måndag 30 juni 2008

Arabiska mördare, Kuntar

Mördad av Kuntar genom att krossa skallen, som man gör med kattungar.

Nu vill Olmertgänget släppa honom fri trots att han har 500 år av sitt straff kvar! Han har garanterat att han ska fortsätta mörda judar. Har Olmert tvingat honom att skriva under på att han INTE ska göra detta? Inte vad jag vet. Du kan läsa mycket mer om mördaren på http://samirkuntar.net/

Rent statistiskt kan man räkna ut hur många judar i Israel och utanför, som kommer att mördas av alla terrorister som Olmert roar sej med att släppa ut, för att själv sitta i ensamt majestät några dagar till. Dessa 180 har mördats av frisläppta arabiska terrorister sedan år 2000 enbart:
(Från al-Magor).

Läser man på http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/126664 som berättar om rabbinen som skulle - utifrån tillgänglig information - försöka avgöra om de tillfångatagna var döda:

Rabbi Ronsky has met with IDF Intelligence and Medical Corps personnel, as well as the Mossad official responsible for the MIAs, who gave him information on the status of the abducted soldiers that led to his decision. Extensive reports, including the analysis of trauma experts, police forensics units, DNA laboratory evidence, and the IDF’s missile research unit, led Rabbi Ronsky to believe that the tragic fate of one of the soldiers is certain, and that of the second is almost as clear.

Part of the information received led to the IDF raid on a hospital facility in Baalbek during the closing days of the war, which indicated that the wounded soldiers or their bodies had been transferred there. Information from the various sources revealed that one soldier's vehicle was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade, and that he sustained critical upper body injuries. Research also suggested that although he could have been treated at the medical site to which he was abducted after the attack, he was transferred from the site too quickly to have received the "immediate and complex medical treatment" required to have saved his life.

As far as the fate of the other soldier, experts concluded that although he sustained injuries similar in severity to the first, there is a very small chance that he may still be alive.

As part of his briefing, the chief military rabbi also received access to “highly confidential” intelligence information received after the war. As one of the few people exposed to this, Rabbi Ronsky indicated he was very impressed by the depth of information he was given.

However, sources in the Military Rabbinate said that Ronsky was enraged over the fact that the intelligence information, which is not new, was only brought to his attention last week. Based on all of the above information, he concluded that despite lingering hopes that at least one of the soldiers was still alive, the depth and scope of information given to him was enough to declare both Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser dead.

Ronsky's belief echoes reports from last Thursday, when Mossad chief Maj. Gen. Meir Dagan informed the Regev family in a closed-door meeting that it is his belief that both men are dead.

Det framgår att Olmert under dessa två år har vetat att de med största sannolikhet varit döda, och ändå har han insisterat på att både förhandla med Hizbullah och även släppa Kuntar fri för att göra vad som roar honom mest.

De två främsta säkerhetsexperterna, de som bäst förstår konsekvenserna, sa ett absolut nej till hela affären, av förståeliga skäl. Caroline Glick skriver och förklarar, bäst som så ofta annars. Även Libanons regering säger att frisläppandet av Kuntar är vansinne. "Lebanon says the expected prisoner swap between Israel and Hizbullah is a "big failure" for Israel, Reuters reported Tuesday."

The Israeli hostages, Dr. Bechor said, "became a burden" for Hizbullah. It became "an interest for Hizbullah to get rid of them." Had Israel declared the soldiers dead, the professor added, Hizbullah would have agreed to a lesser ransom.

Vi minns hur Nasrallah berättade om hur han hade vunnit över Olmert i kriget,

och Olmert uppför sej som den sanne förloraren.


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