IMRA interviewed Mark Regev, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Foreign Press Adviser, in English, on 2 July 2009:
IMRA: I have a question relating to the speech that Prime Minister Olmert made at the Negev Conference yesterday.
He described the agreement as follows: "We agreed to a calm on the basis of very clear parameters of what is permitted.That there is not in it strengthening" of Hamas.
I am trying to figure this out.
Is the Prime Minister saying that he doesn't consider it to be a "strengthening" of Hamas for them to build rockets, put together explosive devices, build bunkers, dig tunnels. Or does he think that these things are prohibited by the agreement?
Which is it?
Regev: The understandings reached with Egypt are clear. There is to be an end of the arms smuggling to Gaza that allows Hamas build up a formidable military machine there.
IMRA: But. Again. With the tons of explosives and raw material that they already have there that they can use to build rockets with. They can use it to construct explosive devices. They can build bunkers. They can dig tunnels. These activities all this with the material already at hand.
Does the Prime Minister not consider these activities to be activities that "strengthen" Hamas?
Regev: The important question is what do the understandings with Egypt include. OK?
And I already answered that question.
IMRA: That they can't bring more in.
Regev: That's what the agreement with Egypt is about.
IMRA: What I am trying to understand is that since he stood up before this group at the Negev Conference and said "that there is not in it strengthening" .
Is he saying that if.
Regev:: I think that to be fair, what he is saying is up to now the major source for "strengthening" was the import of weapons and explosive from the outside - for example from Hezbollah and Syria and Iran. And when you cut that off you have succeeded in dramatically reducing their ability to become stronger.
IMRA: So the domestic arms industry in Gaza is considered to be of no significance?
Regev: That you can say.
IMRA: Well, Prime Minister Olmert says "that there is not in it strengthening".
Regev: Once again. I think that any objective analysis would agree that the major driving force behind the growth of the Hamas military machine in Gaza was the smuggling into Gaza.
IMRA: I am still trying to understand.
Regev: You understand. You just want to argue.
IMRA: No. We have local construction of rockets whose range has been improving and payload increasing over time. These are not devices that were smuggled in. They are using explosives that were smuggled in but they have warehouses full of explosives so you can stop that today but that is not the issue.
Went the Prime Minister said "that there is not in it strengthening" is he saying that anything that they use today to build with is not a "strengthening"? Is that what you are saying?
Regev: I will start again. The major factor behind the strengthening has been the smuggling.
IMRA: Tthere was no qualification in his statement. He didn't say "no major strengthening" - he said "no strengthening".
Regev: If you have accurately and effectively dealt with the smuggling you have substantially dealt with the strengthening.
IMRA: So building bunkers and digging tunnels is not part of "strengthening"?
Regev: I would say that these are things obviously that we watch very carefully. Because if we do have to go into Gaza with the military we have to obviously be very aware of what military preparations they have made.
IMRA: Is that "strengthening" - these activities? Building bunkers, tunnels, planting mines? Is that "strengthening" or it doesn't count?
Regev: In the form of the agreement that was reached with the Egyptians it is importation which is the key.
IMRA: I understand. But Prime Minister Olmert was not giving a lecture about Egypt and about what was the agreement. He was talking about there not being any "strengthening".
Regev: Any objective person would agree that if you prevent the importation into Gaza of missiles, rockets, ammunition, explosive, etc., then you are substantively preventing them from becoming stronger. And that is a policy gain worth pursuing.
IMRA: OK. (Laugh). Fair enough. Thank you very much.
Regev: A pleasure. Always a pleasure. Good bye.
Nästa IMRA-nyhet: Smuggling från Egypt till Gaza via båtar utan att Israel eller Egypt försöker hindra
Det är ju vapenstillestånd gubevars så varken Egypten eller Israel kontrollerar nu båttransporter till Gaza....
"Yediot Ahronot correspondent Alex Fishman reports in today's edition that according to senior Israeli security sources, Egypt has reduced it naval anti-smuggling activities as compared to the past.
Palestinian boats loaded with people and suspicious material can be seen passing within meters of Egyptian Coast Guard boats on their way from Egypt to Gaza. Sometimes the Egyptians can be seen waiving hello to the passing boats and dinghies.
"Until the "calm" the [Israeli] Navy stopped boats, dinghies, etc. going from the Egyptian coast towards the Gaza coast that were suspected of being associated with the smuggling of weapons or activists to Gaza. Since the "calm" this activity of the [Israeli] navy has ceased such that the water passage to Gaza has transformed into the "secure path" for smuggling." ______________________________________________________ Nu berättar nyheterna om att man ska tänka sammalunda om Iran - det är mest snack, "vi gör väl inga kärnvapen, vad dumt"........ Våra media tycks vara betalda med iranska oljepengar. EU har inte lärt sej sen Hitler och USA är evinnerligt trött på att tjata på dem om det faktum att Säkerhetsrådet har BINDANDE kapitel-7-beslut att Iran ska bojkottas tills de upphör med kärnvapenexperiment, vilket - som jag har sagt tidigare - tillåter krigshandling om det inte uppehålls. Häromdagen gjorde jag en liten tabell över EU:s handel med Iran, se här, och räknar man snabbt ihop summan, där Italien ligger i topp och Sverige som tolva, blir den 30 miljarder Euro under 2007. Det är hur EU uppehåller bojkotten!
Ickespridningsavtalet för kärnvapen som Iran (men inte Israel av förklarliga skäl - de berättar för USA vad de har, men har ingen som helst anledning att lita på något som har med FN att göra) har skrivit under, kräver att de ska anmäla och tillåta inspektion av anläggningar för utveckling av fredlig kärnkraft. Jag har skrivit om IAEA:s ständiga hållande Iran om ryggen, sök nedan. Det senaste officiella, är
VIENNA (AFP) — The UN atomic watchdog has expressed serious concern that Iran is still hiding information about alleged studies into making nuclear warheads and defying UN demands to suspend uranium enrichment.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a report released late Monday that Iran must provide "substantive" information if it is to convince the international community that its nuclear drive is peaceful.
The alleged studies suggest Iran may have been trying to develop a nuclear warhead, convert uranium and test high explosives and a missile re-entry vehicle, said the report.

The report, to be discussed by the IAEA's board of governors at a June 2-6 meeting, said intelligence from a number of sources suggest Iran has conducted the studies. Iran has repeatedly dismissed the allegations as "baseless" and the intelligence as "forged".
The IAEA demanded that Iran, which already faces UN Security Council sanctions ...
Vi vet att Iran i det längsta olagligt försökte hemlighålla sina försök med att utveckla kärnvapen:
"Unknown at the time was that in 1985, Iran secretly tapped into the nuclear black market run by the father of Pakistan’s nuclear program – A.Q. Khan. Khan had established a robust network of front companies and clandestine shipments to fuel Pakistan’s own nuclear weapon program. For 18 years, Iran successfully hid – in violation of international law and its voluntary treaty commitments to the International Atomic Energy Agency – its clandestine nuclear procurement and development program. "
Om det hade varit frågan om fredlig energiproduktion hade det självklart inte funnits någon anledning till detta för en av världens främsta oljeproducenter. Tyvärr går deras tankeverksamhet i kringelikrokar - de har inte ens ett raffinaderi för att producera bensin till sina egna bilar utan får importera detta! Men kärnkraft ska de utveckla - trots att tyskarna byggde ett kärnkraftverk åt dem och ryssarna förser detta med klyvbart material.
IAEA klantade sig på traditionellt sätt även med Syrien - som på motsvarande sätt ej rapporterade sina förehavanden. När IAEA långt om länge bad om att få inspektera sa Syrierna "ja, visst, vänta bara lite så vi kan röja i oredan...." och några månader därefter blev de insläppta - med förbud att inspektera andra misstänkta områden. Ska man tro TT hittade de alls ingenting, ska man tro mer analyserande nyhetskällor:
Syrians and UN nuclear inspectors play hide and seek
June 30, 2008, 6:43 PM (GMT+02:00)

Olli Heinonen led nuclear watchdog inspection in Syria
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that the three-man International Atomic Energy Agency team which inspected the El Kibar site bombed by Israel last September, returned to Vienna Wednesday, June 25, with soil and building materials samples gathered secretly without Syrian knowledge. From the Syrians they received different samples said to have been collected at a site which they insisted was a military facility under construction.
During their four days in the country, Olli Heinonen, IAEA deputy director and leading negotiator with the Iranian authorities, and his team interviewed Syrian army officers and men presented by Damascus as having been employed at the facility. They denied it was a nuclear reactor and possessing nuclear credentials themselves. But, according to DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources, the inspectors countered with their own list of officers, scientists and technicians – not only Syrians, but also Iranians and North Koreans employed in building the facility.
The Syrian side denied this and refused the inspectors permission to interview people on their list.
Last week, British, German and Israeli publications released new information from Israeli intelligence sources according to which the El Kibar reactor was intended to be a component of Iran’s nuclear program. Iran’s use of plutonium in its weapons projects was to be concealed by having it produced in Syria.
Wednesday, June 25, the London daily, the Guardian, quoted an adviser to Israel's national security council as saying: "The Iranians were involved in the Syrian programme. The idea was that the Syrians produce plutonium and the Iranians get their share. Syria had no reprocessing facility for the spent fuel. It's not deduction alone that brings almost everyone to think that the link exists" – implying that Israel had evidence.
DEBKAfile adds: War tensions between Israel and Iran have shot up in the last few days on the strength of reported Israeli preparations for an attack on Iran’s nuclear installations. By linking Syria’s destroyed reactor to Iran’s nuclear program, Israeli officials were saying in effect that the attack on an Iranian nuclear installation had already taken place …in Syria.
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