Obama erkänner Ahmadinejad som “vald” president i Iran efter ett bluffval.
Tue Aug 4, 2:58 pm ETWASHINGTON – White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is “the elected leader” of the Islamic republic.
Gibbs was asked Tuesday if the White House recognized Ahmadinejad as the country’s legitimate president.
“He’s the elected leader,” Gibbs responded.
Iranian opposition to Ahmadinejad’s re-election claimed he stole the vote, and there have been massive street demonstrations that have shaken the religious leadership of the country. Ahmadinejad reports to the religious establishment. Dozens of demonstrators were killed or wounded in the uprising.
President Barack Obama has been cautious in responding to the turmoil because he’s trying to open a dialogue with Iran about its nuclear program.
Obama är precis lika feg som Bildt.
Following the swearing-in ceremony, Ahmadinejad responded to the news in a speech to the parliament. “We heard that some of the Western leaders had decided to recognize but not congratulate the new government … Well, no one in Iran is waiting for your messages,” he said.
Sahlin lyssnar på uppmuntran att bli shahid (självmordsbombare)
Konferensen Sahlin växelverkar med, började i stor stil med:
The very first sentence of the opening speech honored the “shahids” who killed themselves fighting Jews.
“In the name of the shahids and in the name of Jerusalem, the capital of the Palestinian state, we declare the opening of the sixth convention of our movement, Fatah.” With these words, convention chairman Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) – a former Palestinian Authority prime minister and speaker of the PA legislature – introduced the politically-charged gathering.
Shahids literally means “martyrs,” and the reference is to those who killed themselves or were killed in their war of terrorism against Israel.
Jag kan inte alls tänka mej att Sahlin protesterade mot det, mot självmordsbombare mot judar eller att Abbas vill ha Israels huvudstad som sin egen pga – att han vill, däremot protesterade hon högljutt emot Israel……
Sahlin gratulerade också kvinnorna inom Hamas och man förmodar att hon speciellt menade dessa:
Female Suicide Bomber Organization Founded by Fatah
Um-al-Abed, a woman who claimed to be speaking for the terrorist group, told reporters on Monday at a news conference in Gaza, “We have so far recruited 100 women for the new unit.”
Several masked women who said they were Fatah members were also present at the gathering. “We are expecting more female suicide bombers,” said Um-al-Abed, according to a report in The Jerusalem Post.
I länken från SR ovan talas om också svenska socialdemokraternas varma förbindelser med det israeliska arbetarpartiet – det är kanske därför det israeliska arbetarpartiet i stort sett har försvunnit. Hade det varit val idag hade Baraks arbetarparti fått 6 av 120 platser i Knesset. Många i partiet är ursinniga på Barak och anklagar honom för att uppföra sig som en diktator.
Passar kanske Sahlin.
DN730 DN884 DN469 SvD151 SvD167 SvD849 Svd917 AB687 OP VG367 VG365 VG318 db885 db414 |
Ahmadinejad antisemitism antisionism araber Abbas Barak Fatah Iran islamism Israel Jerusalem judar Kärnvapen Mellanösternkonflikten muslimer Obama palestinska myndigheten palestinier Mona Sahlin terrorism tvåstatslösning Västbanken....
Mona Sahlin skulle vara en stor olycka för Sverige om hon skulle väljas till statsminister fastklistrad vid röda och gröna fascister.
SvaraRaderaUsh, vilket perspektiv... Gud bevare!
Igår skickade AFP ut ett telegram om att Obamas talesman (Gibbs) tagit tillbaka uttalandet om att Ahmadinejad "valts" till president.