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TT och SR | Israeliska tidningar | |
Abbas omvald på stökig kongress Mahmud Abbas omvaldes på lördagen som ledare för palestinska al-Fatah. Andra frågor hade ledamöterna på Fatah-kongressen i Betlehem fortfarande svårt att enas om, varför man sköt upp omröstningarna till på söndagen. Kongressen – den första på 20 år – har utvecklats till en arena för generationsmotsättningar inom den sekulära organisationen, som uppstod som befrielserörelse. Abbas tog över ordförandeposten efter Yasser Arafats död 2004. Till följd av fredsprocessen mellan palestinier och israeler i början av 90-talet är han också president i de självstyrande palestinska områdena. I praktiken har han dock svårt att hävda sin auktoritet i Gazaremsan, som styrs av islamiströrelsen Hamas. Nu måste al-Fatah både göra upp med den korrupta maktutövning som skedde i kretsen runt Arafat – och blev djupt avskydd av palestinska folket – och hitta en framtidsinriktning som inger förtroende. TT — SR
16:16 | lördag 8 augusti 2009
| Fatah: Return Jerusalem before talks go on Aug. 8, 2009 Khaled Abu Toameh, The Jerusalem Post, BETHLEHEM , THE JERUSALEM POST Fatah’s sixth General Assembly on Saturday approved a resolution saying Jerusalem is an “integral part of the Palestinian homeland and political entity” and vowing to foil Israel’s alleged efforts to erase the city’s Arab and Islamic character. The resolution is the latest in a series of hard-line decisions that were adopted by the conference over the past few days. The new resolution says that Fatah considers Jerusalem a “red line” that no one could cross. It defines Jerusalem as the “eternal capital of Palestine, the Arab world and the Islamic and Christian worlds.” The city “is awaiting our sacrifices” and Fatah pledges to continue to make sacrifices “until Jerusalem returns to the Palestinians void of settlers and settlements,” according to the resolution. The conference also endorsed the Aksa Martyrs Brigades as Fatah’s official armed wing. Zakariya Zubeidi, one of the commanders of the armed group who delivered a speech before the assembly over the weekend, hailed the decision. He said the decision to endorse his group was announced by Othman Abu Gharbiyeh, chairman of Fatah’s sixth General Assembly. “Abu Gharbiyeh announced before the conference that Fatah would never give up the Aksa Martyrs Brigades,” Zubeidi said. “He stressed that the endorsement of our group was parallel to the continued brandishing of the olive branch as a symbol for peace.” Zubeidi is among some 700 delegates who have presented their candidacy for the 120-member Revolutionary Council. He said that if elected he would represent the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in the council. Fatah leaders had initially banned Zubeidi, who for many years was wanted by Israel for his involvement in terrorism, from participating in the meetings of the conference. However, under pressure from many Fatah members, he was eventually permitted to attend as a delegate representing the armed group. The Aksa Martyrs Brigades, which was established shortly after the beginning of the second intifada in September 2000, has been responsible for many terrorist attacks – including suicide bombings – that killed and wounded hundreds of people. Zubeidi was not the only member of the Brigades to attend the conference. Another top operative of the armed group, Rabi Hamed from Ramallah, also attended the meetings. The endorsement of the group as Fatah’s official armed wing contradicts promises made by the Fatah leadership to the effect that the Aksa Martyrs Brigades have been dismantled. Moreover, it shows that the group is still active in the West Bank and that its gunmen are active members in some of Fatah’s institutions. The conference also decided to appoint 20 Fatah security prisoners held in Israeli jails as members of the Revolutionary Council, “in honor of the sacrifices and devotion of all the prisoners.” Issa Qaraqi, the Palestinian Authority’s minister for prisoners affairs, said the decision was aimed at sending a message to Israel that the Palestinian prisoners are not “murderers and terrorists.” Also on Saturday, the conference unanimously elected PA President Mahmoud Abbas as “general commander” of Fatah for another five-year term. Abbas was the only candidate for the top post. His election was received with thunderous applause by a majority of delegates. “Everyone came to the conference with a desire to achieve the goal of liberating the land,” Abbas said in a short speech after his election. The Foreign Ministry spokesman said the Israeli government had no comment on the statements coming from the conference. Delegates were supposed to vote on Friday for new members of the Revolutionary Council and the Central Committee of Fatah. However, the vote was postponed until Sunday due to a row over the participation of delegates from the Gaza Strip. Hundreds of Fatah members have been banned by Hamas from leaving the Strip to attend the conference. Their absence has been exploited by the Fatah leadership in the West Bank to squeeze the Gaza Strip representatives out of the faction’s key decision-making bodies. To avoid a deepening crisis, some Fatah operatives have raised the possibility that the faction’s members in the Gaza Strip would cast their votes either by phone or e-mail or at ballot boxes stationed inside the Qatari Embassy in Gaza City or on the Egyptian side of the Rafah border crossing. At least 110 delegates have presented their candidacy for membership of the Central Committee, considered the most important Fatah institution. The committee, which has only 21 members, has long been dominated by old guard leaders of Fatah. Veteran Fatah leaders appeared determined over the weekend to retain exclusive control over the committee. About 85 percent of the candidates are considered representatives of the old guard. On Friday, the conference witnessed yet another stormy session as delegates discussed the circumstances that led to Fatah’s collapse in the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2007. Addressing the conference, the former Fatah security commander in the Gaza Strip, Muhammad Dahlan, held the movement’s political leadership responsible for the Hamas victory. He accused the Fatah leadership of failing to take action to prevent the Gaza Strip from falling into the hands of Hamas. He said that the Fatah Central Committee even refused to issue a statement condemning the assassination attempt on the life of Tarek Abu Rajab, then head of the PA’s General Intelligence Service in the Strip. Dahlan added that when Hamas militiamen surrounded the home of Muhammad Gharib, another Fatah security commander, for 12 hours before murdering him in cold blood, the Fatah leadership failed to act to save his life. Dahlan criticized the findings of a special commission of inquiry that was formed after the defeat of Fatah, saying it had indicted those who fought but lost instead of blaming those who “colluded” with Hamas. [Just nu 254 kommentarer under artikeln...] |
Även bloggen I Gilboas svala skugga sammanfattar kongressen betydligt fylligare och klarare.
Och vad kommer Bildt att säga? Vad kommer Obama att säga? Varför vägrar TT berätta för folk att Fatah har beslutat att inte fundera på fred förrän de har hela Jerusalem? Varför säger man inte att denna senila kader har beslutat att Abbas ska vara boss 5 år till utan någon förfrågan till vanliga människor. Varför vägrar TT berätta att Bildt kommer att fortsätta försörja en ren terrororganisation, även om Fatah har låtsats att terrorband som Aksabrigaden har slutat mörda judar?
Om Fatah och Obama, tja, ett ställe skriver :
they’re behaving as if they don’t even have to pretend to want peace
. They’re behaving like people who know that a more belligerent stance will cost them nothing. And indeed, that does seem to be the case in regard to Barack Obama.
Och Obama har förstås inte tid, han är fullt upptagen att tvinga USA in i en uppgörelse om sjukvård, kosta vad det kosta vill
Can the unthinkable actually be happening? Is the Obama Administration employing Stalinist tactics of thuggery and intimidation against average Americans who oppose ObamaCare?
Consider the following incident.
When Barack Hussein Obama rolled into town for his – by invitation only – town hall meeting in Bristol Virginia, average citizens, desperate to make their voices heard, gathered on sidewalks and curbs along the route of Obama’s motorcade holding homemade signs opposing ObamaCare.
One of the peaceful citizen protesters sent this shocking eyewitness report to the Internet blog,
“There were several vehicles following the limo that contained the secret service. The vehicles had all the windows rolled down, and back hatches open on the SUVs with the men holding their, I assume assault rifles, machine guns, drawn on everyone lining the streets. Needless to say, it took my breath away at the sight of them, and made my friends and I dizzy with fear…. I turned on a local talk radio program as we were leaving and all the calls were about witnessing the guns being pointed at them.”
Of course, we don’t want to jump to any conclusions. There might have been a legitimate reason behind what appears to otherwise be an excessive show of force… we simply don’t know.
But even if the intent of the Obama Administration was not to oppressively stifle 1st Amendment rights… the message that was left is nonetheless chilling.
Rosslyn Smith with
put the incident in perspective:
“Whatever it was, the message was poison. Only handpicked supporters were going to get into the carefully orchestrated media event at a Kroger deli that had Obama jetting in and out of the community. That all those who were left to peacefully demonstrate outside had been held at gunpoint is not going to be forgotten anytime soon by those in attendance.”
Thuggery? … Veiled threat? … Paranoia on the part of Team Obama? … Legitimate and necessary safeguards to protect the life of the President against a real threat?
We may never know.
But there is one thing that we do know. Proponents of ObamaCare are showing a detestable contempt for the American people.
They don’t want to hear from you. They don’t want to hear what you have to say when it comes to the government takeover of the health care system and they don’t care what you have to say.
Essentially, they are trying to tune you out.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make them listen… right here and right now.
Och EU applåderar.
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palestinska myndigheten
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