EUs rent nazistiska attacker på Israel använder samma metoder och vokabulär mot judarna som i gamla tider och de är helt obekymrade av internationell lag och avtal som San Remobeslutet, Osloavtalet och Säkerhetsrådets §242 - allt negligeras med näsan i luften. Läs lite detaljer här.
söndag 31 januari 2016
lördag 30 januari 2016
Sveriges rykte är förstört för många år.
Försök tänka dej hur Sveriges rykte är totalt förstört när en av Englands stora tidningar visar hur regeringen förvandlat landet till total anarki. Dagens situation har helt skapats av regeringens oövertänkta import-iver, och nu kan de inte ta hand om resultatet till någons fördel, definitivt inte invånarnas - deras situation har varit helt ointressanta för de senaste två regeringarna och all demokrati försvann med decemberöverenskommelsen.
Men läs artikeln och känn hur läsarna får sina intryck av detta nya Sverige.
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Men läs artikeln och känn hur läsarna får sina intryck av detta nya Sverige.
Swedish police warn Stockholm's main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs 'stealing and groping girls'
- Hundreds of Moroccan children living on the streets in Stockholm
- Accused of stealing and assaulting security guards at the main station
- Police say they grope girls and 'slap them in the face when they protest'
- One in five Moroccan migrant children run away from housing since 2012
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Påven täcker den västerländska kulturen med lådor inför Rouhani.
Vad gör man inte för pengar även om man är påve - eller varför åbäkar han sej så? Tänker påven konvertera karln? Eller visa hur han ärar islam framför Europas kultur?
Hamas bygger tunnlar med bl.a. svenska pengar.
Abbas har berättat hur stora mängder donationer som direkt slussats till Hamas - hur mycket redovisning har Wallström krävt av våra pengar hon så frikostigt gett till terror.?
All cement som levererats - konstigt att man aldrig ser byggda hus - det mesta har gått till tunnlar, ingen övervakning alls. Nu erkänner Hamas att de bygger tunnlar för glatta livet mot Israel utan att Netanyahu bekymrar sig medan Sisi fyller tunnlarna mot Egypten med kloakvatten.
För et tag sen var omröstning i Israel vem som vore den starkaste ledaren i dagens situation, och Lieberman kom etta före Bennett före Netanyahu,
Haniyeh confirms: We are building tunnels
Hamas deputy leader confirms his group is rebuilding its terrorist infrastructure and preparing for war with Israel.
By Ben Ariel, Canada
First Publish: 1/29/2016, 10:17 PM
Hamas is no longer denying that it is rebuilding its terrorist tunnel infrastructure.
On Friday, Hamas deputy leader Ismail Haniyeh publicly confirmed the group is developing its military capabilities and rebuilding the underground tunnels leading from Gaza to Israel in preparation for a future conflict, reported Haaretz.
Haniyeh made the comments as part of his weekly sermon at the end of Friday prayers in Gaza and ahead of a funeral for seven Hamas terrorists who were killed this week when a tunnel collapsed in northern Gaza.
"There are those who think that the calm is a time of rest," Haniyeh said, according to Haaretz. "But this is a continuation of the struggle. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are working and preparing for Palestine. Fighters are digging twice as much as the number of tunnels dug in Vietnam."
"In east Gaza there are heroes digging tunnels under the ground and in the west there are those testing rockets. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are digging tunnels to defend Gaza and turn it into a launch pad for all of Palestine," he declared.
Haniyeh also praised Gaza steadfastness "thanks to the patience of the Strip's residents and despite the siege and war and schemes against Gaza. I tell all those who are doubtful at our resilience: forgo this logic. We are prepared to go without bread and without water, but we will not live without respect."
Hamas has been working feverishly to rebuild its infiltration tunnel network into Israel, after the IDF destroyed the network during Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
According to some estimates Hamas has already succeeded in digging tunnels into Israel sovereign territory once again, using materials sent by international donors which were earmarked for rebuilding Gaza's civilian infrastructure damaged during the war.
As recently as last summer, one year after Protective Edge, Hamas released a video clip showing its terrorist fighters training for attacks against Israel inside terror tunnels.
In the video, the terrorists of the so-called "tunnel unit" were seen practicing organized action, infiltration, attacking Israel military and civilian targets and evacuation of the wounded.
All cement som levererats - konstigt att man aldrig ser byggda hus - det mesta har gått till tunnlar, ingen övervakning alls. Nu erkänner Hamas att de bygger tunnlar för glatta livet mot Israel utan att Netanyahu bekymrar sig medan Sisi fyller tunnlarna mot Egypten med kloakvatten.
För et tag sen var omröstning i Israel vem som vore den starkaste ledaren i dagens situation, och Lieberman kom etta före Bennett före Netanyahu,
Haniyeh confirms: We are building tunnels
Hamas deputy leader confirms his group is rebuilding its terrorist infrastructure and preparing for war with Israel.
By Ben Ariel, Canada
First Publish: 1/29/2016, 10:17 PM
Hamas is no longer denying that it is rebuilding its terrorist tunnel infrastructure.
On Friday, Hamas deputy leader Ismail Haniyeh publicly confirmed the group is developing its military capabilities and rebuilding the underground tunnels leading from Gaza to Israel in preparation for a future conflict, reported Haaretz.
Haniyeh made the comments as part of his weekly sermon at the end of Friday prayers in Gaza and ahead of a funeral for seven Hamas terrorists who were killed this week when a tunnel collapsed in northern Gaza.
"There are those who think that the calm is a time of rest," Haniyeh said, according to Haaretz. "But this is a continuation of the struggle. Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are working and preparing for Palestine. Fighters are digging twice as much as the number of tunnels dug in Vietnam."
"In east Gaza there are heroes digging tunnels under the ground and in the west there are those testing rockets. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades are digging tunnels to defend Gaza and turn it into a launch pad for all of Palestine," he declared.
Haniyeh also praised Gaza steadfastness "thanks to the patience of the Strip's residents and despite the siege and war and schemes against Gaza. I tell all those who are doubtful at our resilience: forgo this logic. We are prepared to go without bread and without water, but we will not live without respect."
Hamas has been working feverishly to rebuild its infiltration tunnel network into Israel, after the IDF destroyed the network during Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
According to some estimates Hamas has already succeeded in digging tunnels into Israel sovereign territory once again, using materials sent by international donors which were earmarked for rebuilding Gaza's civilian infrastructure damaged during the war.
As recently as last summer, one year after Protective Edge, Hamas released a video clip showing its terrorist fighters training for attacks against Israel inside terror tunnels.
In the video, the terrorists of the so-called "tunnel unit" were seen practicing organized action, infiltration, attacking Israel military and civilian targets and evacuation of the wounded.
fredag 29 januari 2016
Iran bryter de mänskliga rättigheterna, men Västvärlden ser alla pengarna och bryr sig inte.
Alla länder stormar till Iran . för att tjäna pengar oberoende av att Iran supportar all shia-terrorister och några shiiter, de bygger ballistiska raketer i mängd utan att någon hejdar dom, speciellt inte Obama. Tydligen tjänar de mycket nog för att man ska negligera mänskliga rättisgheter. Jämför med allt skäll Saudierna får även om de bryter mycket mindre mot rättigheter.
'The state of southern Tel Aviv is occupied'
Rouhani ignores human rights question from Jewish journalist
Iranian president storms out of press conference in Rome following a question asked by a Jewish-Italian journalist.
By Shoshana Miskin, Simone Somekh
First Publish: 1/28/2016, 6:54 PM

Created by Wibbitz
During Iranian leader Hassan Rouhani's visit to Rome, he was asked a question about human rights in a press conference on Wednesday, and decided to answer by leaving the room.
Adam Smulevich, a reporter from the Jewish-Italian newspaper Pagine Ebraiche asked the Iranian president, “How do you think we can trust your words and your propaganda if the nation continues to be ranked as one of the top countries that promote human rights denial?”
The reaction of the Iranian leader was not a pleasant one. According to participants who attended the conference, Rouhani “rummaged the room with angry eyes” and after a few seconds of tension, left without giving an answer.a accepterar från Iran.
The journalists’ were only allowed to ask questions which had prior approval by Iranian officials, which is why Smulevich was surprised by Rouhani’s reaction, saying, “He stared at me in the eyes, not with a lot of sympathy, then ignored me and headed towards ad politikern
Adam Smulevich, a reporter from the Jewish-Italian newspaper Pagine Ebraiche asked the Iranian president, “How do you think we can trust your words and your propaganda if the nation continues to be ranked as one of the top countries that promote human rights denial?”
The reaction of the Iranian leader was not a pleasant one. According to participants who attended the conference, Rouhani “rummaged the room with angry eyes” and after a few seconds of tension, left without giving an answer.a accepterar från Iran.
The journalists’ were only allowed to ask questions which had prior approval by Iranian officials, which is why Smulevich was surprised by Rouhani’s reaction, saying, “He stared at me in the eyes, not with a lot of sympathy, then ignored me and headed towards ad politikern
Ryssland har släppt fram Hizbollah nära Jordansk-Israeliska gränsen, de två länderna rasande på Putin.
Jordan och Israel har skickat rasande meddelanden att Putin brutit sina löften att hålla Hizbullah från gränsen mellan Syrien och Israel/Jordanien. Situationen är kritisk - Jordanien och Israel kan tvingas slå tillbaka.
torsdag 28 januari 2016
torsdag 21 januari 2016
"Israel annekterar palestinsk mark" - som inte existerar!
Man undrar hur nyhetsbyråer kör på med lätt verifierade lögner och dagstidningar upprepar dessa direkt emot Pressens Etiska Regler om att de måste kontrollera sanningshalten i vad de säger - det är ingen ursäkt att TT spottat ut det.
Där har aldrig någonsin existerat någon "palestinsk mark" - när skulle den ha uppstått? Västbanken var Ottomanskt tills de förlorade den efter första världskriget. England var mandatmakt till 1947. England gav bort 80% till Jordanien - efter att redan ha givit 200 gånger mer land runt om mandatet till araberna. Därefter anföll Jordanien Västbanken och Jerusalem med brittisk hjälp och annekterade illegalt det mesta. Israel vann över dem 1967, och återtog den halvan av Jerusalem de ockuperade, och Västbanken.
När fanns det tid att bli någon "palestinsk mark"? Jordanien har därefter avsagt sig alla anspråk på vad de ockuperade.
Så vad är en palestinier? Dagens definition hittades på av KGB mitt på 60-talet som propagandahjälpmedel till Arafat, innan betydde det alla i mandatet Palestina inklusive alla judar där. Den största engelskspråkiga judiska tidningen hette Palestine Post tills den blev Jerusalem Post. Dagens "palestinier" är ingalunda någon ursprungsbefolkning, se länk.
Så nyhetssagorna om "palestinskt land" är ren och skär antisemitism och judehat. Det existerar lika lite som Löfvéns "palestina" eller jultomten eller andra fantasier.
Där har aldrig någonsin existerat någon "palestinsk mark" - när skulle den ha uppstått? Västbanken var Ottomanskt tills de förlorade den efter första världskriget. England var mandatmakt till 1947. England gav bort 80% till Jordanien - efter att redan ha givit 200 gånger mer land runt om mandatet till araberna. Därefter anföll Jordanien Västbanken och Jerusalem med brittisk hjälp och annekterade illegalt det mesta. Israel vann över dem 1967, och återtog den halvan av Jerusalem de ockuperade, och Västbanken.
När fanns det tid att bli någon "palestinsk mark"? Jordanien har därefter avsagt sig alla anspråk på vad de ockuperade.
Så vad är en palestinier? Dagens definition hittades på av KGB mitt på 60-talet som propagandahjälpmedel till Arafat, innan betydde det alla i mandatet Palestina inklusive alla judar där. Den största engelskspråkiga judiska tidningen hette Palestine Post tills den blev Jerusalem Post. Dagens "palestinier" är ingalunda någon ursprungsbefolkning, se länk.
Så nyhetssagorna om "palestinskt land" är ren och skär antisemitism och judehat. Det existerar lika lite som Löfvéns "palestina" eller jultomten eller andra fantasier.
Utvecklas positivt: Israels och Indiens förhållande.
Op-Ed: Observations on Israel-India relations
In light of the current visit to Israel of Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaaraj, below are observations on Indo-Israel ties.
Published: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 7:01 AM
onsdag 20 januari 2016
Obongos önskan av atombomber i Saudiarabien.
Obongon är självklart inte dummare än att vara medveten - även om han inte berättar om det för den oförstående pöbeln, - att Saudiarabien är tvingad att skaffa kärnvapen om Iran tillåts att i sakta mån utveckla sina egna enligt den vansinniga Obama/Iranplanen, som hotar Saudierna och Israel i lika mån. Samtidigt talar planen inte ett dyft om att Iran supportar alla shit- och många sunnirebeller. Ledarna i Turkiet och Egypten tvings också av Obamas "seger" och alla applåder från EU att planera atomförsvar. Iran utökar sitt förråd av ballistiska missiler länk.
Vad Israel tvingas göra pga Obama är förstås att polera och uppgradera ev. kärnvapen som Obama avslöjade att Israel hade, länk. Den mannen gör precis allting för att offra säkerheten för Israels befolkning föt att tillfredsställa sina beundrare.
Vad Israel tvingas göra pga Obama är förstås att polera och uppgradera ev. kärnvapen som Obama avslöjade att Israel hade, länk. Den mannen gör precis allting för att offra säkerheten för Israels befolkning föt att tillfredsställa sina beundrare.
söndag 17 januari 2016
Wallströms senaste produktion.
Hon har definitivt inte beklagat händelsen och i hennes position får hon välja. Hon har inte beklagat några av händelserna och knappast gråtit i sin ensamhet heller, i sin stora lyxlägenhet.
Som tur är avlivas allt fler av de islamska råttorna, något Wallström vill förbjuda. Tur att hon inte bestämmer nåt, har inte ens kontroll över sin stora trut.

Woman stabbed in front of her children at home in Otniel identified as mother-of-six Dafna Meir; sources chasing attacker who fled scene.
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 1/17/2016, 5:34 PM / Last Update: 1/17/2016, 8:04 PM

Murdered: Dafna Meir (left)
Courtesy of the family
Som tur är avlivas allt fler av de islamska råttorna, något Wallström vill förbjuda. Tur att hon inte bestämmer nåt, har inte ens kontroll över sin stora trut.

Arab terrorist murders Otniel woman in her home
Woman stabbed in front of her children at home in Otniel identified as mother-of-six Dafna Meir; sources chasing attacker who fled scene.
By Ari Yashar
First Publish: 1/17/2016, 5:34 PM / Last Update: 1/17/2016, 8:04 PM

Murdered: Dafna Meir (left)
Courtesy of the family
An Israeli woman was murdered in a stabbing attack late Sunday afternoon in Otniel, a town in the southern Har Hevron region of Judea.
The woman has since been identified as 39-year-old Dafna Meir, a mother to six children, two of them foster children. She waas initially critically wounded in the attack and succumbed to her wounds shortly after.
The Arab terrorist who carried out the attack succeeded in breaking into the town, entering the woman's home and murdering her before fleeing the scene.
The woman, who works as a nurse, fought with the terrorist at the entrance to her home as her children were nearby, according to testimony. The children did not see the attack but heard her shouts and came running, and then called up security forces to hunt the murderer.
Security forces are currently pursuing the terrorist, aided by a helicopter, and residents of the town were asked to stay in their homes during the manhunt. The IDF has clarified that the terrorist is no longer in the town.
Witnesses of the attack have said the terrorist worked in the town and used his familiarity with the community to carry out the attack.
Meir will be buried on Monday morning. The funeral procession will leave from Otniel at 9 a.m. towards Jerusalem, and will arrive at 11 a.m. at Har Hamenuhot Cemetery in the northwestern Givat Shaul neighborhood of the capital.
Noam Bar, a senior Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic, said, "the sight was difficult, we saw an unconscious woman aged around 40, who was not breathing and had no pulse."
"She suffered from stab wounds to her upper body; we performed continued resuscitation but in the end we were forced to pronounce her death," said Bar.
Former Interior Minister Eli Yishai, chair of the Yachad party which narrowly failed to enter the Knesset, responded to the murder by blaming the radical leftist groups B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence.
"I am shocked by the murderous attack in Otniel. The cruelty of the murderers knows no bounds," said Yishai. "Again we come across the face of uninhibited evil. An awful murder of a Jewish woman hy''d in her private home, with her only 'sin' being that she was an Israeli Jew."
"The struggle against incitement needs to be escalated. The Palestinian incitement at the side of the Israeli (incitement) managed by leftist organizations B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence is responsible for another despicable murder. God will avenge her blood."
The attack came just minutes after a stabbing was thwarted at the western gate of Kiryat Arba, which leads to Hevron. In that incident, a female Arab terrorist was apprehended with a knife in her handbag before she was able to inflict any wounds.
Video from the terrorist's arrest shows security forces neutralizing her. To watch click the image below.
That thwarted stabbing was the third of the day; earlier an Arab terrorist attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Samaria Regional Brigade Junction in Samaria (also known as Bahad 3), but was shot dead by soldiers before he was able to harm anyone.
Before that attempt, a potentially major serious attack was thwarted outside a Jerusalem synagogue, as three Arab youths were arrested after having been found armed with knives outside the Heichal Yaakov synagogue in Kiryat Moshe.
The three are believed to have planned to carry out an attack on the synagogue as it was packed with worshipers attending morning prayers.
The woman has since been identified as 39-year-old Dafna Meir, a mother to six children, two of them foster children. She waas initially critically wounded in the attack and succumbed to her wounds shortly after.
The Arab terrorist who carried out the attack succeeded in breaking into the town, entering the woman's home and murdering her before fleeing the scene.
The woman, who works as a nurse, fought with the terrorist at the entrance to her home as her children were nearby, according to testimony. The children did not see the attack but heard her shouts and came running, and then called up security forces to hunt the murderer.
Security forces are currently pursuing the terrorist, aided by a helicopter, and residents of the town were asked to stay in their homes during the manhunt. The IDF has clarified that the terrorist is no longer in the town.
Witnesses of the attack have said the terrorist worked in the town and used his familiarity with the community to carry out the attack.
Meir will be buried on Monday morning. The funeral procession will leave from Otniel at 9 a.m. towards Jerusalem, and will arrive at 11 a.m. at Har Hamenuhot Cemetery in the northwestern Givat Shaul neighborhood of the capital.
Noam Bar, a senior Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic, said, "the sight was difficult, we saw an unconscious woman aged around 40, who was not breathing and had no pulse."
"She suffered from stab wounds to her upper body; we performed continued resuscitation but in the end we were forced to pronounce her death," said Bar.
Former Interior Minister Eli Yishai, chair of the Yachad party which narrowly failed to enter the Knesset, responded to the murder by blaming the radical leftist groups B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence.
"I am shocked by the murderous attack in Otniel. The cruelty of the murderers knows no bounds," said Yishai. "Again we come across the face of uninhibited evil. An awful murder of a Jewish woman hy''d in her private home, with her only 'sin' being that she was an Israeli Jew."
"The struggle against incitement needs to be escalated. The Palestinian incitement at the side of the Israeli (incitement) managed by leftist organizations B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence is responsible for another despicable murder. God will avenge her blood."
The attack came just minutes after a stabbing was thwarted at the western gate of Kiryat Arba, which leads to Hevron. In that incident, a female Arab terrorist was apprehended with a knife in her handbag before she was able to inflict any wounds.
Video from the terrorist's arrest shows security forces neutralizing her. To watch click the image below.
That thwarted stabbing was the third of the day; earlier an Arab terrorist attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Samaria Regional Brigade Junction in Samaria (also known as Bahad 3), but was shot dead by soldiers before he was able to harm anyone.
Before that attempt, a potentially major serious attack was thwarted outside a Jerusalem synagogue, as three Arab youths were arrested after having been found armed with knives outside the Heichal Yaakov synagogue in Kiryat Moshe.
The three are believed to have planned to carry out an attack on the synagogue as it was packed with worshipers attending morning prayers.
Bluffen med det beundrade Iran.
Dagens svenska blaskor beundrar Iran SÅÅ efter att de har uppfyllt en del villkor i Obamas avtal:
Fakta: Islamiska republiken Iran
Inte ett ord om Irans support för all shiitisk och en del sunnitisk (som Hamas) terror.
Wallström: En seger för diplomatin
SvDs förakt för Israels syn
Har Obongon och Wallström sagt så är det förstås så.
Vad säger de i USA i den grupp som sveriges media föraktar för att de inte oförbehållslöst älskar Obongon? Se:
Obama’s Middle East Policies Dictated by Phony Iran Deal
Där kan du läsa (och läs artikeln noga, med Google translate om det behövs) hur det har skett genom att Obongon kontinuerligt minskat på kraven på Iran, från början av förhandlingarna. För att inte tala om de övriga makterna som skulle se till att Iran lydde, men backade ut så snabbt, som Frankrike, att de snarast verkade mutade. Det har visats att en del demokrater i USA fick cash från Iran för att rösta rätt.
Absolut inget om Irans växande industri för ballistiska missiler, som jag nyss skev om länk. Det märktes knappast i svenska massmedia.
Jag föredrar Saudiarabierna stort, även om de har en hel del fel och brister. Iran avrättar mycket fler människor, Iranier bygger ballistiska missiler, Iran skriker "död åt Israel" och menar det. Att de också skriker "Död åt USA" tycks inte beröra Obongon.
Ett år till och han är ute, och sen beror världens öde på efterföljaren. Han får sparken länk. Önskar där fanns motsvarande räknare för Wallgren.
Fakta: Islamiska republiken Iran
Inte ett ord om Irans support för all shiitisk och en del sunnitisk (som Hamas) terror.
Wallström: En seger för diplomatin
SvDs förakt för Israels syn
Har Obongon och Wallström sagt så är det förstås så.
Vad säger de i USA i den grupp som sveriges media föraktar för att de inte oförbehållslöst älskar Obongon? Se:
Obama’s Middle East Policies Dictated by Phony Iran Deal
Där kan du läsa (och läs artikeln noga, med Google translate om det behövs) hur det har skett genom att Obongon kontinuerligt minskat på kraven på Iran, från början av förhandlingarna. För att inte tala om de övriga makterna som skulle se till att Iran lydde, men backade ut så snabbt, som Frankrike, att de snarast verkade mutade. Det har visats att en del demokrater i USA fick cash från Iran för att rösta rätt.
Absolut inget om Irans växande industri för ballistiska missiler, som jag nyss skev om länk. Det märktes knappast i svenska massmedia.
Jag föredrar Saudiarabierna stort, även om de har en hel del fel och brister. Iran avrättar mycket fler människor, Iranier bygger ballistiska missiler, Iran skriker "död åt Israel" och menar det. Att de också skriker "Död åt USA" tycks inte beröra Obongon.
Ett år till och han är ute, och sen beror världens öde på efterföljaren. Han får sparken länk. Önskar där fanns motsvarande räknare för Wallgren.
lördag 16 januari 2016
EU bygger illegalt för araber i judarnas första huvudstad Hebron.
Hebron är judarnas första huvudstad innan kung David 7 år senare flyttade huvudstaden till Jerusalem. Patriarkerna köpte gravplats till sig där, läs på länken. 1929 gick araberna bärsärkagång på judarna som bodde där - långt innan Israel skapades så deras anledning kan du räkna ut. Anledningar du ser i våra massmedia kan du glömma, araberna har alltid varit sådana och nu hjälper EU och Sverige dem.
När Israel försvarade sig själv 1967 efter att ha blivit anfallet av de samlade arabhärarna och vunnit, dröjde det inte länge förrän den lame Netanyahu gav nästan hela staden tillbaka utan att få något i gengäld. Där är fortfarande kamp om patriarkernas gravplats, Abraham är ju också anfader till araberna. Men där finns noggranna avtal om vem som har vad. EU nonchalerar som alltid regler och avtal som inte passar dem. Wye-avtalet.
Och det senaste man har upptäckt är att EU betalar stora summor för att araberna illegalt ska bygga där.

När Israel försvarade sig själv 1967 efter att ha blivit anfallet av de samlade arabhärarna och vunnit, dröjde det inte länge förrän den lame Netanyahu gav nästan hela staden tillbaka utan att få något i gengäld. Där är fortfarande kamp om patriarkernas gravplats, Abraham är ju också anfader till araberna. Men där finns noggranna avtal om vem som har vad. EU nonchalerar som alltid regler och avtal som inte passar dem. Wye-avtalet.
Och det senaste man har upptäckt är att EU betalar stora summor för att araberna illegalt ska bygga där.
'Ticking bomb' in Jewish section of Hevron
Stranglehold going up around Tomb of Patriarchs - Arab buildings illegally built with European money.
By Eliran Aharon
First Publish: 1/16/2016, 5:57 PM
By Eliran Aharon
First Publish: 1/16/2016, 5:57 PM

Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron (file)
Gershon Elinson/Flash 90
Arutz Sheva has received a groundbreaking video showing rampant illegal building in Hevron by Arabs, with funding from the European Union and the Arab League, which endangers the Jewish community.
An Arutz Sheva correspondent toured the region with Haim Bleicher, a resident of Hevron, in order to document the "stranglehold" going up around the Tomb of the Patriarchs, and the anarchistic actions that effectively harm Arabs as well. At one spot, Arabs were viewed with cameras from the organization B'Tselem.
People from the city's Jewish community say that "again and again it's proven that Arab terror is a difficult and deep disease that cannot be fixed in isolation, partially, or quickly. Terror must be taken out from the root - we must free the city of Hevron from the talons of the terror regime and we must free the Jewish people from this nightmare.
"Delivering Hevron to the enemy was a fatal mistake, and now Netanyahu can and must make up for it and release Hevron," they added. "Sadly, the government completely forbids Jews from building in Hevron, while allowing terrorists complete freedom. We demand an immediate and complete change in the security policy and the settlement in Hevron. The enemy will not be defeated by words but rather by actions."
Yishai Horowitz, the head of the department for tourism and events in Hevron's Jewish community, says, "We see the actions taken by those who hate Israel, both at home and abroad, and we are fighting to stop it, both on a political-policy level and by bringing Jews to Hevron and to the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
"We demand that the Israeli government stop the foreign funding that goes to riots and instead strengthen the Jewish hold on Hevron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs. We also demand that Jews be allowed to build in Hevron and the end to the building freeze that has affected the city for many years."
An Arutz Sheva correspondent toured the region with Haim Bleicher, a resident of Hevron, in order to document the "stranglehold" going up around the Tomb of the Patriarchs, and the anarchistic actions that effectively harm Arabs as well. At one spot, Arabs were viewed with cameras from the organization B'Tselem.
People from the city's Jewish community say that "again and again it's proven that Arab terror is a difficult and deep disease that cannot be fixed in isolation, partially, or quickly. Terror must be taken out from the root - we must free the city of Hevron from the talons of the terror regime and we must free the Jewish people from this nightmare.
"Delivering Hevron to the enemy was a fatal mistake, and now Netanyahu can and must make up for it and release Hevron," they added. "Sadly, the government completely forbids Jews from building in Hevron, while allowing terrorists complete freedom. We demand an immediate and complete change in the security policy and the settlement in Hevron. The enemy will not be defeated by words but rather by actions."
Yishai Horowitz, the head of the department for tourism and events in Hevron's Jewish community, says, "We see the actions taken by those who hate Israel, both at home and abroad, and we are fighting to stop it, both on a political-policy level and by bringing Jews to Hevron and to the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
"We demand that the Israeli government stop the foreign funding that goes to riots and instead strengthen the Jewish hold on Hevron and the Tomb of the Patriarchs. We also demand that Jews be allowed to build in Hevron and the end to the building freeze that has affected the city for many years."
fredag 15 januari 2016
Hur går det med avväpningen av Iran?
Där fanns vissa moment Iran skulle utföra för att sanktionerna skulle börja släppas.
Tungt vatten-reaktorn Arak, som i ursprungligt skick kunde producera plutonium, påstås enligt Obamas gäng och Irans gäng, båda lika svåra att ha förtroende för, att man har fyllt kärnan med betong, ett väsentligt steg för att komma till beslut och göra reaktorn obrukbar. Ingen annan har kontrollerat.
State Department: Concrete poured into Arak nuclear reactor
State Department confirms that concrete has been poured into the core of Iran's heavy water nuclear reactor.
By Ben Ariel
First Publish: 1/15/2016, 3:14 AM
The U.S. State Department confirmed Thursday that concrete has been poured into the core of Iran's Arak heavy water nuclear reactor, a move critical to the implementation of the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers.
Quoted by Reuters, State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed the concrete has been poured into the reactor's central vessel.
On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said the core of the reactor had been removed and was to be filled with concrete and destroyed.
In addition to removing the core of the Arak reactor, Iran has also sent a major shipment of low-enriched uranium materials to Russia as part of its obligations under the deal, a fact which Kerry recently hailed as “significant progress”.
The status of the Arak reactor was one of the sticking points in nuclear negotiations between Iran and the six world powers.
Satellite images from several years ago showed that the Arak plant was operational, raising fears that it is trying to produce plutonium for a nuclear bomb. Iran invited inspectors to visit the plant a year later, shortly after an interim agreement was signed with world powers.
Iran’s recent moves mean that “Implementation Day”, or the day when the United States lifts its sanctions against the Islamic Republic, could be around the corner.
This comes despite a December 2 report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which concluded that Iran made a "coordinated" effort to develop nuclear weapons in the past, although the efforts apparently ended at an early stage.
The UN watchdog also recently released a report which determined that Iran had violated the terms of its nuclear deal with the West by increasing its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 460.2 kilograms.
Earlier it was also revealed that Iran had stopped dismantling its centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordow uranium enrichment plants, breaching the nuclear deal that calls for the dismantling.
Tungt vatten-reaktorn Arak, som i ursprungligt skick kunde producera plutonium, påstås enligt Obamas gäng och Irans gäng, båda lika svåra att ha förtroende för, att man har fyllt kärnan med betong, ett väsentligt steg för att komma till beslut och göra reaktorn obrukbar. Ingen annan har kontrollerat.
State Department: Concrete poured into Arak nuclear reactor
State Department confirms that concrete has been poured into the core of Iran's heavy water nuclear reactor.
By Ben Ariel
First Publish: 1/15/2016, 3:14 AM
The U.S. State Department confirmed Thursday that concrete has been poured into the core of Iran's Arak heavy water nuclear reactor, a move critical to the implementation of the nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers.
Quoted by Reuters, State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed the concrete has been poured into the reactor's central vessel.
On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said the core of the reactor had been removed and was to be filled with concrete and destroyed.
In addition to removing the core of the Arak reactor, Iran has also sent a major shipment of low-enriched uranium materials to Russia as part of its obligations under the deal, a fact which Kerry recently hailed as “significant progress”.
The status of the Arak reactor was one of the sticking points in nuclear negotiations between Iran and the six world powers.
Satellite images from several years ago showed that the Arak plant was operational, raising fears that it is trying to produce plutonium for a nuclear bomb. Iran invited inspectors to visit the plant a year later, shortly after an interim agreement was signed with world powers.
Iran’s recent moves mean that “Implementation Day”, or the day when the United States lifts its sanctions against the Islamic Republic, could be around the corner.
This comes despite a December 2 report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which concluded that Iran made a "coordinated" effort to develop nuclear weapons in the past, although the efforts apparently ended at an early stage.
The UN watchdog also recently released a report which determined that Iran had violated the terms of its nuclear deal with the West by increasing its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by 460.2 kilograms.
Earlier it was also revealed that Iran had stopped dismantling its centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordow uranium enrichment plants, breaching the nuclear deal that calls for the dismantling.
Under 2015 flydde 9880 judar från EU till säkerheten i Israel, långt från terroristkramare som Wallström.
De senaste siffrorna för aliyah från EU till Israel, inte konstigt att judar här börjar upptäcka att den gamla nazismen återkommit. EU på toppnivå ägnar sig inte åt att skydda EU från islamismen utan att hata judarna, länk. Wallström är en utmärkt representant.
Aliyah from Western Europe highest ever
According to the Jewish Agency figures, nearly 8,000 Olim came from France as a result of rise in anti-Semitism. Läs vidare på länken.
Stora demonstrationer utanför Sveriges ambassad i Tel Aviv.
Den svenska regeringen följer gamla Naziåtgärder för att få kål på judarna. De känner att de har gott stöd bak häcken när du ser vad de ser, länk.
Embassy protest demands Swedish FM resign
Yisrael Beytenu activists and MK decry 'anti-Semitic statements,' saying Wallstrom will only 'wake up to terror when it's at her home.'
By Ido Ben-Porat
First Publish: 1/15/2016, 12:30 PM

Protest at the embassy
Yisrael Beytenu spokesperson
Yisrael Beytenu activists together with MK Oded Porer of the party protested on Friday in front of the Swedish embassy in Tel Aviv, in a demand that Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom quit after her latest inflammatory comments against Israel.
Porer, who formerly served as director of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, said, "the Swedish Foreign Minister in her anti-Semitic statements proves that she has no understanding and familiarity with reality."
"She closes her eyes before the terror, and will wake up in the end only when the terror reaches her home. She should resign immediately," the MK said, accompanied by activists bearing signs with messages such as: "Israel is a democracy, Sweden is a hypocrisy."
Kelly Blakar, one of the organizers of the protest, said, "we've already seen what happens when Europe closes its eyes to incitement against Jews, and we must prevent that from happening again."
Wallstrom ignited her latest firestorm of anti-Israel comments on Tuesday, when she called to investigate Israel for "executing" Palestinian Arabs, in an attempt to delegitimize the actions of security forces killing Arab terrorists as they conduct an attack.
Killing the terrorists is often a matter of life or death in preventing further victims, as in many cases the terrorists continue attacking after being shot.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday called the comments"foolish" and "immoral," a day after Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely announced that Swedish officials are no longer welcome to visit Israel.
Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman on Wednesday called on Israelis to boycott the Swedish international furniture chain IKEA.
By Ido Ben-Porat
First Publish: 1/15/2016, 12:30 PM

Protest at the embassy
Yisrael Beytenu spokesperson
Yisrael Beytenu activists together with MK Oded Porer of the party protested on Friday in front of the Swedish embassy in Tel Aviv, in a demand that Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom quit after her latest inflammatory comments against Israel.
Porer, who formerly served as director of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, said, "the Swedish Foreign Minister in her anti-Semitic statements proves that she has no understanding and familiarity with reality."
"She closes her eyes before the terror, and will wake up in the end only when the terror reaches her home. She should resign immediately," the MK said, accompanied by activists bearing signs with messages such as: "Israel is a democracy, Sweden is a hypocrisy."
Kelly Blakar, one of the organizers of the protest, said, "we've already seen what happens when Europe closes its eyes to incitement against Jews, and we must prevent that from happening again."
Wallstrom ignited her latest firestorm of anti-Israel comments on Tuesday, when she called to investigate Israel for "executing" Palestinian Arabs, in an attempt to delegitimize the actions of security forces killing Arab terrorists as they conduct an attack.
Killing the terrorists is often a matter of life or death in preventing further victims, as in many cases the terrorists continue attacking after being shot.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Thursday called the comments"foolish" and "immoral," a day after Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely announced that Swedish officials are no longer welcome to visit Israel.
Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman on Wednesday called on Israelis to boycott the Swedish international furniture chain IKEA.
ADL skriver till Löfvén och ber honom skärpa sej och uppfostra sina medarbetare.
ADL är en stor amerikansk organisation som tar upp saker som internationell antisemitism, som Sverige bidrar till så de har fått världsrykte om det. ADL kräver att Löfvén lär sig och sin regering lite fakta om Israel.
ADL demands Swedish PM 'respect' Israel
Lofven told to ensure his ministers get 'knowledge' of Israel's security challenges and commitment to law, following FM's outburst.
torsdag 14 januari 2016
Terrorexperter till Israel för att lära. Också från Sverige
Mot en bakgrund av alla utländska artiklar som undrar vad Wallström ylar om kan man läsa:
Swedish delegation in Israel to learn from security experience
American law enforcement learns anti-terror tactics from Israeli experts
Swedish delegation in Israel to learn from security experience
American law enforcement learns anti-terror tactics from Israeli experts
Israel helps France fight terrorists while EU encourages boycott of Israel
Ivory Coast to learn from Israel how to combat terrorism
Ivory Coast to learn from Israel how to combat terrorism
onsdag 13 januari 2016
Sveriges framtida möjligheter för medling i Mellanöstern eliminerade.
Sverige kommer inte att kunna göra någon medling i Israel-palArabiska konflikten på mycket länge. Så har det varit sedan Bildt också gjorde helt bort sej vad gäller neutralitet i frågan. Minns hans totalt absurda beskrivning av situationen kring Gaza, länk. Han, liksom Erdogan, anser att Israel inte får försvara sig där genom att blockera för vapeninförsel, något också FN godkänt.
Vi minns Bildts utbrott i stil med Erdogans, som jag skrev om på länk.
Så Wallström bara accelererar den antisemitiska processen och gör bort Sverige - inte Israel - i hela världen. Vad kan man göra för att stämma ett land som envetet förbjuder judarna att försvara sig själva?
[För video, klicka originallänken ovan.]
The Foreign Ministry summoned Swedish ambassador to Israel Carl Magnus for reprimand on Wednesday evening after Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom called to investigate the Jewish state for the "execution" of Palestinian terrorists.
Magnus was summoned by Aviv Shiron, the Foreign Ministry's director-general for Western Europe division, who attacked Wallstrom for her "biased and hostile attitude toward Israel."
"The minister's remarks indicate she does not understand what is happening in the region and is probably not aware of the difficult situation Israeli citizens are exposed to - the constant danger of murderous terror attacks," Shiron told Magnus.
"In view of the Swedish minister's harmful and baseless attitude, she has removed herself for the foreseeable future from any role with regard to relations between Israel and the Palestinians."
Wallstrom's call on Tuesday to probe whether Israel is guilty of the extrajudicial execution of Palestinian "assailants" further fueled already simmering tensions between Stockholm and Jerusalem.
Israel's Foreign Ministry blasted the statements as "irresponsible and ridiculous," accusing Wallstrom of "supporting terrorism and encouraging violence."
Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz charged on Wednesday that Wallstrom is "anti-Semitic, whether consciously or not."
In his remarks to Israel Radio, the minister accused Wallstrom of singling Israel out, noting that while many other nations kill terrorists, Wallstrom has only demanded an investigation against the Jewish state.
Earlier Wednesday, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely, during a tour in Judea-Samaria with Foreign Ministry cadets, said "Israel is closing its doors to official visits from Sweden."
Likud MK David Biton pushed for an even harsher measure against the "terrorist-supporting" European country later on Wednesday.
In a letter to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and MK Eyal Ben-Reuven (Zionist Union), the chairman for Sweden-Israel Friendship Association, he called to discontinue diplomatic relations with Sweden, as it "no longer deserves to be called a friend of Israel."
Margot Wallström retar ånyo upp Israel i nytt fientligt utspel – ”Israel skall utredas grundligt”
Vi minns Bildts utbrott i stil med Erdogans, som jag skrev om på länk.
Så Wallström bara accelererar den antisemitiska processen och gör bort Sverige - inte Israel - i hela världen. Vad kan man göra för att stämma ett land som envetet förbjuder judarna att försvara sig själva?
Israel reprimands Swedish envoy for FM's 'execution' charge
Foreign Ministry tells Carl Magnus that Swedish FM will play no role in 'foreseeable future' with regard to Israeil-Palestinian relations.
By Cynthia Blank
First Publish: 1/13/2016, 8:08 PM / Last Update: 1/13/2016, 8:18 PM
By Cynthia Blank
First Publish: 1/13/2016, 8:08 PM / Last Update: 1/13/2016, 8:18 PM
[För video, klicka originallänken ovan.]
The Foreign Ministry summoned Swedish ambassador to Israel Carl Magnus for reprimand on Wednesday evening after Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom called to investigate the Jewish state for the "execution" of Palestinian terrorists.
Magnus was summoned by Aviv Shiron, the Foreign Ministry's director-general for Western Europe division, who attacked Wallstrom for her "biased and hostile attitude toward Israel."
"The minister's remarks indicate she does not understand what is happening in the region and is probably not aware of the difficult situation Israeli citizens are exposed to - the constant danger of murderous terror attacks," Shiron told Magnus.
"In view of the Swedish minister's harmful and baseless attitude, she has removed herself for the foreseeable future from any role with regard to relations between Israel and the Palestinians."
Wallstrom's call on Tuesday to probe whether Israel is guilty of the extrajudicial execution of Palestinian "assailants" further fueled already simmering tensions between Stockholm and Jerusalem.
Israel's Foreign Ministry blasted the statements as "irresponsible and ridiculous," accusing Wallstrom of "supporting terrorism and encouraging violence."
Energy and Water Minister Yuval Steinitz charged on Wednesday that Wallstrom is "anti-Semitic, whether consciously or not."
In his remarks to Israel Radio, the minister accused Wallstrom of singling Israel out, noting that while many other nations kill terrorists, Wallstrom has only demanded an investigation against the Jewish state.
Earlier Wednesday, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely, during a tour in Judea-Samaria with Foreign Ministry cadets, said "Israel is closing its doors to official visits from Sweden."
Likud MK David Biton pushed for an even harsher measure against the "terrorist-supporting" European country later on Wednesday.
In a letter to Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein and MK Eyal Ben-Reuven (Zionist Union), the chairman for Sweden-Israel Friendship Association, he called to discontinue diplomatic relations with Sweden, as it "no longer deserves to be called a friend of Israel."
Wallström portas från Israel
Israel portar Margot Wallström
Expressen säger på att Margot talar om att man ska kunna tala om "värderingar" som om Israel får försvara sig. Konstigt - minns inte att hon sagt så till Tyskland, Frankrike, Belgien när de avlivat terrorister.
EU bygger olaglig arabisk väg genom Israeliskt land. Lag och rätt är ointressant för det nazistiskt tänkande EU.
Det otäcka är att Netanyahu tycks ha gett upp mot all illegal aktivitet på israelisk mark.
Report: EU Funding Illegal PA Road to Dead Sea Across Israeli Territory
Illegally built PA road to the Dead Sea.
Photo Credit: Regavim
Photo Credit: Regavim
The Regavim movement, dedicated to ensuring “responsible, legal, accountable & environmentally friendly use of Israel’s national lands and the return of the rule of law to all areas and aspects of the land and its preservation” on Tuesday revealed the existance of a new, illegal highway being built by the Palestinian Authority with funding from the European Union, in the heart of the Judean Desert. Regavim has submitted an appeal asking for a Supreme Court injunction against the project. At this stage, according to the appeal, the road, running in the PA territory from Gush Etzion to the Dead Sea, is fully built and waiting to be paved over.
So far, according to Regavim, five out of an estimated 12.5 miles have been built. The road could cut travel time from Gush Etzion to the Dead Sea to 20 minutes. But being owned as it is by the PA, would mean the latter could use it to enhance its hold over Area C, which is under Israeli control according to the Oslo Accords. The new highway sets out in PA owned land, near Arab T’koa and eastern Gush Etzion, but then cuts into Israeli controlled territory.
More than half a year ago, before the heavy machinery hit the track, Regavim filed a complaint with the Civil Administration about the planned project, but nothing was done to stop it, even after a few more complaints had been filed. And now, after promises by former Minister Avigdor Lieberman and current Transportation Minister Israel Katz to pave a road from Gush Etzion to the Dead Sea remained just that—promises, the EU and the PA have put their money and their effort where their mouths are. Except that their new road, cutting across the Judean desert, is being built against the law, without Israeli permits, in an area that’s entirely within Israeli owned territory.
According to Regavim, “the state of Israel must not give up this area — and certainly not enable lawlessness by foreign countries. The European Union has declared in official documents its intention of aiding the PA enhance its hold and to bite into the Area C lands. This is illegal on its face and an unacceptable conduct. The State of Israel must draw a line in the sand before the EU’s advance.”
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