Shin Bet, som har Ya'alons och Netanyahus uppdrag att hitta någon judisk nationalist som är skyldig så de är desperata.
Den första talar om att en anhållen erkände under tortyr, totalt olagligt. Dean andra undrar vem katten anklagar nu den Överste Åklagaren för hans order om illegal tortyr av de judiska barnen.
Shin Bet is 'looking for a scapegoat'
Right-wing activist Pinhasi Braun tells Arutz Sheva he thinks Amiram Ben-Uliel is innocent: 'Anyone would confess after that much torture.'
By Benny Tucker
First Publish: 1/4/2016, 9:54 PM
By Benny Tucker
First Publish: 1/4/2016, 9:54 PM

Amiram Ben Uliel (right).
Arutz Sheva
Right-wing activist Pinhasi Braun is convinced accused murder Amiram Ben Uliel did not commit the July 31 arson attack in Duma.
"After all the torture he underwent for weeks, anyone would confess," Braun asserted to Arutz Sheva. "They created a scapegoat."
According to Braun, even if Jews were behind the arson, ongoing Arab terror and lackluster responses from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon play an important factor in explaining it.
"A month before the event Malachi Rosenfeld was murdered and the state did nothing," he charged. "People see Jewish blood being spilled, and maximum Bibi comes to comfort the mourners and Bogi says we need to accept it, and the result is Jews are fed up."
"Obviously citizens can't take the law into their own hands, and the state should," he clarified. "But if the state does nothing, it may be that there are those who will want to take action."
Braun added that he hoped the Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) would direct more of their energy toward Arab terrorists.
Ben-Uliel, 21, was indicted in Lod District Court on Sunday on three counts of murder and one count of attempted murder for firebombing the Dawabshe family home five months ago.
His family released a video several hours after his arraignment professing his innocence and attributing his confession to the Shin Bet's alleged abuse.
"After all the torture he underwent for weeks, anyone would confess," Braun asserted to Arutz Sheva. "They created a scapegoat."
According to Braun, even if Jews were behind the arson, ongoing Arab terror and lackluster responses from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon play an important factor in explaining it.
"A month before the event Malachi Rosenfeld was murdered and the state did nothing," he charged. "People see Jewish blood being spilled, and maximum Bibi comes to comfort the mourners and Bogi says we need to accept it, and the result is Jews are fed up."
"Obviously citizens can't take the law into their own hands, and the state should," he clarified. "But if the state does nothing, it may be that there are those who will want to take action."
Braun added that he hoped the Israel Security Agency (ISA or Shin Bet) would direct more of their energy toward Arab terrorists.
Ben-Uliel, 21, was indicted in Lod District Court on Sunday on three counts of murder and one count of attempted murder for firebombing the Dawabshe family home five months ago.
His family released a video several hours after his arraignment professing his innocence and attributing his confession to the Shin Bet's alleged abuse.
'Who is investigating Weinstein's Duma torture orders?'
Movement for Governability and Democracy asks Attorney General: Who's probing your conduct over Duma case torture?
First Publish: 1/3/2016, 8:49 PM

Yehuda Weinstein
Dudi Vaknin/POOL/Flash 90
The Movement for Governability and Democracy (Meshilut) sent a letter to Attorney General and Chief Legal Adviser Yehuda Weinstein on Sunday, asking him which government body is charged with investigating his conduct in the lethal Duma arson case.
Meshilut noted that Weinstein allegedly authorized the use of torture against the suspects, despite the lack of "concrete events justifying such measures." In such a case, "use of any such physical measures would be illegal and in violation of a ruling by the Supreme Court on this matter."
Just last Thursday sources close to the investigation revealed to Haaretz that Weinstein gave permission to torture the Jewish suspects being held in the Duma case as early as three weeks ago, and added that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was not notified until after the torture began.
"Normally, it would have been appropriate to turn to you and ask you to use your authority to initiate a criminal investigation," stated Meshilut in the letter.
"However, in light of the information that you have been involved in authorizing these extreme measures, without a legal source permitting you to do so, clearly, you cannot be considered an objective party, hence, we would like to know who is in charge of auditing or inspecting your judgment in this matter?"
Meshilut is a non-profit and non-political organization "founded in January 2013 to strengthen the rule of Israel’s elected officials by restoring the proper balance between the legal and executive branches of government," according to its website.
Brutal torture of various forms, including sleep deprivation, physical assault and more has been charged by the suspects in the case. After nearly a month of the alleged torture one minor suspect broke down and gave a confession late last month, but the reports of intense torture leave heavy concerns that the confession was false and inadmissible as evidence. Prior to the confession, officials admitted there was no evidence to stand the suspects on trial.
Indictments were issued on Sunday against two suspects, charging one young suspect of going alone into the center of the Arab village Duma in July, lighting a house on fire that turned out to be empty, before writing Hebrew graffiti on a wall of the house in which the Dawabshe family slept and then lighting it on fire, and afterwards escaping from the center of the village. The Dawabshe couple and an infant baby of theirs died in the arson.
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