lördag 31 december 2016
Abbas skryter: jag har inte gjort ett skvatt för freden!
Klicka titeln och läs vidare. Abbas har inte använt en enda bidragskrona till vad han skulle göra - tar Sverige tillbaka sina miljoner och ger till fattigpensionärerna? varför inte?
Tackade Fatah ja-sägarna i Säkerhetsrådet för tillståndet att mörda israeler?
Den antisemitiska världen uppfyllde Abbas önskningar. "Säkerhetsrådet"?
Vad Abbas har att bekämpa? T.ex.
Link https://youtu.be/DhQeRl22w0k
Länk https://youtu.be/zCAOUlF-nAg
Yesterday in response to the UN Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal, Fatah republished the identical image but added a pool of blood at the bottom, and the words “Thank You” above the image, and the names of the 14 countries that voted in favor of the UN resolution. (Above right)
Is Fatah thanking the 14 countries for their UN vote because they interpret the UN as granting Fatah permission to kill Israelis? Or is Fatah thanking them because now that the UN declared settlements “illegal” it sees itself free to kill more Israelis?
Either way Fatah is saying more Israelis will pay with their lives as a result of the UN vote.
The 14 countries thanked by Fatah are:
Russia, Angola, Ukraine, Japan, Spain, Egypt, Malaysia, Venezuela, New Zealand, Senegal, Uruguay, France, China, and Britain.
The United States, whose abstention actually enabled the resolution to pass, is not mentioned.
Vad Abbas har att bekämpa? T.ex.
Link https://youtu.be/DhQeRl22w0k
Länk https://youtu.be/zCAOUlF-nAg
Fatah cartoons:
Before UN vote | After UN vote: “Thank You!” |
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Itamar Marcus
Three days ago Fatah’s official Facebook page posted a drawing of its map of “Palestine,” which includes all of Israel and painted like the Palestinian flag, being used to stab the word “settlement.” The text above the image: “#Palestine will defeat the settlement ” (Above left)Yesterday in response to the UN Security Council resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal, Fatah republished the identical image but added a pool of blood at the bottom, and the words “Thank You” above the image, and the names of the 14 countries that voted in favor of the UN resolution. (Above right)
Is Fatah thanking the 14 countries for their UN vote because they interpret the UN as granting Fatah permission to kill Israelis? Or is Fatah thanking them because now that the UN declared settlements “illegal” it sees itself free to kill more Israelis?
Either way Fatah is saying more Israelis will pay with their lives as a result of the UN vote.
The 14 countries thanked by Fatah are:
Russia, Angola, Ukraine, Japan, Spain, Egypt, Malaysia, Venezuela, New Zealand, Senegal, Uruguay, France, China, and Britain.
The United States, whose abstention actually enabled the resolution to pass, is not mentioned.
Varför var Obamas apspel inför Säkerhetsrådet så DUMT
fredag 30 december 2016
Kerry attackerar Israel - Ryssland fördömer honom, liksom Trump.
Kerry i dödsryckningarna, så han avslutar förstås med att sparka på hans hatade Israel, han som innan hoppades på ett Nobelpris för att "förhandla" genom att konstant attackera Israel och inte kräva något från Abbas.
Vad Trump gillade idiotin ser du här.
Och England.
Vad Sverige hade röstat om de var med, är trivialt att förutspå.
Björn Norström visar att Hillarys röstövervikt ENDAST berodde på röster i Californien, Staten svenska massmedia hyllar för att den går emot Trump.
Väderspådomar är säregna eftersom de beror mer på politik än fakta. Normalt går naturvetenskaplig forskning ut på konsensus, bevis där alla är överens, medan samhällsvetenskap mer går ut på att varje forskare ska få sitt namn på hans tyckande.
AB dillar i skyn och berättar sagor om sin älskade Kerry, som inte lyckats en millimeter i sina "förhandlingar". Vi hör skrönor om "palestinskt område" som aldrig någonsin existerat - eller när uppstod det? Finns inte i någon historiebok.
SDS stormljuger på det vanliga svenska sättet. men att och visa sin totala okunnnighet är ju inte ovanligt - och de är livrädda för kommentarer eller blogkopplingar.
Vad Trump gillade idiotin ser du här.
Australia: We would not have voted in favor
Pretty much everyone in the U.S. hated Kerry’s awful anti-Israel speech
Och England.
Vad Sverige hade röstat om de var med, är trivialt att förutspå.
Björn Norström visar att Hillarys röstövervikt ENDAST berodde på röster i Californien, Staten svenska massmedia hyllar för att den går emot Trump.
![]() |
Bestäm själv vädret i morgon från data. |
AB dillar i skyn och berättar sagor om sin älskade Kerry, som inte lyckats en millimeter i sina "förhandlingar". Vi hör skrönor om "palestinskt område" som aldrig någonsin existerat - eller när uppstod det? Finns inte i någon historiebok.
SDS stormljuger på det vanliga svenska sättet. men att och visa sin totala okunnnighet är ju inte ovanligt - och de är livrädda för kommentarer eller blogkopplingar.
torsdag 29 december 2016
Kristna och judar demonstrerar mot FNs antisemitism.
Både kristna och judar protesterar Säkerhetsrådets anti-israeliska beslut i Haag.
Klicka rubriken för att läsa mera.
Hundreds join Hanukkah protest UN bias against Israel at Hague
Jews and Christians gather for Hanukkah event outside the Hague, protest anti-Israel UN bias.
tisdag 27 december 2016
Israel räddar sårade från Aleppo.
Aleppo ligger långt från Israel så vilka möjligher finns?
Since the civil war began, Israel has treated some 3,000 injured in a military field hospital on the Golan Heights, as well as in other hospitals inside the country. These people entered Israel via the Golan Heights.
Unmute(Netanyahu: Israel considers treating Aleppo refugees in its hospitals)
Aleppo, however, is not near the border with Israel, rather some six hours to the north, making transporting them for treatment much more difficult.
One possibility is to evacuate them to southern Turkey, and then fly them to Israel.
Tarik Jasarevic, a World Health Organization spokesman, was quoted this week as saying that as of Monday, 301 injured were evacuated from Aleppo, with 93 of them going to hospitals in Turkey, and the rest to hospitals in rebel-held territories near Aleppo.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that he has directed the Foreign Ministry to see how the injured can be brought to Israel for treatment. “We are looking into ways of doing this,” he said.
“We see the tragedy of the terrible suffering of the civilians,” Netanyahu said.
“We are prepared to take in wounded women and children, and also men if they are not combatants – bring them to Israel, take care of them in our hospitals as we have done with thousands of Syrian civilians.”
Jerusalem is also looking into the possibility of giving money to humanitarian agencies helping civilians in Syria.
On Monday, Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef sent a letter to the prime minister asking him to provide humanitarian assistance to the refugees. He subsequently spoke to him by phone about the matter, on Tuesday afternoon.
Yosef said in his letter to Netanyahu that as Jews who have suffered in the past from global silence in the face of violence, the Jewish people must not be silent over what is happening in Syria.
The chief rabbi recalled his meeting with President Reuven Rivlin two months ago together with Muslim religious leaders, where the rabbi said that Israel had ignored what he described as genocide in Syria.
“Now it has been brought to my attention that the Red Cross organization is evacuating tens of thousands of homeless refugees hungry for bread from the ruins of the destroyed city of Aleppo,” the chief rabbi wrote in his letter to Netanyahu, released on Tuesday night.
“If you will permit me, this is an opportunity in which there is the possibility to help assist and cooperate, through cooperation with the Red Cross or similar organizations, to provide humanitarian assistance to these refugees, food, medical supplies and the like.
“This should be our eternal declaration, that we the Children of Israel who believe in the sanctity of life do not distinguish between blood and blood and we treat all people as those who were created in the image of God, even if we are talking about enemies,” the rabbi said.
Last week, Shas leader Arye Deri said that Jews cannot remain silent in the face of the massacre taking place in Syria.
“Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust and the world was silent,” Deri said.
“As Jews, it is forbidden for us to be silent in the face of the horrors that have been taking place in Syria for nearly six years now."
Israel is examining the possibility of bringing some of the wounded from Aleppo for medical treatment to Israel through a third country.
Ambassador to Turkey Eitan Na’eh was asked in an Israel Radio interview on Wednesday whether he has received instructions to examine the possibility of bringing the wounded to hospitals in Israel via Turkey.
Ambassador to Turkey Eitan Na’eh was asked in an Israel Radio interview on Wednesday whether he has received instructions to examine the possibility of bringing the wounded to hospitals in Israel via Turkey.
“The issue is being checked,” he said. “We will check what we can do, everyone who sees the images from Syria, and especially from Aleppo, cannot but be shocked by the suffering of the civilians, and try to do what is possible to ease their suffering.”
Since the civil war began, Israel has treated some 3,000 injured in a military field hospital on the Golan Heights, as well as in other hospitals inside the country. These people entered Israel via the Golan Heights.
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Netanyahu: Israel considers treating Aleppo refugees in its hospitals
Aleppo, however, is not near the border with Israel, rather some six hours to the north, making transporting them for treatment much more difficult.
One possibility is to evacuate them to southern Turkey, and then fly them to Israel.
Tarik Jasarevic, a World Health Organization spokesman, was quoted this week as saying that as of Monday, 301 injured were evacuated from Aleppo, with 93 of them going to hospitals in Turkey, and the rest to hospitals in rebel-held territories near Aleppo.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday that he has directed the Foreign Ministry to see how the injured can be brought to Israel for treatment. “We are looking into ways of doing this,” he said.
“We see the tragedy of the terrible suffering of the civilians,” Netanyahu said.
“We are prepared to take in wounded women and children, and also men if they are not combatants – bring them to Israel, take care of them in our hospitals as we have done with thousands of Syrian civilians.”
Jerusalem is also looking into the possibility of giving money to humanitarian agencies helping civilians in Syria.
On Monday, Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef sent a letter to the prime minister asking him to provide humanitarian assistance to the refugees. He subsequently spoke to him by phone about the matter, on Tuesday afternoon.
Yosef said in his letter to Netanyahu that as Jews who have suffered in the past from global silence in the face of violence, the Jewish people must not be silent over what is happening in Syria.
The chief rabbi recalled his meeting with President Reuven Rivlin two months ago together with Muslim religious leaders, where the rabbi said that Israel had ignored what he described as genocide in Syria.
“Now it has been brought to my attention that the Red Cross organization is evacuating tens of thousands of homeless refugees hungry for bread from the ruins of the destroyed city of Aleppo,” the chief rabbi wrote in his letter to Netanyahu, released on Tuesday night.
“If you will permit me, this is an opportunity in which there is the possibility to help assist and cooperate, through cooperation with the Red Cross or similar organizations, to provide humanitarian assistance to these refugees, food, medical supplies and the like.
“This should be our eternal declaration, that we the Children of Israel who believe in the sanctity of life do not distinguish between blood and blood and we treat all people as those who were created in the image of God, even if we are talking about enemies,” the rabbi said.
Last week, Shas leader Arye Deri said that Jews cannot remain silent in the face of the massacre taking place in Syria.
“Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust and the world was silent,” Deri said.
“As Jews, it is forbidden for us to be silent in the face of the horrors that have been taking place in Syria for nearly six years now."
Ambassader i Huvudstaden.
En del typer har sagt mycket idiotiska saker om att Trump ska uppfylla Kongressens beslut från 1995 att placera USAs ambassad i Huvudstaden, Jerusalem. Obaman är vansinnig att Trump ska göra det, inte ens flytta ambassaden till den allmänt erkända judiska sidan av Jerusalem tillfredsställer den mannen.
Obaman har just skrivit under skämtet igen att en ambassad skulle hota USAs säkerhet, och republikanska senatorer har klart sagt att det skälet är lika skrattretande som många andra Politiskt Korrekta yttranden.
Andra stater röstade också för Säkerhetsrådets antisemitiska uttalande och ambassaderna i Nya Zeland och Senegal har dragits in, allt bistånd till Senegal också. Ukraina har också allt att förlora, Netanyahu sa till Ukrainska premiärministern att stanna hemma. Många judar emigrerar från Ukraina till säkerheten i Israel. Liksom från Frankrike.
Angola förlorar också på att svika sitt löfte.
Ledaren för det konservativa partiet i Kanada säger att som PM hade hon flyttat ambassaden till Jerusalem. Länk.
Man ser andra blänkare som
Obaman har just skrivit under skämtet igen att en ambassad skulle hota USAs säkerhet, och republikanska senatorer har klart sagt att det skälet är lika skrattretande som många andra Politiskt Korrekta yttranden.
Andra stater röstade också för Säkerhetsrådets antisemitiska uttalande och ambassaderna i Nya Zeland och Senegal har dragits in, allt bistånd till Senegal också. Ukraina har också allt att förlora, Netanyahu sa till Ukrainska premiärministern att stanna hemma. Många judar emigrerar från Ukraina till säkerheten i Israel. Liksom från Frankrike.
Angola förlorar också på att svika sitt löfte.
Ledaren för det konservativa partiet i Kanada säger att som PM hade hon flyttat ambassaden till Jerusalem. Länk.
Man ser andra blänkare som
Tjeckiens president: Flytta Tjeckiens ambassad till Jerusalem!
Ett "freds"initiativ som innebär att Israel återgår till innan de vann försvarskriget 1967 och utklassade alla arabhordar som anföll.
Caroline Glick avslöjar Obamas ruttenhet.
Caroline Glicks eminenta analys av Obamas förstörelse av Supermakten USA. Svenska tidningar är upp över öronen förälskade i Obamas förstörelsemani vad han än gör.
Obama’s strategic campaign against his country can only be defeated by a counter campaign by his successor.
President Barack Obama during a news conference in the White House this week. ‘What was the role played by countries like the US in the Arab Spring?’. (photo credit:REUTERS)
In 1989, following her tenure as President Ronald Reagan’s ambassador to the United Nations, Jeane Kirkpatrick described how the Palestinians have used the UN to destroy Israel.
COGAT - all hjälp från Israel till palaraberna.
Israel hjälper palestinierna med allting, humanitära varor, sjukvård eftersom Abbas donationer bara räcker till att bygga hans palats, inte sjukvård.
Ett bra sätt är att se twitters från COGAT: De senaste:
Och en lång rad vidare. Inget av detta är Israel tvingat till och Egypten ligger precis lika nära Gaza. Har Aftonbladets kriaskrivare nämnt detta? Hur mycket har araberna hjälpt israeliska judar?
Ett bra sätt är att se twitters från COGAT: De senaste:
Last week, the Civil Administration coordinated for the crossing of 67 ambulances between #Israel and Judea and Samaria
Last week, 349,865 residents entered #Israel from Judea and Samaria for work, medical treatment, religious services and other purposes
As part of a series this week, COGAT is highlighting international projects in various cities. Check out what happened in #Jericho in 2016!
There were 13 crossings of ambulances between #JudeaSamaria and #Israel yesterday
There were 771 crossings of foreigners, merchants and others between #Gaza and #Israel yesterday #GazaDailyActivity #Erez
19,817 tons of goods, in 590 trucks, entered #Gaza through #Israel yesterday #GazaDailyActivity #KeremShalom
There were 6 ambulance crossings between #Gaza and #Israel over the weekend #GazaDailyActivity #Erez
There were 822 crossings of foreigners, merchants and others between #Gaza and #Israel over the weekend #GazaDailyActivity #Erez
18,385 tons of goods, in 603 trucks, entered #Gaza through #Israel over the weekend #GazaDailyActivity #KeremShalom
Och en lång rad vidare. Inget av detta är Israel tvingat till och Egypten ligger precis lika nära Gaza. Har Aftonbladets kriaskrivare nämnt detta? Hur mycket har araberna hjälpt israeliska judar?
söndag 25 december 2016
Ban ki-Moons alla mungipor.
Häromdagen sa han:
we must never accept bias against Israel within UN bodies
vilket inte hindrade honom att applådera det rådgivande antisemitiska beslutet i Säkerhetsrådet, initierat av Abbas gäng:
Israels justitieminister kommenterar:
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) reacted on Saturday night to the UN Security Council's Resolution 2334, which ordered Israel to stop all building in the "Palestinian territory" (som inte existerar) of Judea and Samaria.
"Happy Hanukkah to the entire Jewish nation," Shaked said. "The UN Security Council's resolution, passed just before Hanukkah, reminds us of something in our history. But this time, we're strong enough and this decision won't affect our power in the slightest."
"There's something very sad and pitiful about that moment when the Security Council votes for an anti-Israel resolution and the world cheers. It's the moment that shows all the rot in the UN. Half a million men, women, and children are being murdered in Syria, and this emasculated organization does not even raise a hand to help.
"But when it comes to harming the Jewish state, why not. Syria they protect. There are no resolutions against it. But against the only democratic country in the Middle East there are dozens of resolutions. It's just like David Ben Gurion said: 'Um (the UN's Hebrew acronym is Um, ed), shmum.'* We survived Pharaoh, we'll survive this, too," Shaked concluded.
*The Hebrew acronym for the UN is pronounced Oom (umot meuchadot). The repetition of a word with "sh" at the beginning is a form of deprecation.
we must never accept bias against Israel within UN bodies
vilket inte hindrade honom att applådera det rådgivande antisemitiska beslutet i Säkerhetsrådet, initierat av Abbas gäng:
The following statement was issued today by the Spokesman for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:Karln har inte den blekaste aning om att alla araber sa nej till tvåstatslösningen och attackerade Israel 1948, därefter attackerade Israel 1967, ett försvarskrig Israel vann överlägset på 6 dagar. Att vinna ett försvarskrig har givit alla andra en fördel - utom Israel, som snarast har anklagats för att vinna och överleva.
The Secretary-General welcomes the adoption by the Security Council of resolution 2334 (2016) on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. The resolution is a significant step, demonstrating the Council's much needed leadership and the international community’s collective efforts to reconfirm that the vision of two States is still achievable.
Israels justitieminister kommenterar:
Shaked: We survived Pharaoh, we'll survive this too
Justice Minister says UN Security Council decision just before Hanukkah is reminiscent of Jewish history.
Contact Editor
Nitsan Keidar, 24/12/16 20:0e
Ayelet Shaked
David Kedmi
"Happy Hanukkah to the entire Jewish nation," Shaked said. "The UN Security Council's resolution, passed just before Hanukkah, reminds us of something in our history. But this time, we're strong enough and this decision won't affect our power in the slightest."
"There's something very sad and pitiful about that moment when the Security Council votes for an anti-Israel resolution and the world cheers. It's the moment that shows all the rot in the UN. Half a million men, women, and children are being murdered in Syria, and this emasculated organization does not even raise a hand to help.
"But when it comes to harming the Jewish state, why not. Syria they protect. There are no resolutions against it. But against the only democratic country in the Middle East there are dozens of resolutions. It's just like David Ben Gurion said: 'Um (the UN's Hebrew acronym is Um, ed), shmum.'* We survived Pharaoh, we'll survive this, too," Shaked concluded.
*The Hebrew acronym for the UN is pronounced Oom (umot meuchadot). The repetition of a word with "sh" at the beginning is a form of deprecation.
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