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Största lasten av byggmaterial sedan Hamas krig släpptes in under Qatars finansiering, trots bevismaterial att det används för att bygga terrortunnlar.
Först Publicerat: 2015/03/19, 19:39
Israeliska myndigheter tillät 1.000 ton cement betalas av Qatar att komma in i Hamas-enklaven Gaza på torsdagen, sade tjänstemän, i det första stora steget mot att återuppbygga territoriet som skadades i Hamas senaste terrorkrig mot Israel förra sommaren.
"Idag 1.000 ton cement betalas av Qatar in Gazaremsan för ett projekt som ingår i tillämpningsområdet för återuppbyggnaden mekanismen," Israels samordnande organ för regeringspolitiken på de territorier i Judéen, Samarien och Gaza (COGAT) sade i ett uttalande, rapporterar AFP.
"Det finns inga fasta kvantiteter (går in) på en daglig basis. De kvantiteter (levererade) är på begäran av den palestinska myndigheten, i enlighet med de behov som leverantörer som köper i Gaza," den sade.
Palestinska arabiska tjänstemän bekräftade införsel av cement, som de sade ingick 175 lastbilar som införts genom Kerem Shalom varor som passerar i södra Gaza.
Det var den största mängden av byggnadsmaterial för att komma in i Gaza på en gång, eftersom striderna slutade i augusti.
Inflödet av cement kommer trots det faktum att Hamas använde sådant humanitärt bistånd för att bygga ett omfattande nätverk av terroristattack tunnlar in i Israel, och att det har återuppbygga den med cement överförs till Gaza från Israel sedan kriget slutade.
Trots det tydliga bevis för att Hamas använder material för terroriständamål, avslöjade en palestinsk myndigheten (PA) officiella tidigare denna månad att Israel hade lyft en långvarig förbud mot import av produkter med dubbla användningsområden Portlandcement in i Gaza.
Flytten kom dagar efter dokument läckt, avslöjar samtalen mellan Hamas och Israel för en femårig vapenvila med Israel vilket skulle lätta på restriktionerna.
Qatar förra veckan lanserade ett projekt för att bygga 1.000 bostäder till hus Gazans fördrivna av Hamas senaste kriget, den tredje sedan ta kontroll över Gaza under 2007 efter 2005 års dragandet planen då Israel utvisade alla judar från regionen.
The Gulf staten i oktober förra året gjorde den största enskilda löfte att återuppbygga Gaza, lovande 1 miljard USD i totalt på 5,4 miljarder dollar i internationellt bistånd vid en konferens i Kairo. FN förra månaden smällde det internationella samfundet för att inte göra bra på sina löften om stöd, varnar en annan konflikt om inte Gaza rehabiliterades snabbt.
Israel kontrollerar varor och människor rörelse vid två av Gazas tre korsningar, medan Egypten kontrollerar den tredje.
Under Operation Skydds Edge förra sommaren IDF förstörde över 30 terror tunnlar som leder in i Israel, med kostar Hamas ungefär $ 3.000.000 för att bygga varje tunnel.
I varje Hamas terror tunnel, uppgav IDF att det fanns tillräckligt med byggmaterial för att bygga 86 bostäder; sju moskéer; sex skolor; eller nitton medicinska kliniker.
Israel Lets 1,000 Tons of Cement Into Gaza
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Largest load of building materials since Hamas's war let in under Qatar funding, despite evidence materials used to rebuild terror tunnels.
First Publish: 3/19/2015, 7:39 PM
Israeli authorities allowed 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar to enter the Hamas-enclave of Gaza on Thursday, officials said, in the first major step towards rebuilding the territory that was damaged in Hamas's latest terror war against Israel last summer.
"Today 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar entered the Gaza Strip for a project included in the scope of the reconstruction mechanism," Israel's coordinating body for government policy in the territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza (COGAT) said in a statement, reports AFP.
"There are no fixed quantities (going in) on a daily basis. The quantities (delivered) are at the request of the Palestinian Authority in accordance with the needs of suppliers who are purchasing in Gaza," it said.
Palestinian Arab officials confirmed the entry of cement, which they said included 175 trucks brought in through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing in southern Gaza.
It was the biggest quantity of building material to come into Gaza in one go since fighting ended in August.
The influx of cement comes despite the fact that Hamas used such humanitarian aid to build an extensive network of terrorist attack tunnels into Israel, and that it has been rebuilding it with cement transferred into Gaza by Israel since the war ended.
Despite the clear evidence that Hamas is using the materials for terrorist purposes, a Palestinian Authority (PA) official revealed earlier this month that Israel had lifted a longstanding ban on the import of dual-use Portland cement into Gaza.
The move came days after documents were leaked, revealing talks between Hamas and Israel for a five-year ceasefire by which Israel would ease restrictions.
Qatar last week launched a project to build 1,000 homes to house Gazans displaced by Hamas's latest war, its third since seizing control of Gaza in 2007 after the 2005 Disengagement plan during which Israel expelled all Jews from the region.
The Gulf state last October made the biggest single pledge to rebuild Gaza, promising $1 billion of a total of $5.4 billion in international aid at a conference in Cairo. The UN last month slammed the international community for failing to make good on its promises of aid, warning of another conflict unless Gaza was rehabilitated quickly.
Israel controls goods and people movement at two of Gaza's three crossings, while Egypt controls the third.
During Operation Protective Edge last summer the IDF destroyed over 30 terror tunnels leading into Israel, with each tunnel costing Hamas roughly $3 million to build.
In every Hamas terror tunnel, the IDF stated that there were enough building materials to build 86 homes; seven mosques; six schools; or nineteen medical clinics.
Largest load of building materials since Hamas's war let in under Qatar funding, despite evidence materials used to rebuild terror tunnels.
First Publish: 3/19/2015, 7:39 PM
Israeli authorities allowed 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar to enter the Hamas-enclave of Gaza on Thursday, officials said, in the first major step towards rebuilding the territory that was damaged in Hamas's latest terror war against Israel last summer.
"Today 1,000 tons of cement paid for by Qatar entered the Gaza Strip for a project included in the scope of the reconstruction mechanism," Israel's coordinating body for government policy in the territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza (COGAT) said in a statement, reports AFP.
"There are no fixed quantities (going in) on a daily basis. The quantities (delivered) are at the request of the Palestinian Authority in accordance with the needs of suppliers who are purchasing in Gaza," it said.
Palestinian Arab officials confirmed the entry of cement, which they said included 175 trucks brought in through the Kerem Shalom goods crossing in southern Gaza.
It was the biggest quantity of building material to come into Gaza in one go since fighting ended in August.
The influx of cement comes despite the fact that Hamas used such humanitarian aid to build an extensive network of terrorist attack tunnels into Israel, and that it has been rebuilding it with cement transferred into Gaza by Israel since the war ended.
Despite the clear evidence that Hamas is using the materials for terrorist purposes, a Palestinian Authority (PA) official revealed earlier this month that Israel had lifted a longstanding ban on the import of dual-use Portland cement into Gaza.
The move came days after documents were leaked, revealing talks between Hamas and Israel for a five-year ceasefire by which Israel would ease restrictions.
Qatar last week launched a project to build 1,000 homes to house Gazans displaced by Hamas's latest war, its third since seizing control of Gaza in 2007 after the 2005 Disengagement plan during which Israel expelled all Jews from the region.
The Gulf state last October made the biggest single pledge to rebuild Gaza, promising $1 billion of a total of $5.4 billion in international aid at a conference in Cairo. The UN last month slammed the international community for failing to make good on its promises of aid, warning of another conflict unless Gaza was rehabilitated quickly.
Israel controls goods and people movement at two of Gaza's three crossings, while Egypt controls the third.
During Operation Protective Edge last summer the IDF destroyed over 30 terror tunnels leading into Israel, with each tunnel costing Hamas roughly $3 million to build.
In every Hamas terror tunnel, the IDF stated that there were enough building materials to build 86 homes; seven mosques; six schools; or nineteen medical clinics.
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