(DEBKAlänk, kolla snabbt, de blir fort betallänkar.)
Sudan är nu också anslutet till Saudiarabien
för att få kål på det iranska ockupationen av Jemen.
Hm, kom att tänka på det, har jag nån gammal referens? En släkting till mig från Ulricehamn var med och byggde upp Jemens flygvapen för länge sedan. Jag hörde rykten som barn, han lär ha förolyckats när han och några sjuksköterskor skulle passera en flod där och en elegant grav sattes upp. Jag har aldrig varit där, enbart haft ett stormigt äktenskap med en judisk-jemenitisk tjej på 70-talet, de jemenitiska bröllopen i Israel är spektakulära med en konjaksflaska på varenda lilla bord......
De svenska media tycker inte Iran har något med Jemen att göra. Så varför transporterade Iran just 185 ton vapen och liknande till gerillan i Jemen??? Jag letade desperat efter nyheten i svenska media men hur mycket hittas där?
tisdag 31 mars 2015
Iran: elimination av Israel ingår inte i förhandlingarna.
Att Iran öppet hotar att eliminera "Little Satan" stör inte förhandlingarna från "Big Satan" ett dugg. Att Iran garanterat att de ska ta hand om det problemet senare gör ju inte Obonbon nåt - han är långt borta då.
Varken såna uttalanden från Iran spelar nån roll för Obonbon, eller deras vapenproduktion som inte ingår i förhandlingarna.
Så detta är vad ett dussin års förhandlingar med världens mäktigaste stater har givit - att Iran vann.
Even as talks over Iran's nuclear program proceed, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi issues vile statement.
As talks over Iran's nuclear weapons program neared their deadline Tuesday, the Commander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) Force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, was quoted as saying that “wiping Israel off the mapis not up for negotiation.”
In a basij conference in Iran, Naqdi also threatened Saudi Arabia and said that the counterattack it is waging in Yemen, against Iran-backed Houthis, “will end up like Saddam Hussein.”
The report was carried on Kol Yisrael radio.
Varken såna uttalanden från Iran spelar nån roll för Obonbon, eller deras vapenproduktion som inte ingår i förhandlingarna.
Så detta är vad ett dussin års förhandlingar med världens mäktigaste stater har givit - att Iran vann.
Iran's Basij Commander: Israel Must Be Wiped Off the Map
Even as talks over Iran's nuclear program proceed, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi issues vile statement.
As talks over Iran's nuclear weapons program neared their deadline Tuesday, the Commander of Iran’s Basij (volunteer) Force, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi, was quoted as saying that “wiping Israel off the mapis not up for negotiation.”
In a basij conference in Iran, Naqdi also threatened Saudi Arabia and said that the counterattack it is waging in Yemen, against Iran-backed Houthis, “will end up like Saddam Hussein.”
The report was carried on Kol Yisrael radio.
World powers were meeting for Iranian nuclear negotiations on Tuesday morning, for the final day of talks in Lausanne, Switzerland.
A morning session of the talks ended earlier than scheduled, after just 35 minutes, without results.
Reports from Lausanne say that the talks may not end in a framework agreement, as had been hoped, but rather with a joint statement that outlines the points of agreement and disagreement between the sides. This. supposedly, would make it possible to continue the talks for another two months.
A morning session of the talks ended earlier than scheduled, after just 35 minutes, without results.
Reports from Lausanne say that the talks may not end in a framework agreement, as had been hoped, but rather with a joint statement that outlines the points of agreement and disagreement between the sides. This. supposedly, would make it possible to continue the talks for another two months.
Ya'alon tar fortfarande inte Hamas tunnlar på allvar.
Ya'alon älskar jobb och lön och har tjatat på Netanyahu att få fortsätta i Baraks fotspår med att trakassera israelerna i area C av de gamla illegalt ockuperade områdena av Jordanien. Hade Bennett fått jobbet i stället hade det varit mycket positivt för Israel. Innan Ya'alon fick makt talade han vettigt, precis som Netanyahu, men.....
Åtminstone är det klart nu att Netanyahu totar ihop en högerregering nu, inte försöker dra in vänsterfanatikerna.
Gaza Belt Residents Hear Digging, Say They Don't Trust IDF
Gränsbor, både uppåt och neråt, har hört grävljud men Ya'alon bara flinar åt dom - upp i norr fick han ihop att det bara var en häst tills en gräv-video från den andra sidan av den Libanesiska gränsen dök upp.Många förslag om hur man ska upptäcka tunnlar har givits, sen har Ya'alon skitit i det. Bennett hade det inte.
Och Hamas gräver nya tunnlar med all den hjälp och cement som transporterats till Gaza.
Amir Hossein Mottaghis avhopp erkänns av Iran.
Som jag skrev nyss hoppade en Iransk "journalist" av Lausannesamtaletn, och nu har också Iran erkänt det. Se länk. TT har fortfarande inte upptäckt det.
måndag 30 mars 2015
Wash. Post: Obama, Irans kandidat.
Washington Times har en lång artikel om hur Obama på alla sätt agerat aktivt EMOT USA och FÖR Iran, i mycket baserat på avslöjandena från den Iranska avhoppade journalisten i Lausanne, som jag skrev om nyss.
Washington Times har en lång artikel om hur Obama på alla sätt agerat aktivt EMOT USA och FÖR Iran, i mycket baserat på avslöjandena från den Iranska avhoppade journalisten i Lausanne, som jag skrev om nyss.
Sundet Iran vill strypa utanför Jemen skeppar 4 miljoner tunnor olja dagligen.
Inte särskilt egendomligt att Saudiarabien och Egypten vill stoppa Iran och deras hjälp, Tutsirebellerna, från att blockera Bab El-Mandeb-sundet. Oljepriser och skeppsförsäkringar börjar klättra.
Man undrar om det är dags att avrosta och vidga den gamla pipelinen från Irak till Haifa. Se min gamla artikel här. Googla på pipeline Iraq Haifa hittar du en del,
Man undrar om det är dags att avrosta och vidga den gamla pipelinen från Irak till Haifa. Se min gamla artikel här. Googla på pipeline Iraq Haifa hittar du en del,
Jemens kri
USAs vicepresident Biden: Amerikanska judar kan bara lita på Israel, inte USA.
Som ung träffade han Golda Meir och fick veta judarnas hemlighet.

An incredible admission by US Vice President Joe Biden has been revealed, in which he told Jewish leaders that should the American Jewish communitybe in danger, it has only Israel to rely on - and not America.
Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg reveals in the April issue of The Atlantic how at a Rosh Hashana event in Biden's home last fall, the vice president told Jewish leaders and Jewish officials in US President Barack Obama's administrationhow he met former Prime Minister Golda Meir when he was a young Senator.
"I’ll never forget talking to her in her office with her assistant - a guy named (Yitzhak) Rabin - about the Six-Day War,” he recalled. “The end of the meeting, we get up and walk out, the doors are open, and...the press is taking photos. ...She looked straight ahead and said, ‘Senator, don’t look so sad...Don’t worry. We Jews have a secret weapon.'"
Biden states he asked Meir what the weapon was, noting "I thought she was going to tell me something about a nuclear program" - an ironic comment given the US's recent declassification of documents revealing Israel's nuclear program in a breach of understandings with the Jewish state.
But according to Biden, "she looked straight ahead and she said, ‘We have no place else to go.'" Addressing his guests at Rosh Hashana, Biden paused for effect and repeated, "we have no place else to go."
"Folks, there is no place else to go, and you understand that in your bones," Biden said. "You understand in your bones that no matter how hospitable, no matter how consequential, no matter how engaged, no matter how deeply involved you are in the United States...there’s only one guarantee."
"There is really only one absolute guarantee, and that’s the state of Israel," he stated.
Responding to the statement, Corey Robin of Salon wrote how disturbing the statement is, given that it consists of "a sitting vice president telling a portion of the American citizenry that they cannot count on the United States government as the ultimate guarantor of their freedom and safety."
"The occupant of the second-highest office in the land believes that American Jews should look to a foreign government as the foundation of their rights and security," she added. "A country that once offered itself as a haven to persecuted Jews across the world now tells its Jews that in the event of someterrible outbreak of anti-Semitism they should…what? Plan on boarding the next plane to Tel Aviv?"
Biden: American Jews Can Only Rely on Israel, Not US
US Vice President makes shocking statement, telling American Jews 'no matter how involved you are in the US, the only guarantee is Israel."
First Publish: 3/30/2015, 1:40 PM

Joe Biden
An incredible admission by US Vice President Joe Biden has been revealed, in which he told Jewish leaders that should the American Jewish communitybe in danger, it has only Israel to rely on - and not America.
Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg reveals in the April issue of The Atlantic how at a Rosh Hashana event in Biden's home last fall, the vice president told Jewish leaders and Jewish officials in US President Barack Obama's administrationhow he met former Prime Minister Golda Meir when he was a young Senator.
"I’ll never forget talking to her in her office with her assistant - a guy named (Yitzhak) Rabin - about the Six-Day War,” he recalled. “The end of the meeting, we get up and walk out, the doors are open, and...the press is taking photos. ...She looked straight ahead and said, ‘Senator, don’t look so sad...Don’t worry. We Jews have a secret weapon.'"
Biden states he asked Meir what the weapon was, noting "I thought she was going to tell me something about a nuclear program" - an ironic comment given the US's recent declassification of documents revealing Israel's nuclear program in a breach of understandings with the Jewish state.
But according to Biden, "she looked straight ahead and she said, ‘We have no place else to go.'" Addressing his guests at Rosh Hashana, Biden paused for effect and repeated, "we have no place else to go."
"Folks, there is no place else to go, and you understand that in your bones," Biden said. "You understand in your bones that no matter how hospitable, no matter how consequential, no matter how engaged, no matter how deeply involved you are in the United States...there’s only one guarantee."
"There is really only one absolute guarantee, and that’s the state of Israel," he stated.
Responding to the statement, Corey Robin of Salon wrote how disturbing the statement is, given that it consists of "a sitting vice president telling a portion of the American citizenry that they cannot count on the United States government as the ultimate guarantor of their freedom and safety."
"The occupant of the second-highest office in the land believes that American Jews should look to a foreign government as the foundation of their rights and security," she added. "A country that once offered itself as a haven to persecuted Jews across the world now tells its Jews that in the event of someterrible outbreak of anti-Semitism they should…what? Plan on boarding the next plane to Tel Aviv?"
Iranier hoppade av samtalen, berättade att USA bara följer Irans order.
Araber har ryckt upp 225 israeliska olivträd med rötterna nära Jerusalem.
Löfvéns välbetalda terrorister har varit framme igen och förstört 225 israeliska olivträd. Såg du det i DN?
Arabs Uproot 225 Israeli Olive Trees Near Jerusalem
At an olive grove at Mishor Adumim, east of Jerusalem, 225 saplings were uprooted over the weekend.
By Heski Ezra.
First Publish: 3/29/2015, 6:50 PM
At an olive grove next to Mishor Adumim junction, in the Gush Edumin region east of Jerusalem, 225 saplings were uprooted over the weekend.
Yaniv Aharoni, who is in charge of land parcels in Gush Edumim, told Arutz Sheva Sunday that he and IDF Civil Administration officials, as well as police, arrived at the location together and counted 225 trees that has been destroyed – apparently last Friday night (Shabbat eve).
“There is an increase in vandalism, especially in recent days,” Aharoni said. “There is much damage to property and we are happy that there have not yet been casualties, although there have been attempts. Of course, we have contacted the enforcement elements and the police.”
Aharoni claimed that police have been dragging their feet, however. “We brought the police, on a silver platter, video documentation of people – who were caught – but police released them. The situation is that until today, there has not been a single case in which charges were filed.”
"We call on the enforcement establishment to wake up – it is unacceptable that people do what they want to on the ground, and are completely unfazed by the security forces.”

Yaniv Aharoni, who is in charge of land parcels in Gush Edumim, told Arutz Sheva Sunday that he and IDF Civil Administration officials, as well as police, arrived at the location together and counted 225 trees that has been destroyed – apparently last Friday night (Shabbat eve).
“There is an increase in vandalism, especially in recent days,” Aharoni said. “There is much damage to property and we are happy that there have not yet been casualties, although there have been attempts. Of course, we have contacted the enforcement elements and the police.”
Aharoni claimed that police have been dragging their feet, however. “We brought the police, on a silver platter, video documentation of people – who were caught – but police released them. The situation is that until today, there has not been a single case in which charges were filed.”
"We call on the enforcement establishment to wake up – it is unacceptable that people do what they want to on the ground, and are completely unfazed by the security forces.”
söndag 29 mars 2015
Krokodilen: Israels nya ubåt.
Take a Sneak Peak at Israel's Secret Submarine Fleet
Israel's nuclear-capable INS Tanin able to operate deep within enemy territory - to lethal effect.
First Publish: 3/29/2015, 7:33 PM
New footage from the Israeli Navy showcases the most advanced submarine in the IDF's arsenal: the Dolphin-class INS Tanin (Crocodile).
The nuclear-capable submarine boasts an array of sophisticated weaponry, as well as the latest in intelligence-gathering technology.
It stands at a whopping 68 meters long, compared to 57.3 meters on average for other submarines.
"The submarine will receive more long-term missions, and for a greateramount of time, than submarines" the IDF possesses, one navy officer explained, adding that as a result the Navy had "extended by several days our ability to operate silently and secretly in enemy territory."
The submarine's commander, Lieutenant Colonel "G", echoed those sentiments, adding that as a result of the sensitive nature of the missions it will be undertaking only the most elite navy personnel will be operating it.
"Even the smallest mistake by a soldier could foil the mission in the best-case scenario, and in the worst case reveal the submarine and leave it vulnerable to attack," he said.
Sailors worked closely with the defense ministry, intelligence agencies, the air force and other elite IDF units, he added.
Commander of Haifa naval base General David Salamah explained the importance of Israel's submarine fleet to national security.
Israel's submarines regularly operate "deep within enemy territory", he noted.
"We are talking about a major upgrade to the navy and the entire IDF, in the face of the challenges posed to the State of Israel."

The nuclear-capable submarine boasts an array of sophisticated weaponry, as well as the latest in intelligence-gathering technology.
It stands at a whopping 68 meters long, compared to 57.3 meters on average for other submarines.
"The submarine will receive more long-term missions, and for a greateramount of time, than submarines" the IDF possesses, one navy officer explained, adding that as a result the Navy had "extended by several days our ability to operate silently and secretly in enemy territory."
The submarine's commander, Lieutenant Colonel "G", echoed those sentiments, adding that as a result of the sensitive nature of the missions it will be undertaking only the most elite navy personnel will be operating it.
"Even the smallest mistake by a soldier could foil the mission in the best-case scenario, and in the worst case reveal the submarine and leave it vulnerable to attack," he said.
Sailors worked closely with the defense ministry, intelligence agencies, the air force and other elite IDF units, he added.
Commander of Haifa naval base General David Salamah explained the importance of Israel's submarine fleet to national security.
Israel's submarines regularly operate "deep within enemy territory", he noted.
"We are talking about a major upgrade to the navy and the entire IDF, in the face of the challenges posed to the State of Israel."
Senatens Majoritetsledare i Israel, Husets talman Boehner kommer snart.
Trick: ser du en engelsk rubrik du vill veta mer om, eller kanske länk dit, sök efter exakt den i Google.
Se http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/193344#.VRgnivmsX4Q och
Första länken:
Senatens majoritetsledare till Premiärminister Netanyahu:: Vi är på Israels sida
Senatens majoritetsledare Mitch McConnell, på besök i Israel, sade att både senaten och underhuset backar Israel i Iranfrågan.
Andra länken:
Boehner: Obamas agg till Israel är "klandervärd"
Representanthusets talman, som är inställd på att besöka Israel snart, säger att USA:s påtryckningar på Netanyahu över 4-5 år drivit honom till den punkt där han var tvungen att säga ifrån. "
Kerry berättar hur han och Obama är det bästaste och förståndigaste som finns. Han fattar allt som inte Kongressen fattar, undrar om han har lärt sej tricket från sin föregångare Hillary, att ha privat emailserver? Vem vet.
Se http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/193344#.VRgnivmsX4Q och
Första länken:
Senatens majoritetsledare till Premiärminister Netanyahu:: Vi är på Israels sida
Senatens majoritetsledare Mitch McConnell, på besök i Israel, sade att både senaten och underhuset backar Israel i Iranfrågan.
Andra länken:
Boehner: Obamas agg till Israel är "klandervärd"
Representanthusets talman, som är inställd på att besöka Israel snart, säger att USA:s påtryckningar på Netanyahu över 4-5 år drivit honom till den punkt där han var tvungen att säga ifrån. "
Kerry berättar hur han och Obama är det bästaste och förståndigaste som finns. Han fattar allt som inte Kongressen fattar, undrar om han har lärt sej tricket från sin föregångare Hillary, att ha privat emailserver? Vem vet.
Abbas ber arabstaterna attackera Hamas.
Löfvens systerregims f.d. ledare (till för 5 år sen) är på stort arabpartaj med Arabligan nere i Sharm el Sheikh (nattklubbarnas många magdansöser lockar) och uppmuntrar dem att göra samma sak mot Hamas som Saudierna gör mot Irans ställföreträdande i Jemen.
Några bilder från Sharm:
Några bilder från Sharm:
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Lägg till bildtext |
Abbas Calls on Arab States to Attack Hamas
Abbas urges 'same policy' of Yemen airstrikes to be used by Arab League in 'Palestine,' after his adviser calls for 'iron' blow to Hamas.
Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas used the platform of the Arab League summit in Sharm el-Shekh, Egypt, this Saturday to attack his "unity partner" Hamas, making a subtle call for the Arab states to take military action against the Gaza-based Muslim Brotherhood offshoot.
Speaking at the 26th summit in the southern Sinai peninsula, Abbas made reference to the campaign of airstrikes launched last Thursday by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries against Iran-backed Shi'ite Houthi rebels in Yemen - the Houthis have overthrown the government while rapidlyexpanding their control.
"I hope that the Arab countries will take the same policy they employed in Yemen for all Arab countries suffering from internal conflict - like Palestine, Syria, Libya and Iraq," Abbas said according to Yedioth Aharonot, in an open jab at Hamas in Gaza.
Making Abbas's comments calling for military intervention in "Palestine" all the more pointed is the fact that just two days earlier, Abbas's adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who also serves as PA Supreme Sharia (Islamic law) Judge, made similar remarks.
Al-Habbash urged the Arab countries to take action and strike Hamas with an "iron fist," in an open call for military intervention.
Hamas and the PA signed a unity deal last April, which has done little to damper the enmity raging between the rivals ever since Hamas violently seized control of Gaza in 2007 - the most obvious example of the how the deal has not changed tensions was when Hamas tried to stage a coup against the PA in Judea and Samaria last year.
Responding to Al-Habbash, Hamas said the comment is "a dangerous and not nationalist call."
Abbas's call for Arab intervention comes after Arab foreign ministers meeting in Egypt last Thursday declared the establishment of a joint Arab military force, reportedly meant to rapidly respond to security threats to Arab nations.
Arab League secretary-general Nabil al-Arabi was assigned with coordinating the details with the chiefs of staff of the various Arab armies within one month, so as to work out the logistics of establishing the new force.
First Publish: 3/28/2015, 10:33 PM

Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas used the platform of the Arab League summit in Sharm el-Shekh, Egypt, this Saturday to attack his "unity partner" Hamas, making a subtle call for the Arab states to take military action against the Gaza-based Muslim Brotherhood offshoot.
Speaking at the 26th summit in the southern Sinai peninsula, Abbas made reference to the campaign of airstrikes launched last Thursday by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries against Iran-backed Shi'ite Houthi rebels in Yemen - the Houthis have overthrown the government while rapidlyexpanding their control.
"I hope that the Arab countries will take the same policy they employed in Yemen for all Arab countries suffering from internal conflict - like Palestine, Syria, Libya and Iraq," Abbas said according to Yedioth Aharonot, in an open jab at Hamas in Gaza.
Making Abbas's comments calling for military intervention in "Palestine" all the more pointed is the fact that just two days earlier, Abbas's adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who also serves as PA Supreme Sharia (Islamic law) Judge, made similar remarks.
Al-Habbash urged the Arab countries to take action and strike Hamas with an "iron fist," in an open call for military intervention.
Hamas and the PA signed a unity deal last April, which has done little to damper the enmity raging between the rivals ever since Hamas violently seized control of Gaza in 2007 - the most obvious example of the how the deal has not changed tensions was when Hamas tried to stage a coup against the PA in Judea and Samaria last year.
Responding to Al-Habbash, Hamas said the comment is "a dangerous and not nationalist call."
Abbas's call for Arab intervention comes after Arab foreign ministers meeting in Egypt last Thursday declared the establishment of a joint Arab military force, reportedly meant to rapidly respond to security threats to Arab nations.
Arab League secretary-general Nabil al-Arabi was assigned with coordinating the details with the chiefs of staff of the various Arab armies within one month, so as to work out the logistics of establishing the new force.
lördag 28 mars 2015
Putin ringde Netanyahu.
Putin phones Netanyahu with congratulations
DEBKAfile March 28, 2015, 11:04 PM (IDT)
Russian President Vladimir Putin called Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Saturday to congratulate him on winning his re-election bid and wished him luck on forming a coalition, according to an official statement from the Kremlin. The statement said the two leaders spoke about various issues involving their states and discussed regional topics as well. The two expressed concern about the escalation in Yemen.
Hotade Obama attackera israeliska jets om de attackerar kärnvapentillverkningen i Iran?
Inte bara det, Obama attackerar nu alla EU-länder som börjar backa från hans vansinniga "förhandlingar" för att ge Iran så stora möjligheter som möjligt att snart producera ett antal kärnvapen. Alla USAs traditionella vänner från Europa till Saudierna och Israel kan se i månen efter alla hans löften.
Som där står är källan osäker men den har spritts nog för att vara trovärdig av många
Som där står är källan osäker men den har spritts nog för att vara trovärdig av många
Did Obama Threaten to Shoot Down Israeli Jets if it Hits Iran’s Nukes?
The Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an has cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report Saturday, that US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Following Obama’s threat, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was reportedly forced to abort the planned Iran attack.
According to Al-Jarida, the Netanyahu government took the decision to strike Iran some time in 2014 soon after Israel had discovered the United States and Iran had been involved in secret talks over Iran’s nuclear program and were about to sign an agreement in that regard behind Israel’s back.
The report claimed that an unnamed Israeli minister who has good ties with the US administration revealed the attack plan to Secretary of State John Kerry, and that Obama then threatened to shoot down the Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Al-Jarida quoted “well-placed” sources as saying that Netanyahu, along with Minister of Defense Moshe Yaalon, and then-Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, had decided to carry out airstrikes against Iran’s nuclear program after consultations with top security commanders.
According to the report, “Netanyahu and his commanders agreed after four nights of deliberations to task the Israeli army’s chief of staff, Benny Gantz, to prepare a qualitative operation against Iran’s nuclear program. In addition, Netanyahu and his ministers decided to do whatever they could do to thwart a possible agreement between Iran and the White House because such an agreement is, allegedly, a threat to Israel’s security.”
The sources added that Gantz and his commanders prepared the requested plan and that Israeli fighter jets trained for several weeks in order to make sure the plans would work successfully. Israeli fighter jets reportedly even carried out experimental flights in Iran’s airspace after they managed to break through radars.
Former US diplomat Zbigniew Brzezinski, who enthusiastically campaigned for Obama in 2008, called on him to shoot down Israeli planes if they attack Iran. “They have to fly over our airspace in Iraq. Are we just going to sit there and watch?” said the former national security advisor to former President Jimmy Carter in an interview with the Daily Beast.
Ma’an is properly spelled PLO. I’m not sure if anyone has seen this original Kuwaiti report so we’re working with a possible game of broken telephone. The details about Israeli political and military roles make it plausible, but Ma’an would be quite familiar with it.
Such a threat would not be unprecedented. Bush I’s admin, during the Gulf War, allegedly warned that Israeli planes trying to stop Saddam’s attacks on Israel risked being shot down. Obama may have issued a similar threat, but was there enough American aviation in place at the time for that to even be a serious threat?
Then again, Obama is not exactly well informed when it comes to military issues. It’s the kind of threat he could toss off without knowing what it would involve.
There’s no real verification of the story, but it says a good deal about how much Obama has poisoned relations with Israel, that the story is out there.
Thus far the administration’s approach to preventing an Israeli strike has been to leak classified information and to maintain the charade of phony negotiations. If this report is true, it would mean that the sabotage efforts have been stepped up a good deal.
UPDATE: This is the original Arabic article that served as the basis for the story.
The story appears to be much the same except that it makes the claim that the unnamed minister was Lieberman and that Obama claimed that Netanyahu was violating some unstated red lines.
Hillary sopade permanent mailspåren efter sej.
Hillary har permanent rensat sin privata mailserver för att omöjliggöra utredning av alla hennes grova brott - annars hade hon ju inte rensat sin illegala server som bryter mot alla regler för en person i hennes ställning. En sådan person SKA använda statlig server med dess kontroller.
Hade Kongressens undersökning fått tillgång till materialet hade det visat än mer vad vansinnigheter hon hittade på när hon hade Kerrys tidigare jobb.
Hillary hade fått order att lämna över all korrespondens från perioden när hon mördade 4 amerikaner i Benghazifiaskot (Wiki), och också servern.
Hon har enligt order själv valt ut och överlämnat några mail och säger att de andra inte är relevanta för ärendet.......
Och den vill demokraterna ha som president.
Detaljer i nedanstående artiklar och många andra utanför Sverige.
Blaze, CNN, Politico,
Hade Kongressens undersökning fått tillgång till materialet hade det visat än mer vad vansinnigheter hon hittade på när hon hade Kerrys tidigare jobb.
Hillary hade fått order att lämna över all korrespondens från perioden när hon mördade 4 amerikaner i Benghazifiaskot (Wiki), och också servern.
Hon har enligt order själv valt ut och överlämnat några mail och säger att de andra inte är relevanta för ärendet.......
Och den vill demokraterna ha som president.
Detaljer i nedanstående artiklar och många andra utanför Sverige.
Blaze, CNN, Politico,
Frankrike backar på 5 punkter mot Obamas vansinniga "förhandlingar". EU börjar tänka. Iranierna åker förhoppningsvis hem.
Frankrike, Tyskland och England har långt om länge börjat fatta att vad Obama och Kerry kör fram med som ett lokomotiv, är början till ett atomkrig. Netanyahus tal inför Kongressen lämnade tydliga spår. Nu kräver Frankrike ändringar på fem punkter, inte minst för att Gulfstaterna kräver det. Frankrike har också en mycket lönande vapenförsäljning till Gulfen med åtskilliga baser stationerade där.
Se andra artikeln nedan: Irans delegation har beordrats hem när de börjar upptäcka att de inte lyckas grundlura alla de stora makterna, bara Obama.
Se andra artikeln nedan: Irans delegation har beordrats hem när de börjar upptäcka att de inte lyckas grundlura alla de stora makterna, bara Obama.
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis March 21, 2015, 6:15 PM (IDT)
President Barack Obama failed to shift French President France Hollande from his objections to the nuclear accord taking shape between the US and Iran in the call he put through to the Elysée Friday night, March 30. US Secretary of State John Kerry fared no better Saturday, when he met British, French and German Foreign ministers in London for a briefing on the talks’ progress intended to line the Europeans up with the American position. He then found, according to DEBKAfile’s sources, that France was not alone; Germany too balked at parts of the deal in the making.
The French are demanding changes in five main points agreed between Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif before the Iranians quit the talks Friday:
They insist that -
The French are demanding changes in five main points agreed between Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif before the Iranians quit the talks Friday:
They insist that -
- Iran can’t be allowed to retain all the 6,500 centrifuges (for enriching uranium) conceded by the Americans. This figure must be reduced.
- Similarly, the stocks of enriched uranium accepted by the US to remain in Iranian hands are too large.
- France insists on a longer period of restrictions on Iran's nuclear work before sanctions are eased. It is pushing for a longer moratorium – 25 years rather than the 15 years offered by the Obama administration – and guarantees at every stage.
- The main sticking point however is France’s insistence that UN sanctions stay in place until Iran fully explains the evidence that has raised suspicions of past development work on a nuclear warhead design. The Iranians counter that they could never satisfy the French condition, because they would never be able to prove a negative and disprove evidence of a weapons program that is forged.
There is no chance of Tehran ever admitting to working on a nuclear warhead – or allow US inspectors access to suspected testing sites – because that would belie supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s solemn contention that Iran’s nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes and always has been.
DEBKAfile’s Gulf sources disclose that the tough French bargaining position in the nuclear stems partly from its intense ties with Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations, including the United Arab Emirates.
France maintains military bases in the Gulf, including air and unit units in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The emirates moreover have become the most profitable market for the French munitions industry.
France maintains military bases in the Gulf, including air and unit units in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The emirates moreover have become the most profitable market for the French munitions industry.
Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have been pushing Paris hard not to sign off on the text shaping up between the Obama administration in Tehran because they believe it would place their national security at grave risk.
This raises an interesting question: Why does Washington respect France’s right to balk at its nuclear policy but disallows prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s objections in the name of Israel’s security?
The answer is simple. It is easier to put the squeeze on the Israeli prime minister than the president of France or Gulf rulers. Obama has hit on the presentation of Netanyahu’s hawkish attitude as the main hurdle in the way of a nuclear deal as a useful tactic for dealing with the spreading opposition to the deal in Europe and the Persian Gulf.
The answer is simple. It is easier to put the squeeze on the Israeli prime minister than the president of France or Gulf rulers. Obama has hit on the presentation of Netanyahu’s hawkish attitude as the main hurdle in the way of a nuclear deal as a useful tactic for dealing with the spreading opposition to the deal in Europe and the Persian Gulf.
DEBKAfile Special Report March 20, 2015, 7:54 PM (IDT)
DEBKAfile’s exclusive Iranian sources report that the delegation to the nuclear talks taking place in Lausanne received orders from Tehran Friday, March 20, to break off negotiations and return home for consultations. Foreign Minister Mohammed Jawad Zarif and Iran’s national security chief Ali Akhbar Salehi used the funeral of President Hassan Rouhani's 90-year-old mother as a pretext for packing their bags and leaving the deadlocked talks behind them in Lausanne. This followed the sixth round of talks in the Swiss city with US Secretary of State John Kerry that failed to break the impasse on a nuclear accord.
The Iranians said they would return to resume the talks next week but set no date, although other sources mentioned Wednesday, March 25. Another sign of a crisis was the cancellation of briefing Friday in Brussels of British, German, French and European Union leaders on progress in the negotiations that was supposed to reflect progress toward a deal by the March 31 deadline.
An hour before France, Britain and Germany were to join the talks in Lausanne, the Iranians announced they were about to leave.
The Iranians said they would return to resume the talks next week but set no date, although other sources mentioned Wednesday, March 25. Another sign of a crisis was the cancellation of briefing Friday in Brussels of British, German, French and European Union leaders on progress in the negotiations that was supposed to reflect progress toward a deal by the March 31 deadline.
An hour before France, Britain and Germany were to join the talks in Lausanne, the Iranians announced they were about to leave.
It was announced subsequently that Kerry would hold the cancelled Brussels briefing in France Saturday for officials rather than top leaders.
Speaking to Western news agencies Friday, Western and Iranian officials admitted that all the sides were very far apart. “We are not close to anything resembling a draft agreement,” said a European negotiator. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the length of an agreement, the pace of sanctions relief and international monitoring remain points of contention. No draft would be circulated until closer to the June 30 deadline for technical annexes, said the Russian official.
Speaking to Western news agencies Friday, Western and Iranian officials admitted that all the sides were very far apart. “We are not close to anything resembling a draft agreement,” said a European negotiator. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the length of an agreement, the pace of sanctions relief and international monitoring remain points of contention. No draft would be circulated until closer to the June 30 deadline for technical annexes, said the Russian official.
In other words, the March 31 deadline for a framework accord appeared to have gone by the board.
Irans mest kända general kom omedelbart åkande när Saudier och andra attackerade deras terrorister i Jemen.
Irans kanske mest kända general, Qassem Soleimani är i Sanaa, vilket visar hur viktigt området är för Iran och Obama som samarbetar. Konstigt, samtidigt har Obama dragit tillbaka alla styrkor därifrån.
DEBKAfile Special Report March 28, 2015, 10:42 AM (IDT)
Tehran took less than 48 hours for a decision to hit back at the surprise air and naval attack launched by Saudi Arabia, he Gulf and Egypt Thursday, March 26, to contain the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels’ sweep through Yemeni cities. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Iran’s top war commander, Al Qods Brigades chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani, landed in the Yemeni capital Sanaa Friday, March 27 to organize a counter-offensive and open Iran’s third direct Middle East warfront after Syria (in support of Bashar Assad) and Iraq (with the US against ISIS).
The Saudi-GCC-Egyptian intervention found the pro-Iranian Houthi rebels at the gates of the big port of Aden, which commands the Straits of Bab el-Mandeb, the vital gateway for oil shipping between the Indian Ocean and Gulf through the Suez Canal and Mediterranean. Certain Yemeni army units have joined the rebels. They are armed with advanced US weapons that were supplied for the war on al Qaeda and now serve the revolt against a Yemeni regime recognized by Washington.
The Saudi-GCC-Egyptian intervention found the pro-Iranian Houthi rebels at the gates of the big port of Aden, which commands the Straits of Bab el-Mandeb, the vital gateway for oil shipping between the Indian Ocean and Gulf through the Suez Canal and Mediterranean. Certain Yemeni army units have joined the rebels. They are armed with advanced US weapons that were supplied for the war on al Qaeda and now serve the revolt against a Yemeni regime recognized by Washington.
This rebel force had already seized most of Yemen’s cities and stretches of its Red Sea coast.
Soleimani’s arrival in Sanaa signaled Tehran’s determination not to give up an inch of the ground gained by its proxies, while underscoring its demand for dominance as the leading Middle East power, promised by Washington in return for accepting a framework deal on its nuclear program.
Soleimani’s arrival in Sanaa signaled Tehran’s determination not to give up an inch of the ground gained by its proxies, while underscoring its demand for dominance as the leading Middle East power, promised by Washington in return for accepting a framework deal on its nuclear program.
US officials persist in their public pretense that the diplomatic and the military arenas are unconnected. So the deal is presented as close to signing by the March 31 deadline, while the flames of Shiite-Sunni violence are allowed to spread into another corner of the Middle East.
In the coming hours, Egyptian and Saudi naval and marine forces are planning landings in Aden, according to their military sources. They will fight to contain the Houthi march across Yemen and prevent the fall of its last major town, after two days of Saudi and Gulf air strikes against rebel positions around Yemen.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Saudi and Gulf air forces and Egyptian sea units managed in their first 48 hours to cut off Iran’s air and sea supplies to the Houthi rebels. Gen. Soleimeni will need to find a means of breaking the Saudi-Egyptian blockade and restoring supply routes. Above all, he must determine whether or not to co-opt Iranian air and sea forces to the Yemeni front and so leading them into head-to-head battle against Saudi Arabia and its ten Sunni allies.
Egyptian and Iranian warships maneuvering for control of the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb were reported to have clashed Thursday, the first day of the Sunni intervention in the Yemen conflict.
From outside the region, Pakistan stands ready to step into the contest, promising Friday “a strong response” to any threat to “Saudi integrity.” This opened the door for the Pakistani army to be drawn into the wars of Arabia against Iran alongside the majority of Arab Sunni nations.
In the coming hours, Egyptian and Saudi naval and marine forces are planning landings in Aden, according to their military sources. They will fight to contain the Houthi march across Yemen and prevent the fall of its last major town, after two days of Saudi and Gulf air strikes against rebel positions around Yemen.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Saudi and Gulf air forces and Egyptian sea units managed in their first 48 hours to cut off Iran’s air and sea supplies to the Houthi rebels. Gen. Soleimeni will need to find a means of breaking the Saudi-Egyptian blockade and restoring supply routes. Above all, he must determine whether or not to co-opt Iranian air and sea forces to the Yemeni front and so leading them into head-to-head battle against Saudi Arabia and its ten Sunni allies.
Egyptian and Iranian warships maneuvering for control of the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb were reported to have clashed Thursday, the first day of the Sunni intervention in the Yemen conflict.
From outside the region, Pakistan stands ready to step into the contest, promising Friday “a strong response” to any threat to “Saudi integrity.” This opened the door for the Pakistani army to be drawn into the wars of Arabia against Iran alongside the majority of Arab Sunni nations.
Islamabad was responding to a Houthi warning to invade the southern Saudi provinces of Asir, Najran and Jizan, for which they counted on a welcome by the local Saudi populations, most of which belong to the minority Ismaili sect, that is closer to the Iranian Shiite and Houthi Zaydi than to the dominant Sunni faith of the Saudi royal regime.
Friday night, President Barack Obama spoke with Saudi King Salman and reaffirmed US support for the military action taken in Yemen by Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Arab allies, the White House said in a statement.
Obama and King Salman agreed that their goal is to achieve lasting stability in Yemen through a negotiated political solution, the statement said. Obama also underscored his commitment to Saudi Arabia's security.
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