måndag 21 april 2008

Carter misslyckades. Andra nyheter.

En av de viktiga punkterna Carter kunde ha hjälpt till med, att få fri de tre kidnappade israelerna som det talas mycket om, misslyckades. Eller rättare sagt, han har inte lyckats med någonting. Du kan se Carters avslutande dösnack i Jerusalem här. Varken Hamas eller Hizbollah har tillåtit Röda Korset att besöka dessa i brott mot Genevekonventionen - inte för att våra vanligaste människorättsorganisationer klagar. Vad tycker Gazanerna? En just genomförd gallupundersökning gav resultatet: * Mer än 65% supportar fortsatta självmordsbombningar mot Israel * 69% tror inte på fred med Israel * Hälften tror på Hamasledaren Haniyeh, även om * 81% anser sig ha fått det ekonomiskt sämre under Hamas. Samtidigt fortsätter Israel att varva hundratals lastbilar med förnödenheter med attacker från terroristerna mot den hand som föder dem, och de som betalar den mesta maten, FN etc., gör inga försök att transportera den via Egypten i stället, av någon förunderlig anledning. I artikeln beskrivs detta varvandet såhär: Meanwhile, Israel is allowing the transfer of hundreds of truckloads of food and supplies per week into Gaza via the crossings that have been attacked five times in the last tens days alone.

A source in the Israel-Gaza Coordination office explained that the UN and the World Food Program donate most of the food supplies Israel lets through.. The equipment is largely ordered from Israeli factories and paid for by Gazan Arab wholesalers. "Israel sees an interest in keeping the local Gazan economy alive," said the source, "despite the constant attacks on Israel."

The last two weeks of supplies to Gaza Arabs are documented below, with the terror attacks on those transfer points interspersed chronologically:

  • Friday, April 18, 48 truckloads of supplies including meat, fish, medical equipment, wheelchairs, baby bottles, etc were allowed to pass through the the Kerem Shalom crossing.

Less than 24 hours later, on Saturday, April 19, Gazan Arabs bombed that crossing site, using two vehicles filled with explosives. The potential mass-murder and kidnapping attempt wounded 13 IDF soldiers. A third car bomb in the attack did not explode. A fourth car bomb was detonated by IDF forces at a different location before it reached its target.

Two of the cars used in the attack were made to appear to be IDF vehicles; the third car was an armored vehicle. The IDF spokesman is investigating whether the armored vehicle was one of the many Israel authorized to be transferred to Gaza.

  • Thursday, April 17, the IDF allowed 44 truckloads of goods in to Gaza via the Nachal Oz and Kerem Shalom crossings. On the same day, an Arab sniper opened fire at IDF forces at the Nachal Oz crossing, and the IDF thwarted a terrorist infiltration attempt at the Kerem Shalom crossing.
  • Wednesday, April 16, the IDF sent 194 trucks of supplies to Gaza via the Sufa, Kerem Shalom, and Karni crossings. On the same day, 3 IDF soldiers were killed by Gaza terrorists near the partition fence.
  • Tuesday, April 15, the IDF transfered 189 truckloads of supplies to Gaza, including medical and electric equipment, diapers, basic food products, soap, and meat. The supplies came through the Karni, Kerem Shalom and Sufa crossings.
  • Monday, April 14, the IDF transferred 107 truckloads of staples to Gaza including medical and electric equipment, sewage pumps, and basic food supplies via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.
  • Sunday, April 13, the IDF transferred 121 truckloads of supplies to Gazan Arabs including rice, sugar, oil, fruit, and dairy products via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.
  • Thursday, April 10, the IDF announced that 4 million liters of gasoline were being transferred to Gaza every week via the Nachal Oz crossing.

That same day, 130 truckloads of supplies were sent to Gaza.

  • Wednesday, April 9, the IDF transferred 183 truckloads of medical equipment, baby food, and basic food supplies via the Sufa, Kerem Shalom and Karni crossings. That same day, Gaza terrorists killed two Israeli civilians and wounded two others at the Nachal Oz crossing. Those four were workers at the terminal who actively helped transfer fuel and free supplies into Gaza. Still on that same Wednesday, Islamic terrorists killed an IDF soldier in southern Gaza and wounded two others.
  • Tuesday, April 8, the IDF transferred 127 truckloads of medical equipment, diapers, and basic food products into Gaza via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings. . That same day, the IDF discovered a 3-1/2 meter deep tunnel shaft in a house close to the partition fence in northern Gaza which was being dug for a terrorist infiltration.
  • Monday, April 7, the IDF transferred 128 truckloads of medicine, medical equipment, vitamins, meat, and tea via the Sufa and Kerem Shalom crossings.
  • Sunday, April 6, the IDF transferred 97 truckloads of medicine, spices, hygiene and cleaning products via the Sufa, Kerem Shalom, and Karni crossings. That was just two days after Gazan Arabs opened fire at a group of civilians near Kibbutz Nir Am, moderately wounding one.

Och västerländska media och politiska grupper och NGO:s, med Sverige i framskjuten ställning, fortsätter att gnälla och klaga på Israel för att de matar Gazanerna och ger dem medicin. Snart vill de väl att de ska torka dom i häcken också.

Israels armé vet hur de ska klara av problemet Gaza, men regeringen Olmert stoppar dem. Som vi vet har Hamas avlossat storleksordningen 4000 dödande raketer mot södra Israel sedan alla judar lämnade Gaza - armén sade idag:

Military sources in the field told Arutz-7 that soldiers and officers are becoming increasingly frustrated with their inability to "hit back at the enemy" in response to mortar and rocket fire on Jewish communities in the western Negev. "We are becoming sitting ducks," complained one IDF officer who spoke on condition of anonymity. "It's not right. We certainly have the military capability to deal with this."

The source added that the military leadership was "not the issue."

D.v.s. det är dagens regering Olmert som är ointresserade av att stoppa anfallen mot södra Israel. Läs en intervju med Israels nästa premiärminister Netanyahu.


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