måndag 13 april 2015

Tysk domstol förbjuder motdemonstration mot Pegida.

Konstigt att svenska media, som brukar visa sitt förakt för Pegida, inte skriver om detta. Kan du gissa varför?

German court blocks counter-protest within sight of PEGIDA

DRESDEN, Germany (AP) — A German court has banned counter-protests within sight or earshot of a rally by the anti-Islam group PEGIDA.
Dresden's administrative court says a coalition of groups calling itself "Dresden free of Nazis" isn't allowed to stage its protest near a planned PEGIDA event late Monday.
The court said the counter-protest appeared designed to deny PEGIDA supporters their freedom of speech. It wasn't immediately clear whether the coalition would appeal the ruling.
PEGIDA, which claims to be against the "Islamization of the West," has invited Dutch populist politician Geert Wilders to speak at its weekly rally Monday.
The group, which attracted large crowds to its rallies earlier this year, appears to have lost momentum. It says it expects 30,000 people to attend Monday, though recent rallies have drawn fewer than 10,000.

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