ZOA: Obamas vägran att visa sej i Paris är ingen överraskning
Obamas rekord visar att "säkerhetsöverväganden" inte var hans enda anledning till att inte synas vid demonstrationen mot terrorism, säger ZOA.
Av Hillel Fendel
Först Publicerat 2015/01/13, 03:46
Den sionistiska organisationen i Amerika (ZOA) har utfärdat ett starkt uttalande inte bara kritiskt mot president Barack Obama efter det att han saknades under det massiva anti-islamisk terrorismrallyt i Frankrike, men visar också varför hans no-show var praktiskt taget en självklarhet.
I rallyt, som hölls i Paris på söndagen, deltog ett tiotal nationella ledare, medan USA var bara representerades av sin ambassadör till Frankrike. Genom att inte dyka upp på "den viktigaste internationella protesten i historien mot det växande gisslet islamisk terrorism", anklagar ZOA "Pres. Obama har förödmjukat och generat alla amerikaner framför hela världen, samtidigt som han skickar fel signaler till islamiska mördare ".
ZOA listar flera anledningar till varför Obamas brist på delaktighet inte är förvånande. Listan ger en viktig bild av Obama-administrationen i allmänhet, nästan två år på veckan när innan Obama lämnar sin fåtölj.
Toppande listan över orsakerna är att "Pres. Obama har vägrat under hela hans ordförandeskap att ens använda termen islamisk terrorism. Istället använder han termer som "våldsam extremism" eller "våld på arbetsplatsen". Genom att vägra att namnge fienden i krig med väst, gör han det svårare att fokusera på åtgärder som behöver vidtas."
Däremot, Frankrike, England och andra länder har offentligt förklarat att västvärlden är i krig med radikala jihadmuslimer.
Dessutom bjöd Obama Muslimska brödraskapet, en ledande förespråkare för terrorism, tydligt när han gav sitt första stora tal om muslimer och Mellanöstern i Kairo - även om Egyptens president Mubarak bad honom att inte göra det. Sedan dess framhåller ZOA, har Muslimska brödraskapets medlemmar deltagit i möten i Vita Huset och med medlemmar av det nationella säkerhetsrådet.
Obamas brist på närvaro vid rallyt mot islamisk terrorism kan också förklaras av dessa två fakta: Han har släppt flera islamiska terrorister från Guantanamofängelset trots att de officiellt betecknas som "hög risk" för framtida terroristattacker, och han kallade 2009 års slakt av 13 amerikanska soldater på Ft. Hood av en självutnämnd "soldat av Allah" en incident av "våld på arbetsplatsen." [Och han släppte ledaren för ISIS från fängelse och gav dem flera år att växa till sig i Syrien]
Beträffande Israel-PA:s diplomatiska process, har Obama talat om de "berättigade kraven" från Hizbollah och Hamas. [Han har även haft hemliga sammanträffanden med Hizbollah] Han är på rekord som att säga att "alla vet att" till skillnad från israelerna, är PA- chefen Mahmoud Abbas "uppriktig om fred."
ZOA: Obama's Paris No-Show is No Surprise
Obama's record shows that "security considerations" were not his only reason for not appearing at the rally against terrorism, ZOA says.
First Publish: 1/13/2015, 3:46 AM

Barack Obama
The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has issued a strong statement not only criticizing President Barack Obama for missing the massive anti-Islamic terrorism rally in France, but also showing why his no-show was practically a foregone conclusion.
The rally, held in Paris on Sunday, was attended by dozens of national leaders, while the U.S. was represented only by its ambassador to France. By not showing up at "the most important international protest in history against the expanding scourge of Islamic terrorism," the ZOA accuses, "Pres. Obama has humiliated and embarrassed all Americans in front of the whole world, while sending the wrong message to Islamic murderers."
The ZOA lists several reasons why Obama's lack of participation is not surprising. The list provides an important view of the Obama Administration in general, practically two years to the week before Obama leaves office.
Topping the list of reasons is that "Pres. Obama has refused during his entire presidency to even use the term Islamic terrorism. Instead he uses terms such as 'violent extremism' or 'workplace violence'. By refusing to name the enemy at war with the West, it makes it more difficult to focus on actions that need to be taken."
By contrast, France, England and other countries have publicly stated that the West is at war with radical Jihadist Muslims.
Furthermore, Obama invited the Muslim Brotherhood, a leading terroristproponent, to prominently attend his first major speech on Muslims and the Middle East in Cairo – even though Egyptian President Mubarak begged him not to do so. Since then, the ZOA avers, Muslim Brotherhood members have attended meetings at the White House and with members of the National Security Council.
Obama's lack of attendance at the rally against Islamic terrorism can also be explained by these two facts: He has released numerous Islamic terrorists from the Guantanamo prison even though they were officially designated as "high risk" for future terrorist attacks, and he called the 2009 slaughter of 13 U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by a self-proclaimed "soldier of Allah" an incident of "workplace violence."
Regarding the Israel-PA diplomatic process, Obama has spoken of the "legitimate claims" of Hezbollah and Hamas. He is on record as saying that "everyone knows that," unlike Israelis, PA chief Mahmoud Abbas is "sincere about peace."
The rally, held in Paris on Sunday, was attended by dozens of national leaders, while the U.S. was represented only by its ambassador to France. By not showing up at "the most important international protest in history against the expanding scourge of Islamic terrorism," the ZOA accuses, "Pres. Obama has humiliated and embarrassed all Americans in front of the whole world, while sending the wrong message to Islamic murderers."
The ZOA lists several reasons why Obama's lack of participation is not surprising. The list provides an important view of the Obama Administration in general, practically two years to the week before Obama leaves office.
Topping the list of reasons is that "Pres. Obama has refused during his entire presidency to even use the term Islamic terrorism. Instead he uses terms such as 'violent extremism' or 'workplace violence'. By refusing to name the enemy at war with the West, it makes it more difficult to focus on actions that need to be taken."
By contrast, France, England and other countries have publicly stated that the West is at war with radical Jihadist Muslims.
Furthermore, Obama invited the Muslim Brotherhood, a leading terroristproponent, to prominently attend his first major speech on Muslims and the Middle East in Cairo – even though Egyptian President Mubarak begged him not to do so. Since then, the ZOA avers, Muslim Brotherhood members have attended meetings at the White House and with members of the National Security Council.
Obama's lack of attendance at the rally against Islamic terrorism can also be explained by these two facts: He has released numerous Islamic terrorists from the Guantanamo prison even though they were officially designated as "high risk" for future terrorist attacks, and he called the 2009 slaughter of 13 U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by a self-proclaimed "soldier of Allah" an incident of "workplace violence."
Regarding the Israel-PA diplomatic process, Obama has spoken of the "legitimate claims" of Hezbollah and Hamas. He is on record as saying that "everyone knows that," unlike Israelis, PA chief Mahmoud Abbas is "sincere about peace."
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