “Due to pressure and fear for my safety, Al-Quds TV decided not to publish the video of the interview [with the spokesman] after I was attacked.”
According to the Skeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedoms, in January there were three episodes involving journalists being detained by West Bank security forces and two involving Gaza security, in addition to two attacks in Gaza resulting from lawlessness. One of the latter incidents involved the journalist Maha Abu Omer, who was severely beaten by an unknown man while walking down the street.
Fathi Sabah, who writes for Al-Hayat, said that self-censorship is the name of the game for every Palestinian journalist. According to him, there is a policeman in the mind of every reporter in the West Bank or in Gaza.
“I think that self-censorship is constantly present when a journalist writes about domestic affairs and deals with sensitive issues such as family honor, incest, [social] division or political, administrative and financial corruption plaguing authorities and government departments and structures,” he told Al-Monitor.
“Journalists here fear the threats of parties, officials and families given the absence of the rule of law, the lack of respect for human freedom and the spread of chaos and lawlessness,” Sabah said. He admitted that he practices self-censorship whenever he writes about certain issues related to the resistance, especially after he received several anonymous threats by phone and on Facebook, including death threats.
Khalil Shaheen, director of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Unit at the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, said that journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have faced actual shootings and beatings, in addition to threats, throughout the eight-year Hamas-Fatah split, leading them to apply some sort of self-control in their work. Must be because of the settlements.
If they aren't allowed to talk about any government corruption or family honor, imagine how little they want to report about the rare Palestinian Arab who wants real peace with Israel!

The armistice agreements were clear (at Arab insistence) that they were not creating permanent borders. The Egyptian-Israeli agreement stated "The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims and positions of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate settlement of the Palestine question.Sen läser vi att Sverige speciellt har tagit på sej att attackera det Israeliskkontrollerade (enligt Osloavtalet, som Arafat fick Nobelpris för) area C! Detta är förstås helt illegalt och enbart ren och skär antisemitism. Men vad vet hon.
Hon anser att "palestinier " ska bo kvar. Jag förmodar att det betyder de kanske 5 miljoner som sitter i flyktingläger i Syrien, Libanon, Jordanien huh. Varför inte hjälpa dem först och främst, de har det mycket sämre. Men vad bryr hon sej.
Nu kommer alltså Abbas och efter pusskalaset så ska hon tillrättavisa honom.
I dag har också den palestinske Sverigeambassadören Hala Husni Fariz fått sitt kreditivbrev, den officiella fullmakten för att presentera Palestina i Sverige.
Så om en "palestinsk flykting" kommer hit till Sverige och går till henne - får han hjälp då?
- Han är palestinier enligt Abbas alla utskrik men Abbas vägrar ta hand om honom.
- Nä, han är inte palestinier.
År han det inte har ju inte Abbas någon som helst rättighet att försöka tvinga in honom i Israel.
Men Abbas har liksom Arafat, två mungipor man kan använda samtidigt, inte för att Wallström fattar ett dyft.
Sverige har gett oändliga summor till PA Palestinian Authority, det officiella namnet de fick i och med Osloavtalet) för bl.a. mänskliga rättigheter. Varför ingår inte pressfrihet? Här en färsk rapport som Wallström kan diskutera med Abbas:
80% of Palestinian journalists self-censor; many threatened by Hamas and PA

Journalists protesting Hamas arrest of their colleagues, Jan 27
From Al Monitor:
A late 2014 study by the Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms found that 80% of Palestinian journalists in the West Bank and Gaza practice self-censorship of their writing.
Journalist Ghazi Bani Odeh, who conducted the survey, “The Official Media and Freedom of Expression,” told Al-Monitor that attacks and harassment, and thus fear of them, are the main causes leading journalists to censor themselves.
He told Al-Monitor, “There is no difference between the violations [against journalists] committed in the West Bank and those committed in Gaza, as journalists are equally suppressed, thus leading them to examine every word they write.”
The Internal Security forces under the Gaza Ministry of Interior sent young journalist Youssef Hammad a notice requesting him to appear at its headquarters Dec. 30, 2014. Hammad, who works for Al-Watan Radio and some local websites, told Al-Monitor of his visit: “They threatened me. They said it was the last warning and that if I ever criticize Hamas again in my articles, they will break my knees.”
Hammad said that previously he had received a notice from the Government Information Office run by Hamas. “They asked me about an investigative report I wrote about the conflict in mosques between Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. This shows that there is no freedom of expression or freedom of the press. There is no security apparatus in the world that believes in these freedoms,” he stated.
Hammad said he tries to resist censorsing himself, “But when I remember two years ago, when the security forces attacked me at a march [I was covering] and left me with a head injury, I control myself when I write. It’s a self-defensive reflex.”
Mohammed Othman, a freelance journalist who writes for Al-Monitor, was physically assaulted and threatened at the headquarters of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) on Jan. 5. According to Othman, he had published a report about the killing of people accused of collaborating with Israel during the 2014 war. After publication of the report on the web, which contained information provided by a PRC spokesman, the spokesman asked Othman to withdraw the statements. When he refused, he was assaulted. Othman said, “Due to pressure and fear for my safety, Al-Quds TV decided not to publish the video of the interview [with the spokesman] after I was attacked.”
According to the Skeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedoms, in January there were three episodes involving journalists being detained by West Bank security forces and two involving Gaza security, in addition to two attacks in Gaza resulting from lawlessness. One of the latter incidents involved the journalist Maha Abu Omer, who was severely beaten by an unknown man while walking down the street.
Fathi Sabah, who writes for Al-Hayat, said that self-censorship is the name of the game for every Palestinian journalist. According to him, there is a policeman in the mind of every reporter in the West Bank or in Gaza.
“I think that self-censorship is constantly present when a journalist writes about domestic affairs and deals with sensitive issues such as family honor, incest, [social] division or political, administrative and financial corruption plaguing authorities and government departments and structures,” he told Al-Monitor.
“Journalists here fear the threats of parties, officials and families given the absence of the rule of law, the lack of respect for human freedom and the spread of chaos and lawlessness,” Sabah said. He admitted that he practices self-censorship whenever he writes about certain issues related to the resistance, especially after he received several anonymous threats by phone and on Facebook, including death threats.
Khalil Shaheen, director of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Unit at the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, said that journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have faced actual shootings and beatings, in addition to threats, throughout the eight-year Hamas-Fatah split, leading them to apply some sort of self-control in their work. Must be because of the settlements.
If they aren't allowed to talk about any government corruption or family honor, imagine how little they want to report about the rare Palestinian Arab who wants real peace with Israel!
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