tisdag 7 april 2015

Israels ekonomi gick upp 7.2% fjärde kvartalet.

Israels ekonomi har inte gått upp så snabbt sen 2006-07, efter kriget med Hizbullah.

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Israel economy surges 7.2 percent in fourth-quarter, fastest pace since 2007


16 februari 2015.

(Reuters) - Israel's economy is poised to rebound further in 2015 from the effects of last summer's Gaza war after a strong recovery in the final three months of 2014 led to the fastest quarterly growth in nearly eight years.

The fourth quarter of 2014 saw gross domestic product grow an annualized 7.2 percent expansion, a rebound similar to late 2006 and early 2007, when war in Lebanon was followed by a surge in growth.

Fourth-quarter GDP had been forecast to grow an annualized 3.3 percent, according to a Reuters poll.

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