Israels och Saudiernas förhållanden vill man inte nämna här, eftersom man försöker slicka Iran i häcken för att kunna handla, utan hänsyn till att de testar ballistiska missiler och stöder sina terrorister. Shia-terrorister i Jemen får göra vad de vill utan klagomål, när Saudierna försöker stoppa dem är det knappast terroristerna man klagar på.
Report: Israeli Delegation Headed by Defense Minister Meets With Saudi Officials in Riyadh to Discuss Iranian Threat
MARCH 2, 2016 3:07 PM

Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulaziz. Photo: Wikipedia.
An Israeli delegation, headed by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, visited Saudi Arabia recently to meet with officials in Riyadh, including King Salman Bin Abdulaziz, pro-Israel blogger Elder of Ziyon reported this week, after noting that the Western media did not pick up on the story, released by Israel’s Channel 10 and quoted in Hezbollah’s Lebanon-based Al Manar TV.
Though, according to the report, this was not the first such visit by prominent Israelis, the IDF Censor prohibits discussion of them for security reasons. The Saudi royal family, too, according to Al Manar, has preferred to keep such talks confidential, though it is no secret that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are concerned about growing Iranian influence in the region, and both opposed the nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world powers.
According to the report, which Elder of Ziyon also found on the Middle Eastern AhlulBayt News Agency site, Saudi officials said they are not interested in solving the Palestinian issue, yet want Israeli support against Iran.
In December, Israeli Foreign Ministry Director-General Dore Gold gave what the Jerusalem Post called an “unprecedented” interview to Saudi news outlet Elaph, in which he stressed the two countries’ common interests, among them standing up to Iran and the “joint threat of ISIS.”
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