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En mera detaljerad artikel här. Globalt; googla på V-15 Israel Obama.
Obamas judehat märks tydligt med hans frenetiska försök att sabba Netanyahus chanser för att föra fram leftisarna i valet, vars enda planer är att göra vad Abbas kräver. De är kära gäster i Ramallah.
Caroline Glick berättar om det senaste på sin FB-sida https://www.facebook.com/carolineglick
Likud har nu officiellt anmält Obama och den gruppen människor för att bryta alla principer när det gäller att förstöra ett demokratiskt val i Israel. Den amerikanska diktatorn går emot alla principer han snackar om när det gäller att sylta sej in i ett annat vals demokratiska process, samtidigt som han gaggar om att Netanyahu inte hade en lång dialog innan han tackade ja till en inbjudan från Kongressen, som inte Obama har det minsta att göra med. Det är bara vad han tror, att han kontrollerar Kongressen, ungefär som sveriges Kung skulle kontrollera riksdagen. Det var
"V15 (Victory 2015) paid for by the U.S. tax payer, George Soros, and other anti-Israel groups with HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF SHEKELS ($300,000+). It was initiated by campaign operatives from the barak hussein obama administration."
Det var alltså Obongos hämnd mot Israel. Följer hans privata protokoll sure.
Se "Obama skjuter tillbaka"
Där finns åtskilliga nyhetsartiklar om detta utanför TT:s domäner som "Cruz grillar Obama på hans anti-Netanyahu spendering" Osynligt i svenska massmedia.
Caroline Glick shared Michael Ganoe's video.
The clip below is more instructive for US audiences than for Israeli ones. Today an American journalist went to a "demonstration" by V2015, the group working with the State Department funded OneVoice to bring down the government.
A bit of background on the rally. It was supposed to be a grassroots rally but in the footage shown in the clip, two of the "protesters" are paid employees of the organization. The guy at the far right is Nimrod Dwek, V15's CEO. The chunky guy with glasses standing a bit back is Shahar Kutani, V15's designer.
Dwek, by the way was the internet campaign director for Meretz in the last election.
In the Hebrew post I'm going to write on this, I'll also link to a call for volunteers to show up for the rally that was put out by Yaya Fink. Fink serves as chief of staff for Labor party former head and #3 on its Knesset list Shelli Yachimovich. This on the surface appears to be direct cooperation between "The Zionist Camp," (Labor?Hatenuah) and V15.
But back to the clip and why it is more telling for Americans than Israelis. Note the speaker says nothing other than "Hope and Change." Count the number of times he uses those terms in a 3 minute clip. When I first saw the clip this afternoon I thought it was a parody. But it's serious. Add to this the fact that Jeremy Bird, Obama's field campaign manager is running this campaign and you have the whole picture more or less of what is going on here.
Urrrk, råkade halka in på
http://www.dn.se/nyheter/politik/wallstrom-hoppas-pa-forstaelse-i-usa/ där fruntimret låter precis som Abbas, och drömmer om att kunna döda fler judar genom att Sverige kommer in i Säkerhetsrådet och konstant håller med terrorister.
Hade Israels leftisar som Barak, fått hållas lite längre hade ISIS varit på Israels gräns, se

Du hittar allt fler artiklar hur Obama skyfflar ut amerikanska skattebetalares pengar på sitt Netanyhu-hat.
Obama arbetar stenhårt på att Ryssland ska ta över USA:s tidigare vänner i Mellanöstern, som Egypten och Saudierna. Israel nästa? Det såta paret Obama och Iran vankar vidare tills det tar emot.
Iran har just uttalat sin önskan att Netanyahus barn ska mördas - tips från Obama?
Iran is encouraging its terror allies to pursue the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s children by publishing personal information about them, including photographs of the kids lined up in crosshairs, and declaring, “We must await the hunt of Hezbollah.”
The publication of the personal information and biographies of Netanyahu’s children follows an Israeli airstrike last week that killed several key Hezbollah leaders and an Iranian commander affiliated with the country’s hardline Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
Iranian military leaders affiliated with the IRGC threatened in recent days harsh retaliation for the strike and promised to ramp up support for Hezbollah as well as Palestinian terrorist organizations.
The information was originally published in Farsi by an Iranian website affiliated with the IRGC and quickly republished by Iran’s state-controlled Fars News Agency.
In addition to biographical details and pictures of Netanyahu’s children, the Iranians provided details about the families of former Prime Ministers Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon.
Click for more from the Washington Free Beacon.
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