Visa större karta
Detta gör det klart svårare för Israel att bevaka flödet av vapen från Syrien och Iran till Hizbollah, vilket Libanesiska armén och UNIFIL vägrar att göra, trots att det av LIvnis framvaskade Säkerhetsrådets §1701 sa att de skulle göra det. Några bitar av resolutionen:
- so that there will be no weapons without the consent of the Government of Lebanon and no authority other than that of the Government of Lebanon;
- there will be no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than that of the Lebanese State;
- no sales or supply of arms and related materiel to Lebanon except as authorized by its Government;
- Requests the Secretary-General to develop, ... including disarmament,
- Requests the Secretary-General urgently to put in place measures to ensure UNIFIL is able to carry out the functions
- Calls upon the Government of Lebanon to secure its borders and other entry points to prevent the entry in Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel and requests UNIFIL as authorized in paragraph 11 to assist the Government of Lebanon at its request;
- all States shall take the necessary measures to prevent, ... The sale or supply to any entity or individual in Lebanon of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned,
- Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Council within one week on the implementation of this resolution and subsequently on a regular basis;
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Assad Kerry dine together |
John Kerry: Assad’s Man in Washington
Kerry har fått det icke avundsvärda jobbet att börja där Obama började för 4 år sen utan att ha lärt sig ett dyft sedan dess.Debka skriver (engelska originalet följer):
Syrisk-Hizbollah tillfångatagande av Qusayr öppnar direkt vapenväg till Lebanon
DEBKAfile särskilda rapport 19 maj 2013, 10:08 (IDT)Strax efter premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu lovade söndag, 19 maj, att upprätthålla Israels operationer i Syrien mot floden av avancerade iranska vapen till det libanesiska Hizbollah, stormade syriska trupper och deras Hizbollahkamrater, Al-Qasayr, den nordvästra staden som kontrollerar den övre vägen från syriska Homs till Libanons Hermel Mountains.
Detta var en stor seger för: iranska vapen till Hizbollah kan nu gå igenom från Syrien till destinationen obehindrat.
I mer än två år av kamp mot Assads regim, var detta en av rebellernas mest förödande förluster efter tre veckor av hårda strider och den sista av en hel rad av den senaste tidens motgångar.
Bashar Assad däremot har fått enorma fördelar från hans al Qusayr-seger:
- Det klipper av de syriska rebellernas huvudsakliga försörjning och kommunikationsväg via Libanon genom vilka deras arabiska uppbackare Saudiarabien, Qatar, Förenade arabemiraten har skickat dem kämpar, vapen och fonder.
- Rebellpositionerna i den närbelägna staden Homs blir alltmer utsatta, eftersom den syriska armén återfår kontrollen över den viktigaste väglänken mellan Damaskus, Homs och Aleppo. Qusayr länkar också Damaskus med Medelhavets kust, där alawiter och andra lojalister till regimen är koncentrerade.
- Efter rebellerna drevs ut av Al-Qasayr, återstår Turkiet som deras enda tillgängliga källa för leveranser. Dock har Turkiets premiärminister Tayyip Erdogan gjort en plötslig helomvändning. Han hade lovat offentligt att lobba för flygförbudszonerna i sitt möte med president Barack Obama i Vita Huset hela dagen fredagen den 17 maj för att skydda rebellstyrkor i olika delar av landet från syriska flyganfall. I stället kastade Edrogan fram hans stöd för den internationella konferensen som sponsras av Washington och Moskva för att lösa den syriska konflikten.
Det är uppenbart för dem att konferensen endast kan lyckas om Washington kommer över till den rysk-iranska-Hizbollah-sidan och samtycker till att permanenta Assadpartiets roll i en framtida regering.
Ännu har ingen av de tävlande gått med på att delta i konferensen och inget datum har fastställts. Men turkiskt stöd och vapenleveranser genom dess territorium väntas krympa successivt för att pressa rebellerna till att acceptera en formel som skulle vara liktydigt med att buga inför nederlag för deras uppror.
4. För Israel innebär al Qusayrs fall att medan rebellernas tillförselrutter stängs, öppnas tillförselrutter upp för den fria rörligheten för iranska vapen från Syrien direkt till Hizbollahfästen i Libanon. Detta skulle vara Hizbollahs belöning för sitt militära stöd till Assads armé.
Om premiärminister Netanyahu menade allvar med sitt löfte i söndags att skära av Hizbollahs vapenrutter från Syrien, har han tre huvudsakliga alternativ att välja mellan - inget av dem lätt, minst sagt.
a) Militärt ingripande i al Qusayr innan den syriska armén och Hizbollah har bekräftat sitt övertagande av denna strategiska sidostad. Detta skulle kasta Israel in i fullt utvecklat krig med Syrien och Hizbollah, och är därför en minst sagt olämplig åtgärd.
b) Beskjutningen av konvojer som transporterar vapen från Syrien till Libanon.
Detta kommer inte att göra mycket gott. Efter att ha lärt sig läxan från de tre israeliska flyganfallen mot vapen i konvojer och depåer i år överför Syrien nu hårdvaran i form av komponenter och delar ut dem bland smugglingsringar som flyttar dem i skydd av mörkret i Libanon.
c) Angrepp på destinationen för dessa vapen - Hizbollahs depåer i Hermel - efter sin leverans. Detta skulle nästan säkert utlösa krigsåtgärder från Hizbollah mot Israel.
Syrian-Hizballah’s capture of Qusayr opens direct weapons route to Lebanon
DEBKAfile Special Report May 19, 2013, 10:08 PM (IDT)

Syrian forces seize al-Qusayr
Shortly after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pledged Sunday, May 19, to maintain Israeli operations in Syria against the passage of advanced Iranian weapons to the Lebanese Hizballah, Syrian troops and their Hizballah comrades stormed Al-Qasayr, the northwestern town which commands the high road from Syrian Homs to Lebanon’s Hermel Mountains.
This was a major victory: Iranian arms for Hizballah can now go through from Syria to destination unobstructed.
In more than two years of battling the Assad regime, this was one of the rebels’ most devastating losses after three weeks of bitter fighting and the last of a whole row of recent setbacks.
Bashar Assad in contrast has gained huge advantages from his al Qusayr victory, as DEBKAfile’s military sources report:
1. It cuts off the Syrian rebels’ main supply and communications route via Lebanon through which their Arab backers Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE to send them fighters, arms and funds.
2. Rebel positions in the nearby town of Homs become increasingly vulnerable, as the Syrian army regains control of the main highway links between Damascus, Homs and Aleppo. Qusayr also links Damascus with the Mediterranean coast, where Alawites and other regime loyalists are concentrated.
3. After the rebels were pushed out of Al-Qasayr, Turkey remains their only accessible source of supplies.
However, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has made a sudden U-turn. He had promised publicly to lobby for no-fly zones in his meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House Friday, May 17, to shield rebel forces in different parts of the country from Syrian air strikes. Instead, Edrogan threw his support between the international conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow for resolving the Syrian conflict.
This told the rebels that the supportive Turkish channel was closing down.
It is obvious to them that the conference can only succeed if Washington comes over to the Russian-Iranian-Hizballah side and agrees to the perpetuation of the Assad party’s role in any future government.
As yet, neither of the contestants has agreed to attend the conference for which no date has been set. However, Turkish backing and arms supplies through its territory are expected to shrink progressively to squeeze the rebels into accepting a formula which would be tantamount to bowing to the defeat of their uprising.
4. For Israel, the fall of al Qusayr means that while rebel supply routes are shut down, supply routes open up for the free movement of Iranian weapons from Syria straight to HIzballah strongholds in Lebanon. This would be Hizballah’s reward for its military aid to Assad’s army.
If Prime Minister Netanyahu was serious about his promise Sunday to cut off Hizballah’s weapon routes from Syria, he has three primary options to choose from – none of them easy, to say the least.
a) Military intervention in al Qusayr before the Syrian army and Hizballah clinch their takeover of this strategic byway town. This would catapult Israel into full-blown war with Syria and Hizballah and is therefore a non-starter.
b) Bombardment of the convoys carrying arms from Syria to Lebanon.
This won’t do much good. Having learned its lesson from the three Israeli air strikes against arms convoys and depots this year, Syria has now transferred the hardware disassembled into component parts and passed them out among smuggling rings ato move them under cover of dark into Lebanon.
c) Attacks on the destination of those weapons – Hizballah depots in the Hermel – after their delivery. This would almost certainly trigger Hizballah war action against Israel.
This was a major victory: Iranian arms for Hizballah can now go through from Syria to destination unobstructed.
In more than two years of battling the Assad regime, this was one of the rebels’ most devastating losses after three weeks of bitter fighting and the last of a whole row of recent setbacks.
Bashar Assad in contrast has gained huge advantages from his al Qusayr victory, as DEBKAfile’s military sources report:
1. It cuts off the Syrian rebels’ main supply and communications route via Lebanon through which their Arab backers Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE to send them fighters, arms and funds.
2. Rebel positions in the nearby town of Homs become increasingly vulnerable, as the Syrian army regains control of the main highway links between Damascus, Homs and Aleppo. Qusayr also links Damascus with the Mediterranean coast, where Alawites and other regime loyalists are concentrated.
3. After the rebels were pushed out of Al-Qasayr, Turkey remains their only accessible source of supplies.
However, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has made a sudden U-turn. He had promised publicly to lobby for no-fly zones in his meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House Friday, May 17, to shield rebel forces in different parts of the country from Syrian air strikes. Instead, Edrogan threw his support between the international conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow for resolving the Syrian conflict.
This told the rebels that the supportive Turkish channel was closing down.
It is obvious to them that the conference can only succeed if Washington comes over to the Russian-Iranian-Hizballah side and agrees to the perpetuation of the Assad party’s role in any future government.
As yet, neither of the contestants has agreed to attend the conference for which no date has been set. However, Turkish backing and arms supplies through its territory are expected to shrink progressively to squeeze the rebels into accepting a formula which would be tantamount to bowing to the defeat of their uprising.
4. For Israel, the fall of al Qusayr means that while rebel supply routes are shut down, supply routes open up for the free movement of Iranian weapons from Syria straight to HIzballah strongholds in Lebanon. This would be Hizballah’s reward for its military aid to Assad’s army.
If Prime Minister Netanyahu was serious about his promise Sunday to cut off Hizballah’s weapon routes from Syria, he has three primary options to choose from – none of them easy, to say the least.
a) Military intervention in al Qusayr before the Syrian army and Hizballah clinch their takeover of this strategic byway town. This would catapult Israel into full-blown war with Syria and Hizballah and is therefore a non-starter.
b) Bombardment of the convoys carrying arms from Syria to Lebanon.
This won’t do much good. Having learned its lesson from the three Israeli air strikes against arms convoys and depots this year, Syria has now transferred the hardware disassembled into component parts and passed them out among smuggling rings ato move them under cover of dark into Lebanon.
c) Attacks on the destination of those weapons – Hizballah depots in the Hermel – after their delivery. This would almost certainly trigger Hizballah war action against Israel.
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