Hur långt når Irans vapen? EU har inte sett denna kartan, från länk.
EU vill inte ha in det i kärnvapendiskussionerna, vill Obama seriöst? När han började sitt jobb lovade han ta hand om Iranproblemet men inte hur han skulle göra. Frågan är när Netanyahus sista röda linje passeras för att förhindra nästa Förintelse, som EU jobbar på från sitt håll.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said his country is now the fourth missile power in the world and is working on plans to develop radar-evading missiles.
"Iran ranks fourth among the world missile powers after the US, Russia and China," General Dehqan said on Saturday.

Hossein Dehqan
He said Iran has increased the range of its missiles in reaction to enemy's possible threats, but it is now "trying to increase the precision of our missiles and their endurance, and (also) make them radar-evading".
General Dehqan further pointed to the ongoing Iran-Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, France and Britain plus Germany) talks and the US efforts to include Iran's missile program in the negotiations with the powers, and said, "We are merely negotiating with the G5+1 over the nuclear issue and nothing other than the nuclear issue is and will be on the agenda."
The Iranian defense minister reiterated that the missile program is related to Iran's defense capability and any relevant decision about it can and is only made by Iran.
"We have basically not accepted the inclusion of our missile program in the nuclear talks at any time…," General Dehqan added.
On Thursday, Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami underlined that Iran's missile power is a major deterrent to enemies' military attacks.
"We can target and hit the enemy's aircraft-carriers with our supersonic missiles," General Salami said in Kurdistan province, Western Iran.
Earlier this month, General Salami said Iran's missile power prevents practice of military attacks by the enemies, specially the US.
He pointed to Iran's military prowess, and said, "Today the Islamic Republic of Iran’s missile power is among the first ten world powers and this capability has been achieved without seeking the major world powers’ assistance."
The Iranian officials have always stressed that the country's military and arms programs serve defensive purposes and should not be perceived as a threat to any other country.
In June, Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced that the country's experts at the IRGC Aerospace research center have increased the precision capability of the 'Persian Gulf' supersonic ballistic missile to 8.5 meters.
"When in its second test the Persian Gulf missile hit a moving vessel with 30m precision, we felt to have made a great success," Hajizadeh said.
"When we explained the achievement to the Supreme Leader, His Excellency voiced pleasure in the increased precision of the missile, but demanded us to increase its precision capability to less than 10-15 meters," he added.
"Less than 6 months later, our experts improved the precision capability of this missile to less than 8.5m," Gen. Hajizadeh continued.
"And when the Persian Gulf missile came into operation in the IRGC Navy, the countdown started for the trans-regional countries to end the mission of their warships," the IRGC Aerospace commander stressed.
The supersonic projectile, which carries a 650-kilogram payload, is smart and immune to interception, and features high-precision systems.
The Persian Gulf supersonic ballistic missile is the most advanced and most important missile of the IRGC Navy.
The distinctive feature of the missile lies in its supersonic speed and trajectory. While other missiles mostly traverse at subsonic speeds and in cruise style, the Persian Gulf moves vertically after launch, traverses at supersonic speeds, finds the target through a smart program, locks on the target and hit it.
The range of the solid-fuel missile is 300km and it can be fired from triple launchers.
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