Kommer Putin och Assad göra verklighet av hot om repressalier
DEBKAfile särskild rapport 13 jul 2013, 9:00 (IDT)
Originalet på engelska följer, inkl. bild.
[Obamaadministrationen har ett oändligt antal gånger avslöjat israeliska militära hemligheter enbart för att utsätta israelerna för livsfara


Amerikanska tjänstemän anklagade inför världen tidigt på lördagen 13 juli att det var Israel som var ansvarigt för anfallet juli 5 mot den stora vapendepån vid den syriska flottbasen i den Alawitiska hamnstaden Latakia, liksom de blabbrade om tidigare anvall mot syriska förråd av ryska vapen till Hizb'allah. För att undanröja motstridiga rapporter, hävdade tre amerikanska tjänstemän att Israel hade utfört flyganfallet för att eliminera de avancerade rysktillverkade Yakhont sjömålsrobotarna lagrade där.
DEBKAfiles militära källor rapporterar att tre strategiska arsenaler var målen: En bestod av vapen so mest hade levererats av ryska lufttransporter under de senaste två månaderna för Syrisen-Hizbollah offensiven för att återta Aleppo. En andra innehöll Yakhont sjömålsrobotar (Natos kodnamn SS-N-26) plus deras radarsystem, och den tredje, den syriska arméns strategiska reserv av missiler och ammunition, lagras där för en nödsituation, till exempel en möjlig reträtt av den syriska armén till Alawiteregionen - eller till och med Libanon.
Det är viktigt att notera att, trots att Moskva var fullt medveten om att de avancerade ryska vapnen som levereras till Syrien sattes i händerna på den libanesiska Hizbollah, har sändningarna inte bara begränsats utan vidgats. Moskva beväpnar alltså direkt Hizbollah med avancerade vapen.
Under attacken registrerade varken syrisk radar eller att de ryska krigsfartygen som kryssar utanför Syriens kust några flygplan eller missiler inriktade mot Latakiadepån.
De kunde därför inte positivt identifiera källan till explosionerna. Syrierna är helt förvirrade och undrar vad som hände, se Mellanösternidag.
Israel och IDF var tysta - hoppades att frågorna inte skulle få några svar, till skillnad från sina flygangrepp den 5 maj som förstörde iranska vapenleveranser till Hizbollah lagrade i Damaskus området, när amerikanska källor skyndade hötta sitt finger Israel. Den här gången också, efter några dagars paus, bröt Washington igen historien och förtroendet.
Detta steg sammanföll med USA:s president Barack Obamas tidiga lördagssamtal till Saudiarabiens kung Abdullah att diskutera den syriska krisen. De kan ha diskuterat en möjlig rysk eller syrisk repressalie för israeliskt flyganfall. Talar Obongon om att "det är allt Israels skuld" så blir det svårare fär Assad att inte tvingas attackera Israel, till Obongons stora glädje.
I sina grova, kärva möte vid Svarta havets turistort Sotji den 14 maj varnade premiärminister Binyamin Netanyahu president Vladimir Putin att om Ryssland skickar avancerade vapen till Syrien, såsom S-300 luftvärnsrobotar eller sofistikerade radarsystem för uppgradering av Yakhontmissiler, skulle Israel förstöra dem. Putin svarade att om Israels gjorde detta, skulle Moskva slå tillbaka.
Efter Israels flyganfall över Damaskus den 5 maj, sade Syriens president Bashar Assad upprepade gånger, liksom Hizbollah och iranska tjänstemän, att en annan israelisk attack mot Syrien skulle framkalla en omedelbar syrisk repressalie. [Vilket alltså Obongo försöker provocera fram.]
Temat löper genom de syriska och Hizbollah-varningarna med ett hot att öppna en ny krigsfront mot Israel från Golan.
Och så, två dagar efter att IDF detekterade Hizbollah-rörelser på Golan mittemot den israeliska gränsen, meddelade arméns talesman måndag 8 juli, om utplacering av extra israeliska styrkor i den delade enklaven.
Tisdag 9 jul, exploderade en bilbomb vid Hizbollahs kontorsbyggnad i Bir al-Abd kvarteret i södra Beirut. Ett dörr till en shiitisk moské och en teknisk skola träffades också. Minst 53 personer skadades.
Hizbollah har inte erkänt att den attackerade kontorsbyggnaden inrymde underrättelse- och kommunikationscentra för deras stridande verksamhet i Syrien. När ingen organisation tog ansvaret för attacken pekade Beirut och Teheran finger åt Israels underrättelsetjänst som den skyldige.
English Original
US to media: Israel struck Latakia arsenal last week. Will Putin and Assad make good on threats of reprisal?
DEBKAfile Special Report July 13, 2013, 9:00 AM (IDT)
US officials early Saturday, July 13 named Israel as responsible for the July 5 air strikes against the big arms depot at a Syrian naval base in the Alawite port city of Latakia. Dispelling conflicting reports, three US officials asserted that Israel had conducted the air strikes for demolishing the advanced Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles stored there.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that three strategic arsenals were targeted: One consisted of weapons mostly delivered by Russian air freights in the last two months for the Syrian-Hizballah offensive to recapture Aleppo. A second contained the supersonic Yakhont anti-ship missiles (NATO codenamed SS-N-26) plus their radar systems; and the third, the Syrian army’s strategic reserve of missiles and ammunition, stored there for an emergency, such a possible forced Syrian army retreat to the Alawite region - or even Lebanon.
It is important to note that, although Moscow was perfectly aware that the advanced Russian weapons supplied to Syria were put in the hands of the Lebanese Hizballah, the consignments were not only not suspended but expanded. Moscow is therefore directly arming HIzballah with advanced weapons.
During the attack, neither Syrian radar nor that of the Russian warships cruising off the Syria coast registered any aircraft or missiles heading for the Latakia depot.
They were therefore unable to positively identify the source of the explosions.
Israel and the IDF held their silence – hoping that matters would stay that way, unlike their air strike of May 5 which destroyed Iranian arms shipments for Hizballah stored in the Damascus area, when American sources made haste to finger Israel. This time, too, after a few days’ pause, Washington again broke the story.
This step coincided with US President Barack Obama’s early Saturday phone call to Saudi King Abdullah to discuss the Syrian crisis. They may have discussed a potential Russian or Syrian reprisal for the Israeli air strike.
In their rough, acerbic encounter at the Black Sea resort of Sochi on May 14, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned President Vladimir Putin that if Russia sends advanced weaponry to Syria, such as S-300 anti-aircraft missiles or sophisticated radar for upgrading the Yakhont missiles, Israel would destroy them. Putin retorted that if Israel did this, Moscow would hit back.
After Israel’s air strikes over Damascus of May 5, Syrian President Bashar Assad said repeatedly, as did Hizballah and Iranian officials, that another Israeli attack on Syria would elicit an immediate Syrian reprisal.
The theme running through the Syrian and Hizballah warnings was a threat to open a new warfront against Israel from the Golan.
And so, two days after the IDF detected Hizballah movements on the Golan opposite the Israeli border, the army spokesman Monday, July 8, announced the deployment of extra Israeli forces in the divided enclave.
Tuesday, July 9, a car bomb blew up at Hizballah’s office building in the Bir al-Abd quarter of South Beirut. A next-door Shiite mosque and a technical school were also hit. At least 53 people were injured.
Hizballah did not admit that the targeted office building housed the intelligence and communications centers for its combat operations in Syria. When no organization took responsibility for the attack, Beirut and Tehran pointed the finger at Israeli intelligence as the culprit.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that three strategic arsenals were targeted: One consisted of weapons mostly delivered by Russian air freights in the last two months for the Syrian-Hizballah offensive to recapture Aleppo. A second contained the supersonic Yakhont anti-ship missiles (NATO codenamed SS-N-26) plus their radar systems; and the third, the Syrian army’s strategic reserve of missiles and ammunition, stored there for an emergency, such a possible forced Syrian army retreat to the Alawite region - or even Lebanon.
It is important to note that, although Moscow was perfectly aware that the advanced Russian weapons supplied to Syria were put in the hands of the Lebanese Hizballah, the consignments were not only not suspended but expanded. Moscow is therefore directly arming HIzballah with advanced weapons.
During the attack, neither Syrian radar nor that of the Russian warships cruising off the Syria coast registered any aircraft or missiles heading for the Latakia depot.
They were therefore unable to positively identify the source of the explosions.
Israel and the IDF held their silence – hoping that matters would stay that way, unlike their air strike of May 5 which destroyed Iranian arms shipments for Hizballah stored in the Damascus area, when American sources made haste to finger Israel. This time, too, after a few days’ pause, Washington again broke the story.
This step coincided with US President Barack Obama’s early Saturday phone call to Saudi King Abdullah to discuss the Syrian crisis. They may have discussed a potential Russian or Syrian reprisal for the Israeli air strike.
In their rough, acerbic encounter at the Black Sea resort of Sochi on May 14, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned President Vladimir Putin that if Russia sends advanced weaponry to Syria, such as S-300 anti-aircraft missiles or sophisticated radar for upgrading the Yakhont missiles, Israel would destroy them. Putin retorted that if Israel did this, Moscow would hit back.
After Israel’s air strikes over Damascus of May 5, Syrian President Bashar Assad said repeatedly, as did Hizballah and Iranian officials, that another Israeli attack on Syria would elicit an immediate Syrian reprisal.
The theme running through the Syrian and Hizballah warnings was a threat to open a new warfront against Israel from the Golan.
And so, two days after the IDF detected Hizballah movements on the Golan opposite the Israeli border, the army spokesman Monday, July 8, announced the deployment of extra Israeli forces in the divided enclave.
Tuesday, July 9, a car bomb blew up at Hizballah’s office building in the Bir al-Abd quarter of South Beirut. A next-door Shiite mosque and a technical school were also hit. At least 53 people were injured.
Hizballah did not admit that the targeted office building housed the intelligence and communications centers for its combat operations in Syria. When no organization took responsibility for the attack, Beirut and Tehran pointed the finger at Israeli intelligence as the culprit.
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