Se också "Report Exposes EU Illegal Settlement in Judea and Samaria"
EU är så fina i kanten att de anser att de kan skita i alla lagar och överenskommelser. Läs link. Där står bl.a.
Similarly, they negate the very positions supported by the European states that endorsed UN Security Council Resolution 242 from 1967 calling for “secure and recognized boundaries,” and negate the EU’s own commitments as signatory and witness to the Oslo Accords, to honour the content of those accords, and not to predetermine and undermine specific negotiating issues including the final status of the territories, borders, settlements, Jerusalem, and other issues. -
EU:s hyckleri: Hjälpa palestinska myndigheten bryta Osloavtalet
NGO finner EU:s finansiering av illegala palestinska bosättningar i strid med Osloavtalet, även som ny push för sanktioner mot Israel avslöjats.Av Ari Soffer
Först Publish: 2014/10/22, 16:20
Olaglig palestinsk byggnad i område C
Regavim (se bild i originalet nedan)
En israelisk NGO är inställd på att släppa en rapport där den visar tiotals fall där EU har aktivt arbetat för att bryta mot Osloavtalet som undertecknades mellan Israel och den palestinska myndigheten, genom att ändra fakta på marken i område C [se länk hur Sverige öppet och olagligt koncentrerar sig på att stjäla område C från Israel - och sedan dyker Wallström upp, med sina blå ögon i förvåning att Israel reagerar vid stöld] för att ensidigt skada Israel i slutstatusförhandlingar med palestinierna!.
Rapporten är viktig eftersom den kommer samtidigt som EU har gjort ett nytt försök att hota Jerusalem med sanktioner om Israel gör "ensidiga åtgärder" som europeiska stater bedömer vara skadliga för deras vision av en "tvåstatslösning".
Regavim, en grupp experter på juridiska rättigheter som ägnar sig att säkerställa laglig och ansvarsfull användning av Israels nationella mark, har redan skickat ett officiellt brev som beskriver några av deras iakttagelser till premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu och utrikesminister Avigdor Liberman onsdag, tillsammans med en uppmaning att stå starka mot det växande diplomatiska trycket på Israel att göra eftergifter åt EU.
"En gång i tiden, pressade EU Israel genom att finansiera fientliga frivilligorganisationer, nu har de skurit ut mittenmannen och aktivt deltar i bosättningsverksamheten på uppdrag av palAraberna," anger Ari Briggs, internationell direktör för Regavim.
"Under de kommande veckorna kommer vi att presentera bevis på över 90 strukturer som byggts av EU i strid med Osloavtalet och alla internationella avtal. Vi har markerat detta till vår regering och uppmanar EU att stoppa detta flagranta brott mot israelisk suveränitet omedelbart."
Målen för de illegala palestinska byggnaderna finansierade av EU är ironiskt nog precis samma som EU har anklagat de sraeliska nybyggnaderna för, israelisk byggnad i regionen: att skapa fakta på marken, i detta fall för att undergräva Israels ställning.
EU:s röda linjer "hotar Israel med sanktioner"
Spridningen av olagliga EU-finansierade arabiska bosättningar är särskilt ironisk, samtidigt som EU driver Israel att etablera fem "röda linjer" på att bygga i Judéen och Samarien som, om Israel är olydiga och linjerna korsas av Israel, kan resultera i EU:s sanktioner.
Ett dokument som beskriver budskapet från EU-ambassadör Faaborg-Andersen kommer att förmedlas till israeliska tjänstemän erhölls genom Haaretz.
Bland de röda linjerna: Bygga i delar av Givat Hamatos stadsdel i Jerusalem som är över "gröna linjen"; byggandet i Har Homa stadsdel i Jerusalem; konstruktion i "E1", mellan Jerusalem och Maaleh Adumim; flytta illegala beduinbosättare från delar av Judéen inklusive E1; och "skada status quo" på Tempelberget genom att tillåta judar att be där.
Alla ovanstående är avsedda att bevara möjligheten till en "tvåstatslösning" med en PA-driven stat i Judéen och Samarien.
"EU anser att bevarandet av tvåstatslösningen är en prioritet," lyder dokumentet. "Det enda sättet att lösa konflikten är genom ett avtal som upphör ockupationen som inleddes 1967, sluta alla påståenden och uppfyller strävanden hos båda parter [vilket inkluderar att Israel startar md terrorverksamhet mot alla palAraber]. En statlig verklighet skulle inte vara förenlig med dessa ambitioner."
"... Det finns en berättigad förväntning att ha en konstruktiv dialog med de israeliska myndigheterna om åtgärder från deras sida som kan påverka vår hjälp och dess slutmål att skapa en sund gynnsam miljö för ekonomisk och social utveckling i de ockuperade palestinska områdena [som existerar lika lite som "palestina", utan ockuperades illegalt av Jordanien med Brittisk hjälp 1948] och bidra till skapa förutsättningar för en livskraftig palestinsk stat," fortsätter det med. [Stat som både Arafat och Abbas vägrat förhandla om, enda sättet enligt Osloavtalet.]
Medan de exakta kriterierna fortfarande är relativt vaga, när källan sa till Haaretz att vissa EU-länder driver på för en aggressiv hållning.
"Vissa länder, det första är Frankrike, tror att Israel måste presenteras med konkreta sanktioner som ska tas bort om Israel tar särskilda åtgärder så att det inte blir några överraskningar och priset är klart," sa en högt uppsatt diplomat till tidningen.
På tal på villkor av anonymitet, avfärdade en israelisk tjänsteman förslaget som att sätta "göra förhandlingen meningsfull."
"Vi har en känsla av att de väntar oss att förkasta budet på förhandlingarna och ge dem en ursäkt att attackera oss med sanktionerna, eller att vi kommer överens i alla fall om förhandlingar där vi ska diskutera vilka sanktioner som kommer att appliceras."
EU Hypocrisy: Helping Palestinian Authority Violate Oslo Accords
NGO finds EU funding illegal Palestinian settlements in breach of Oslo Accords, even as new push for sanctions on Israel revealed.
By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 10/22/2014, 4:20 PM

Illegal Palestinian building in Area C
An Israeli NGO is set to release a report it says shows tens of cases in which the European Union has actively worked to breach the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, by changing the facts on the ground in Area C [see link how Sweden openly and illegally concentrates on stealing area C from Israel - and then Wallström pops up her blue eyes in surprise that Israel reacts at the stealing!] to unilaterally harm Israel in final status talks with the Palestinians.
The report is significant as it comes at the same time as the EU has made a renewed push to threaten Jerusalem with sanctions if Israel makes "unilateral moves" which European states deem to be harmful to their vision of a "two-state solution."
Regavim, a legal rights group dedicated to ensuring responsible, legal and accountable use of Israel’s national land, has already sent an official letter outlining some of their findings to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman Wednesday, along with a call to stand strong against growing diplomatic pressure on Israel to make concessions by the EU.
"Once upon a time, the EU would pressure Israel by funding hostile NGOs, now it has cut out the middle man and is actively engaging in settlement activity on behalf of the Palestinians," Ari Briggs, International Director of Regavim stated.
"In the coming weeks we will present evidence of over 90 structures that have been built by the EU in contradiction with the Oslo accords and all international agreements. We have highlighted this to our government and call upon the EU to stop this blatant violation of Israeli sovereignty immediately.”
The objectives of the illegal Palestinian building funded by the EU is ironically the very same one the body has attributed to Israeli building in the region: creating facts on the ground, in this case to undermine Israel's position.
EU 'red lines' threaten Israel with sanctions
The proliferation of illegal EU-funded Arab settlements is particularly ironic, coming as the EU pushes to meet with Israel to establish five "red lines" on building in Judea and Samaria which, if crossed by Israel, could result in EU sanctions.
A document outlining the message EU Ambassador Faaborg-Andersen will be relaying to Israeli officials was obtained by Haaretz.
Among the red lines: Building in parts of the Givat Hamatos neighborhood in Jerusalem which are over the "Green Line"; construction in the Har Homa neighborhood of Jerusalem; construction in "E1", between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim; relocating illegal Bedouin settlers from parts of Judea including E1; and "harming the status quo" on the Temple Mount by allowing Jews to pray there.
All of the above are meant to preserve the possibility of a "two-state solution" with a PA-run state in Judea and Samaria.
"The EU considers the preservation of the two state solution a priority," the document reads. "The only way to resolve the conflict is through an agreement that ends the occupation which began in 1967, that ends all claims and fulfills the aspirations of both parties. A one state reality would not be compatible with these aspirations."
"…there is a legitimate expectation to have a constructive dialogue with the Israeli authorities on measures from their side which may impact on our assistance and its ultimate objectives of creating a sound enabling environment for economic and social development in the occupied Palestinian territories and contributing to create the conditions for a viable Palestinian state," it continues.
While the precise criteria are still relatively vague, once sourcetold Haaretz that some EU states are pushing for an aggressive stance.
"Some countries, first of which is France, believe Israel must be presented with specific sanctions to be leveled if Israel takes specific actions so that there won’t be any surprises and the price is clear," a senior diplomat told the paper.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, an Israeli official dismissed the proposal as putting "the hearing before the sentence."
"We have a feeling they’re expecting us to reject the offer for negotiations and give them an excuse to push the sanctions against us, or that we’ll agree in any case to negotiations in which we’ll discuss which sanctions will be leveled."
By Ari Soffer
First Publish: 10/22/2014, 4:20 PM

Illegal Palestinian building in Area C
An Israeli NGO is set to release a report it says shows tens of cases in which the European Union has actively worked to breach the Oslo Accords signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, by changing the facts on the ground in Area C [see link how Sweden openly and illegally concentrates on stealing area C from Israel - and then Wallström pops up her blue eyes in surprise that Israel reacts at the stealing!] to unilaterally harm Israel in final status talks with the Palestinians.
The report is significant as it comes at the same time as the EU has made a renewed push to threaten Jerusalem with sanctions if Israel makes "unilateral moves" which European states deem to be harmful to their vision of a "two-state solution."
Regavim, a legal rights group dedicated to ensuring responsible, legal and accountable use of Israel’s national land, has already sent an official letter outlining some of their findings to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman Wednesday, along with a call to stand strong against growing diplomatic pressure on Israel to make concessions by the EU.
"Once upon a time, the EU would pressure Israel by funding hostile NGOs, now it has cut out the middle man and is actively engaging in settlement activity on behalf of the Palestinians," Ari Briggs, International Director of Regavim stated.
"In the coming weeks we will present evidence of over 90 structures that have been built by the EU in contradiction with the Oslo accords and all international agreements. We have highlighted this to our government and call upon the EU to stop this blatant violation of Israeli sovereignty immediately.”
The objectives of the illegal Palestinian building funded by the EU is ironically the very same one the body has attributed to Israeli building in the region: creating facts on the ground, in this case to undermine Israel's position.
EU 'red lines' threaten Israel with sanctions
The proliferation of illegal EU-funded Arab settlements is particularly ironic, coming as the EU pushes to meet with Israel to establish five "red lines" on building in Judea and Samaria which, if crossed by Israel, could result in EU sanctions.
A document outlining the message EU Ambassador Faaborg-Andersen will be relaying to Israeli officials was obtained by Haaretz.
Among the red lines: Building in parts of the Givat Hamatos neighborhood in Jerusalem which are over the "Green Line"; construction in the Har Homa neighborhood of Jerusalem; construction in "E1", between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim; relocating illegal Bedouin settlers from parts of Judea including E1; and "harming the status quo" on the Temple Mount by allowing Jews to pray there.
All of the above are meant to preserve the possibility of a "two-state solution" with a PA-run state in Judea and Samaria.
"The EU considers the preservation of the two state solution a priority," the document reads. "The only way to resolve the conflict is through an agreement that ends the occupation which began in 1967, that ends all claims and fulfills the aspirations of both parties. A one state reality would not be compatible with these aspirations."
"…there is a legitimate expectation to have a constructive dialogue with the Israeli authorities on measures from their side which may impact on our assistance and its ultimate objectives of creating a sound enabling environment for economic and social development in the occupied Palestinian territories and contributing to create the conditions for a viable Palestinian state," it continues.
While the precise criteria are still relatively vague, once sourcetold Haaretz that some EU states are pushing for an aggressive stance.
"Some countries, first of which is France, believe Israel must be presented with specific sanctions to be leveled if Israel takes specific actions so that there won’t be any surprises and the price is clear," a senior diplomat told the paper.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, an Israeli official dismissed the proposal as putting "the hearing before the sentence."
"We have a feeling they’re expecting us to reject the offer for negotiations and give them an excuse to push the sanctions against us, or that we’ll agree in any case to negotiations in which we’ll discuss which sanctions will be leveled."
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