Så går det om man inte älskar de islamistiska mördarna. Kommer krypande till Sverige vänligt inbjudet av politiker och massmedia.
Frankrike 2016: Zineb El Rhazouls hotade liv
Du kan kritisera islam om du bor med militära vakter 24/7 för resten av ditt liv
Författaren, en italiensk journalist med Il Foglio, skriver två gånger i veckan ...
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"Många av mina vänner frågar mig:".? Varför inte ändra vad du gör "jag berättar för dem att om jag sluta vara vad jag det skulle vara som om de också hade dödat mig den 7 januari 2015". detta är hur Zineb El Rhazoui talar till mig. franska tidningar kallar henne "den mest skyddade kvinnan i Frankrike".
Zineb har fler livvakter än många ministrar i regeringen i Manuel Valls. Hon bytte hus i Paris ofta under de senaste månaderna av säkerhetsskäl. "I hjärtat av Europa, jag måste leva under polisskydd för att utöva en rättighet, nämligen yttrandefriheten", fortsätter Zineb. "Under tiden, franska medborgare kommer och gå från Syrien utan någon som stoppar dem. Nå, jag kommer inte heller sluta ".
I en video, förklarar en maskerad man som "lejonen inte stänger ögonen tills de kommer att skilja huvudet från kroppen" - hennes.
Gående längs gatan i Paris eller ta tunnelbanan har blivit otänkbart för detta journalist född i Casablanca, som under fem år arbetat på den franska vecko Charlie Hebdo.
I en video, förklarar en maskerad man som "lejonen inte stänger ögonen tills de kommer att skilja huvudet från kroppen" - hennes.
"Il faut Tuer Zineb El Rhazoui häll venger den Prop". Du måste döda Zineb El Rhazoui att hämnas profeten, läser en fatwa släcka afterJanuary 7.
Bilder från Zineb i en orange overall, som en fånge som ska köras av ISIS, har dykt upp på islamistiska hemsidor, tillsammans med placeringen av hennes hus och rapporter om sin verksamhet. Dussintals islamistiska webbplatser har skrivit fatwan mot Zineb.
Zineb undervisat vid Kairo-universitetet, innan han återvände till Marocko. Där skrev hon en avhandling om muslimer som konverterar till kristendomen. Sedan började hon att skriva för Journal Hebdomadaire, en oberoende fransktalande tidningen. Med "arabiska våren", förtrycket blev svårare att bära och Zineb beslutat att lämna Casablanca för Slovenien, där hon beviljades asyl av internationella städer flyktingar Network, som ger skydd åt förföljda författare och journalister. Hon flyttade sedan till Paris, där hon träffade redaktören för vecko Charlie Hebdo, Stéphane Charbonnier. De samar skrev "Life of Mohammed".
Nu Zineb El Rhazoui, gravid med sitt första barn, en son som hon säger "kommer att födas i avskildhet" och bevakade av polisen, har publicerat en bok som heter "13" (ring Editions). "Många människor efter massakern på Charlie motiverade attacken", förklarar Zineb. "De sa" varken Charlie eller terrorism ". Mina kolleger förtjänade allt detta? Ok. Men Frédéric Boisseau, killen rengöring Charlie byggnad, kanske han förtjänade att dö för ?. Efter attacken den 13 november var det svårt för dessa människor att fortfarande skylla Charlie Hebdo. Islamistiskt våld och hat är blinda, de inte diskriminera. Vi kan inte förhandla med terrorism. "
"Efter Charlie Hebdo sa jag att vi kan inte sluta som visar profeten, är det där gränsen mellan civilisation och barbari dras. Om vi är överens om att sluta prata om Islam, de kommer inte att sluta attackera västvärlden. Då kommer de att säga att vi äter under Ramadan och de kommer att döda oss för det. Vi kan inte förhandla varje detalj i vår frihet. "
"På Charlie Hebdo vi var vana vid att [verbala] attacker, men efter massakern det som gjorde mig hopplös och bitter var dessa medier, såsom The New York Times, som inte släpper locket på frågan. Alla dessa människor hade ? slaktats för en tecknad film och dessa journalister vägrar att publicera en annan tecknad Kanske terroristerna hade rätt att göra vad de gjorde efter 2006, vid Charlie Hebdo vi frågade oss: ". vad kommer andra journalister göra?" vi lämnades ensam nio. år senare".
Frankrike verkar leva i förnekande av hotet: "Totally. Den Republikens president Hollande sade att de inte är muslimer utan brottslingar. Vi har denna ideologi som vägrar att nämna islam. La Gauche, vänster, känna sig tvungna att vara trevligt med islam. Vi lever i en sekulär och demokratisk republik som inte bör erkänna communitarianism, men bara medborgare. "
"Istället använder de här otroliga anklagelser om" islamofobi ", som är en intellektuell bedragare uppfanns av iranska mullorna för att stänga munnen av dem som kritiserar islam. Om du kritisera islam i muslimska länder de fängsla dig, de attackerar dig fysiskt, de process som du, de dödar dig. i en demokrati, om du kritisera islam de anklaga dig för "islamofobi". Detta är två sidor av samma mynt ".
Hur minns du "Stéphane Charbonnier", den mördade regissören vid vecko? "Han var en kämpe. Han sa att om vi inte kämpa för frihet, en dag kommer vi att ha ett samhälle där vi kommer att känna sig som i ett fängelse. De sköt honom i huvudet ".
Charlie Hebdo redaktion av den 30 mars heter "Hur hamnade vi här?". Den avslutas med att förklara att terrorism som drabbade Paris och Bryssel är bara den sista delen av en process som kräver att inte prata, inte motsäga och undvika debatten. "Attackerna är toppen av ett stort isberg. Det sista steget i en process av hotelser och tystnad som startade för länge sedan ".
Zineb El Rhazoui kommer inte att ge upp. "Jag har en av de högsta skyddet i Frankrike", avslutar hon intervjun. "Livet har förändrats, måste du tänka på allt du gör, som att ta en kopp kaffe med vänner och ordna själv först med säkerhetsgruppen. Jag bor i en gång fängelse, men jag känner mig friare än dem som hotar mig. De har ett fängelse i huvudet! "
"Det kommer att bli mer terroristattacker på europeisk mark. Vi kan inte låtsas att föra krig i Raqqa och inte bekämpa den islamistiska ideologin som vi har bland oss. Problemet är inte i Syrien, men i vårt land, mördarna är här, i körfält mellan våra hus. den islamistiska ideologin av den islamiska staten existerade innan och kommer att finnas efter förstörelsen av den islamiska staten.
"Det finns imamer i Frankrike som säger att de som lyssnar på musik är apor. Terrorism föds från denna ideologi. Och så länge vi fortsätter att ljuga för oss själva att vi kommer att få fler terrorattacker."
France 2016:The endangered life of Zineb El Rhazoul
You can criticize Islam if you live with military guards 24/7 for the rest of your life
Published: Sunday, April 10, 2016 9:27 PM
"Many of my friends ask me: ‘Why don’t you change what you are doing?’. I tell them that if I stop being what I am it would be as if they had also killed me on January 7, 2015”. This is how Zineb El Rhazoui speaks to me. French newspapers call her “the most protected woman in France”.
Zineb has more bodyguards than many ministers of the government of Manuel Valls. She changed houses in Paris often in recent months for security reasons. “In the heart of Europe, I have to live under police protection for exercising a right, that of freedom of expression”, continues Zineb. “Meanwhile, French citizens come and go from Syria without anyone who stops them. Well, I will also not stop”.

In a video, a masked man declares that “the lions will not close eyes until they will separate your head from your body” - hers.
Walking down the street in Paris or taking the metro has become unthinkable for this journalist born in Casablanca, who for five years worked at the French weekly Charlie Hebdo.
In a video, a masked man declares that “the lions will not close eyes until they will separate your head from your body” - hers.
“Il faut tuer Zineb El Rhazoui pour venger the Prophete”. You have to kill Zineb El Rhazoui to avenge the Prophet, reads a fatwa put out afterJanuary 7.
Photos of Zineb in an orange jumpsuit, like a prisoner to be executed by ISIS, have appeared on Islamist websites, together with the location of her house and reports of her activities. Dozens of Islamist sites have posted the fatwa against Zineb.
Zineb taught at Cairo University, before returning to Morocco. There she wrote a dissertation on Muslims who convert to Christianity. Then she started to write for the Journal Hebdomadaire, an independent Francophone newspaper. With the “Arab Spring”, the repression became harder to bear and Zineb decided to leave Casablanca for Slovenia, where she was granted asylum by the International Cities of Refugees Network, which gives shelter to persecuted writers and journalists. She then moved to Paris, where she met the editor of the weekly Charlie Hebdo, Stéphane Charbonnier. They co-wrote the “Life of Mohammed”.
Now Zineb El Rhazoui, pregnant with her first child, a son who she says “will be born in seclusion” and guarded by police, has published a book called “13” (Ring Editions). “Many people after the massacre of Charlie justified the attack,” explains Zineb. “They said ‘neither Charlie nor terrorism’. My colleagues deserved all this? Ok. But Frédéric Boisseau, the guy cleaning the Charlie’s building, maybe he deserved to die too?. After the attack of November 13 it was difficult for these people to still blame Charlie Hebdo. Islamist violence and hatred are blind, they do not discriminate. We can not negotiate with terrorism."
"After Charlie Hebdo I said we can not stop depicting the Prophet, this is where the line between civilization and barbarism is drawn. If we agree to stop talking about Islam, they will not stop attacking the West. Then they will say that we eat during Ramadan and they will kill us for that. We can not negotiate every detail of our freedom."
"At Charlie Hebdo we were accustomed to [verbal] attacks, but after the massacre the thing that made me hopeless and bitter were those media, such as The New York Times, which did not release the cover of the issue . All those people had been slaughtered for a cartoon and these journalists are refusing to publish another cartoon? Perhaps the terrorists were right to do what they did. After 2006, at Charlie Hebdo we asked ourselves: ‘What will other journalists do?’. We were left alone nine years later”.
France seems to live in denial of the threat: “Totally. The President of the Republic Hollande said they are not Muslims but criminals. We have this ideology that refuses to name Islam. La Gauche, the left, feel obliged to be nice with Islam. We live in a secular and democratic republic that should not recognize the communitarianism, but only citizens."
"Instead, they use this incredible accusation of ‘Islamophobia’, which is an intellectual impostor invented by the Iranian mullahs to close the mouths of those who criticize Islam. If you criticize Islam in Muslim countries they imprison you, they attack you physically, they process you, they kill you. In a democracy, if you criticize Islam they accuse you of ‘Islamophobia’. These are two sides of the same coin”.
How do you remember “Charb”, the murdered director at the weekly? “He was a fighter. He said if we do not fight for freedom, one day we will have a society where we will feel like in a prison. They shot him in the head”.
Charlie Hebdo’s editorial of March 30 is titled “How did we end up here?”. It concludes by explaining that terrorism that hit Paris and Brussels is only the final part of a process which requires not to talk, not to contradict and to avoid the debate. “The attacks are the tip of a large iceberg. The final stage of a process of intimidation and silence which started a long time ago”.
Zineb El Rhazoui will not give up. “I have one of the highest protection in France”, she concludes the interview. “Life has changed, you have to think about everything you do, like taking a coffee with friends and organize yourself first with the security team. I live in a walking prison, but I feel more free than those who threaten me. They have a prison in their head!"
"There will be more terrorist attacks on European soil. We can not pretend to make war in Raqqa and not fight the Islamist ideology that we have among us. The problem is not in Syria, but in our country, the killers are here, in the lanes between our houses. The Islamist ideology of the Islamic State existed before and will exist after the destruction of the Islamic State.
"There are imams in France who say that those who listen to music are monkeys. Terrorism is born from this ideology. And as long as we continue to lie to ourselves we will receive more terror attacks.”
Zineb has more bodyguards than many ministers of the government of Manuel Valls. She changed houses in Paris often in recent months for security reasons. “In the heart of Europe, I have to live under police protection for exercising a right, that of freedom of expression”, continues Zineb. “Meanwhile, French citizens come and go from Syria without anyone who stops them. Well, I will also not stop”.

In a video, a masked man declares that “the lions will not close eyes until they will separate your head from your body” - hers.

In a video, a masked man declares that “the lions will not close eyes until they will separate your head from your body” - hers.
“Il faut tuer Zineb El Rhazoui pour venger the Prophete”. You have to kill Zineb El Rhazoui to avenge the Prophet, reads a fatwa put out afterJanuary 7.
Photos of Zineb in an orange jumpsuit, like a prisoner to be executed by ISIS, have appeared on Islamist websites, together with the location of her house and reports of her activities. Dozens of Islamist sites have posted the fatwa against Zineb.
Zineb taught at Cairo University, before returning to Morocco. There she wrote a dissertation on Muslims who convert to Christianity. Then she started to write for the Journal Hebdomadaire, an independent Francophone newspaper. With the “Arab Spring”, the repression became harder to bear and Zineb decided to leave Casablanca for Slovenia, where she was granted asylum by the International Cities of Refugees Network, which gives shelter to persecuted writers and journalists. She then moved to Paris, where she met the editor of the weekly Charlie Hebdo, Stéphane Charbonnier. They co-wrote the “Life of Mohammed”.
Now Zineb El Rhazoui, pregnant with her first child, a son who she says “will be born in seclusion” and guarded by police, has published a book called “13” (Ring Editions). “Many people after the massacre of Charlie justified the attack,” explains Zineb. “They said ‘neither Charlie nor terrorism’. My colleagues deserved all this? Ok. But Frédéric Boisseau, the guy cleaning the Charlie’s building, maybe he deserved to die too?. After the attack of November 13 it was difficult for these people to still blame Charlie Hebdo. Islamist violence and hatred are blind, they do not discriminate. We can not negotiate with terrorism."
"After Charlie Hebdo I said we can not stop depicting the Prophet, this is where the line between civilization and barbarism is drawn. If we agree to stop talking about Islam, they will not stop attacking the West. Then they will say that we eat during Ramadan and they will kill us for that. We can not negotiate every detail of our freedom."
"At Charlie Hebdo we were accustomed to [verbal] attacks, but after the massacre the thing that made me hopeless and bitter were those media, such as The New York Times, which did not release the cover of the issue . All those people had been slaughtered for a cartoon and these journalists are refusing to publish another cartoon? Perhaps the terrorists were right to do what they did. After 2006, at Charlie Hebdo we asked ourselves: ‘What will other journalists do?’. We were left alone nine years later”.
France seems to live in denial of the threat: “Totally. The President of the Republic Hollande said they are not Muslims but criminals. We have this ideology that refuses to name Islam. La Gauche, the left, feel obliged to be nice with Islam. We live in a secular and democratic republic that should not recognize the communitarianism, but only citizens."
"Instead, they use this incredible accusation of ‘Islamophobia’, which is an intellectual impostor invented by the Iranian mullahs to close the mouths of those who criticize Islam. If you criticize Islam in Muslim countries they imprison you, they attack you physically, they process you, they kill you. In a democracy, if you criticize Islam they accuse you of ‘Islamophobia’. These are two sides of the same coin”.
How do you remember “Charb”, the murdered director at the weekly? “He was a fighter. He said if we do not fight for freedom, one day we will have a society where we will feel like in a prison. They shot him in the head”.
Charlie Hebdo’s editorial of March 30 is titled “How did we end up here?”. It concludes by explaining that terrorism that hit Paris and Brussels is only the final part of a process which requires not to talk, not to contradict and to avoid the debate. “The attacks are the tip of a large iceberg. The final stage of a process of intimidation and silence which started a long time ago”.
Zineb El Rhazoui will not give up. “I have one of the highest protection in France”, she concludes the interview. “Life has changed, you have to think about everything you do, like taking a coffee with friends and organize yourself first with the security team. I live in a walking prison, but I feel more free than those who threaten me. They have a prison in their head!"
"There will be more terrorist attacks on European soil. We can not pretend to make war in Raqqa and not fight the Islamist ideology that we have among us. The problem is not in Syria, but in our country, the killers are here, in the lanes between our houses. The Islamist ideology of the Islamic State existed before and will exist after the destruction of the Islamic State.
"There are imams in France who say that those who listen to music are monkeys. Terrorism is born from this ideology. And as long as we continue to lie to ourselves we will receive more terror attacks.”
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