tisdag 31 januari 2017

Skillnad på migration och folkvandring.

Den religion/kulturlösa vänstern gör ingen skillnad och när Trump ser alla vansinnigheter som skett i EU blir han utskälld för att reagera så att samma kaos inte uppstår i USA.

Förhållandet i USA är beskrivet på

Trump signs 'extreme vetting' executive order for people entering the US

medan en översikt av kaoset i EU finns på

Vänstern har ingenstans angivit sitt slutmål. Är det majoritet av muslimer i det judeokristna västerlandet så de kan lita på sina röstare?

Översiktsartiklar över den illegala immigrationen på


Hur vänstermedia påtagligt ljög om Trumps invigning.

Svenska populära (hos politiker och press, folk är intresserade av "populistiska") lögner som i alla vänsterstyrda media. Kolla svensk press där 75% av utlandssidorna ofta snackar skit om Trump.

Här en artikel om de uppenbara lögnerna från Vita Husets talesman.

Watch: White House press secretary blasts the media

White House press secretary Sean Spicer criticizes the media for falsifying the facts when reporting on Trump’s inauguration.

Iran GODKÄNDE aldrig avtalet!

Se artikeln

State Department: Iran Never Signed Nuclear Deal, Which Isn't 'Legally Binding'

Även om Obama bara propagerat för avtalet körde svenska regeringen hårt för denna gudasända (vare sej Allah eller Obama är din gud) gåva att kunna handla hur som helst, länk.

Avtalet är alltså ej ratificerat.

Minns hur Frankrike dagar innan sa att de ej skulle skriva under om de inte hela tiden kunde verifiera Irans aktioner via IAEA. Det kravet mutades blixtsnabbt bort och plötsligt hade Iran 24 dagar på sej för att gömma allt, se

Nä, det har heller inte nämnts i svenska populära nyheter. Populära bland reporters och politiker till skillnad från populistiska, som uppskattas av den övriga befolkningen.

Avtalet rör heller inte Irans aktiviteter som världens Terrorexpert när det gäller att supporta terror och ballistiska missiler. Sverige ointresserat. Det är ju bara judar som attackeras, Arafat försvarade sina aktioner på samma sätt.
Mer om Frankrikes roll på länk, länk

måndag 30 januari 2017

Iran har sänt ballistiska missiler mot FNs regulationer.

Har Sveriges regim protesterat eller håller de med Iran mot FN?

Watch: Netanyahu says Iran's aggression must not go unanswered

Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to Iranian launching of ballistic missile over weekend.

30/01/17 21:06

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu responded on his Facebook page to the report that Iran had test-fired a ballistic missile in violation of a UN Security Council resolution.
The Prime Minister wrote: "Iran has launched a ballistic missile again. This is a flagrant violation of a UN Security Council resolution. At my upcoming meeting with President Trump in Washington, I intend to raise the renewal of sanctions against Iran in this context and in other contexts. Iranian aggression must not go unanswered."

Tortyr i palestinska fängelser rapporteras knappt.

Inga miljarder från Sverige  används för mänskliga rättigher eftersom där inte finns någon redovisningsskyldighet. Däremot går de till Abbas palats.

Under-Reported: Torture in Palestinian Authority, Hamas prisons

Arab journalist in Jerusalem reports that torture in non-Israeli jails is all but ignored by mainstream media.

söndag 29 januari 2017

Varför man ska stärka Jordanien.

EU har lagt all energi på den palestinska regimen utan hänsyn till dess konstitution: http://www.mythsandfacts.org/conflict/statute-treaties/fateh_constitution.htm

Artikel (12) Fullständig befrielse av Palestina, och utrotande av den sionistiska ekonomiska, politiska, militära och kulturella existensen.
Artikel (19) Väpnad kamp är en strategi och inte en taktik, och det palestinska arabiska folkets väpnade revolution är en avgörande faktor i befrielsekampen att utrota den sionistiska existensen, och denna kamp kommer inte att upphöra innan den sionistiska staten rivs och Palestina är helt befriat.

 29 JANUARY 2017 14:37

Instead of the fixation on an independent Palestinian state, the new administration should look east to the Hashemite Kingdom as a stabilizing influence on Palestinian politics.

Ingen muslimsk terror i Japan.

Har du märkt att  Japan inte har haft en enda terroristattack? Inte ett önskvärt tillstånd för leftists i EU. Det går utmärkt¨att stoppa islamisternas framfart men men nog mutor till EU-kejsarna . . .

Länk: https://youtu.be/zKY5bFe_b-o

lördag 28 januari 2017

Israel strider med sig själv på ett mycket elakartat sätt.

Försvarets juridiska imperium på Västbanken är konstant emot Israels judar. Arafat var mer pro-zionistisk när han accepterade Israels kontroll av area C samtidigt som han fick kontroll över 95% av Västbanksaraberna.

The IDF’s judicial empire in Judea and Samaria

Opinion: Israel's own authorities in Judea and Samaria undermine its claims to the Jewish people's ancestral lands.
Contact Editor
Moshe Dann, 

Photo by Yahav Trudler/IDF Spokesperson
In response to calls from the international community and anti-Israel organizations to “end the occupation,” referring to the presence of Jews in Area C of Judea and Samaria, aka “the settlers,” supporters of Israel respond: ‘We are not occupying someone else’s land; this land belongs to Israel and the Jewish people by law and by history.’
But the IDF’s judicial system in Area C, also known as “the occupied territories,” which represents the State, composed of the Military Advocate General (MAG), the IDF Prosecutor’s Office (Praklitut Tzvait), and the Civil Administration (Minhal Ezrachi), takes a position in line with Israel’s critics and the international community. As MAG’s website states, Area C, in which all settlements are located, is “subject to belligerent occupation,” which means “the occupation of territory belonging to another country."

Läs vidare på länken.

Muslimska migranter till Libyen, inte EU.

Äntligen har EU börjat tala om Libyen som plats för flyktingstäder, industrier, skolor. Vänstern vill se ett islamistískt EU och ser ingen skillnad på ett islamistiskt ÉU och ett judeo-kristet. något jag har föreslagit mångá gånger. Googla på Stöd till migrantläger i Afrika får tummen upp från EU:s medlemsländer

Tilläggas görs att "vänstern inte ser någon skillnad på ett islamistiskt EU och ett judeo-kristet". De önskar gärna att EU blir som deras idealländer Syrien, Irak, Iran ch altmer Turkiet.

Tanken att använda Libyen som ändplats för muslimska migranter,och annonsera att det sen är absolut stopp utom för inbjudna individer, är sista chansen att rädda EU. För övrigt endast icke-muslimer till EU. Där är många nog icke-muslimer som förföljs i världen och behöver hjälp, som yazidier länk, länk, länk . 

Sen Obama och NATO avlivade diktatorn Khaddafi har det blivit klart att endast en diktator kan kontrollera det landet. Obamas mord var helt emot kongressen som har ensamrätt om krig.

Jag brukar jämföra Israel med Libyen. Israel i samma geografiska område men med 100 gånger högre folktäthet. Kan Israel är det tekniskt möjligt i Libyen, om viljan finns.

torsdag 26 januari 2017

Sverige anklagar öppet Israel för Hamas' terror, i EU.

Inte blir man förvånad över Sveriges konstanta antisemitiska attacker på Israel, utan faktainnehåll. De skäms inte för att ljuga rent ut, liksom Nazister gör av tradition. Läs

European anti-Israel decision on Gaza was 'foregone conclusion'

Dr. Hen Karcher says Swedish anti-Israel parliamentarian wrote report on Gaza, report was 'foregone conclusion'

Obama sände rent guld till terrorstaten Iran.



How did Obama fund Iran's terror and nuclear weapons program?
There was the foreign currency loaded onto pallets on unmarked planes. That is widely known. But Obama illegally smuggled payments to the Islamic terror state in various ways. It wasn't all foreign currency. The Ayatollahs and their Jihadis liked gold too.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has received more than $10 billion in cash, gold bullion and assets from the Obama administration since 2013, according to reports by the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Free Beacon.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Bahram Ghasemi was quoted by the Wall Street Journal as saying the amount of $10 billion just “scratches the surface” of the total paid to Tehran over the past several years.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, Ghasemi was quoted in Persian language reports independently translated for the news outlet as saying that figure was actually a “stingy” estimate. Cash, gold and other assets were transferred by Washington DC to Iran’s Central Bank, where they were “spent,” he said.
“After the Geneva conference and the resulting agreement, it was decided that $700 million dollars were to be dispensed per month” by the U.S., according to Ghassemi. “In addition to the cash funds which we received, we [also] received our deliveries in gold, bullion, and other things,” he said, Free Beacon quoted
A pity they didn't take delivery in unsold copies of Dreams From My Father. But they wanted commodities actually worth something. And Obama wanted to fund both Sunni and Shiite Islamic terror.

Obama ger Abbas $221 miljoner bak ryggen på Kongresssen,

State Department reviewing Obama's last minute aid to the PA

State Department says it is reviewing the last-minute decision by Obama administration to send $221 million to the PA.
Contact Editor
Elad Benari, 

State Department building
The State Department is reviewing a last-minute decision by former Secretary of State John Kerry to send $221 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the final hours of the Obama administration, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.
On Monday, the same news agency revealed that former President Barack Obama defied Republican opposition and quietly released the money to the PA just before Donald Trump became president.
The State Department said on Tuesday it would look at the payment and could make adjustments to ensure it complies with the Trump administration's priorities.
Congress had initially approved the funding to the PA in budget years 2015 and 2016, but at least two GOP lawmakers — Ed Royce of California, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Kay Granger of Texas, who sits on the House Appropriations Committee — had placed holds on it in response to moves the PA had taken to seek membership in international organizations.
Congressional holds are generally respected by the executive branch but are not legally binding after funds have been allocated.
Granger released a statement Tuesday saying, according to AP, "I am deeply disappointed that President Obama defied congressional oversight and released $221 million to the Palestinian territories."

"I worked to make sure that no American taxpayer dollars would fund the Palestinian Authority unless very strict conditions were met. While none of these funds will go to the Palestinian Authority because of those conditions, they will go to programs in the Palestinian territories that were still under review by Congress. The Obama Administration's decision to release these funds was inappropriate," she added.
In recent years, Washington has several times froze – and subsequently released – some of the aid it provides to the PA.
In September of 2011, a $192 million aid package was frozen by Congress after the PA submitted a failed unilateral bid for United Nations membership.
Members of Congress later released $40 million in economic and humanitarian funding for the PA, saying it is “vital to establishing and strengthening the foundations necessary for a future Palestinian state.”
In April of 2012, Obama bypassed a Congress block and signed a waiver declaring that aid to the PA is “important to the security interests of the United States.”

Trump stoppar utbetalningen,länk. Se Även länk.

onsdag 25 januari 2017

Israel bland 5 till månen.


 25 JANUARY 2017 11:02

"We have waited for this moment for a long time," says SpaceIL CEO Eran Privman.

SpaceIL. (photo credit:COURTESY SPACEIL)
The startup nation is now one step to closer to catapulting to the moon.

SpaceIL, a non-profit organization, is one of the top five finalists in the Google Lunar XPRIZE - a $30 million Google-backed competition to land and operate a robotic spacecraft on the surface of the moon, the XPrize Foundation said on Tuesday.

Contenders now have until Dec. 31 for their spacecraft to be launched, said the foundation, which is running the Google Lunar XPrize and eight other technology stimulus contests.

Previously, competitors needed to complete activities on the lunar surface, such as having their vehicles travel 1,640 feet (500 meters) and broadcast high-definition video, by the end of the year.

Since the contest was announced in 2007, interest in the Google Lunar XPrize has been high, with 33 teams originally signing up to compete for the $20 million first prize.

Second place is worth $5 million and bonus money is available for accomplishing extra tasks, such as visiting an Apollo landing site or finding water on the moon.

Google’s parent company, Alphabet has produced a documentary series about Lunar XPrize competition.

For SpaceIL, by the end of the competition, the team’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is expected make its first moon journey.

If successful, this will be the first time an Israeli spacecraft will land on the moon.

Along with SpaceIL, the other four finalists include the Florida-based Moon Express, Synergy Moon (which represents 15 different countries), India’s Team Indus and Japan’s Hakuto.

“We’re thrilled to have five contenders that are working from all over the world on this one mission,” XPrize Senior Director Chanda Gonzales-Mowrer said in an email.

SpaceIL recently got a significant monetary boost in funding courtesy of businessman Sam Sagol.

Sagol joins Amdocs founder, Morris Khan, the Adelson Family Foundation, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Foundation, Bezeq and the Israel Space Agency as significant supporters of this initiative.

Of Sagol’s generosity, Khan said, “I am proud to have Sam and Tova Sagol join me. Sheldon and Dr. Miri Adelson and others, in supporting this innovative, history-making project. Sami’s devotion to brain research - to humans living longer and better lives - is inspiring.

The Sagols have displayed a remarkable commitment to philanthropy, to projects that showcase what Israel can do, and how Israeli ingenuity is changing the world for the better,” he said in a statement.

Dr. Eran Privman, SpaceIL’s CEO, boasted about the team’s move to the next phase of the competition, “We have waited for this moment for a long time. Being announced as finalists in the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition officially confirms what we always knew: Israel is at the forefront of global technology. SpaceIL, emerging as a competition finalist, enhances our team’s ability to ‘shoot for the Moon.’” This unique Israeli achievement has also resonated with Israeli artists with renowned singer and songwriter Aviv Geffen praising the ambitious project. For Gefen, whose hit song Or Yare’ach (Moonglight) was released 20 years ago, SpaceIL has resonated with him personally.

“Obviously, since SpaceIL is shooting for the Moon, I found it interesting, as a person who looked up to the Moon at night from the day I was born,” he said.

Trump avlägsnar EUs tjocka gröna fuktiga mossa.

Från Gatestone Institute, även på svenska.
Trumps friska syn på verkligheten skrämmer alla gamla icke-valda EUledare från att tänka om, liksom de gamla monarkerna fick göra.

Trump Brusar Upp Europas Rörelse Mot Etablissemanget

"Detta kommer att bli folkets år."

lördag 14 januari 2017

Obamas Krig mot USA.

Obamas Krig mot USA.

Obama’s War Against America

In 1989, following her tenure as President Ronald Reagan’s ambassador to the United Nations, Jeane Kirkpatrick described how the Palestinians have used the UN to destroy Israel.
Following outgoing US President Barack Obama’s assault on Israel at the UN Security Council last Friday, longtime UN observer Claudia Rossett wrote an important article at PJMedia where she recalled Kirkpatrick’s words.
In “How the PLO was legitimized,” published in Commentary, Kirkpatrick said that Yasser Arafat and the PLO worked “to come to power through international diplomacy – reinforced by murder.”
Kirkpatrick explained, “The long march through the UN has produced many benefits for the PLO. It has created a people where there was none; a claim where there was none. Now the PLO is seeking to create a state where there already is one. That will take more than resolutions and more than an ‘international peace conference.’ But having succeeded so well over the years in its campaign to delegitimize Israel, the PLO might yet also succeed in bringing the campaign to a triumphant conclusion, with consequences for the Jewish state that would be nothing short of catastrophic.”
As Rossett noted, in falsely arguing that Obama’s support for Friday’s UN Security Council Resolution 2334 is in line with Reagan’s policies, Obama’s UN Ambassador Samantha Power deliberately distorted the historical record of US policy toward Israel and the PLO-led UN onslaught against the Jewish state.
As Rosett noted, in stark contrast to Power’s self-serving lie, neither Reagan nor George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton nor George W. Bush would have ever countenanced a resolution like 2334.
Obama’s predecessors’ opposition to the war against Israel at the UN was not merely an expression of their support for Israel. They acted also out of a fealty to US power, which is directly targeted by that war.

torsdag 12 januari 2017

Obaman ger Iran mer än 10 kärnvapen som avslutningsjobbb jpbb med kärlek till Iran och hat mot Israel..

Han vill sannerligen visa hur han vill bli ihågkommen av Irans mullor (ine det iranska folket),  och Israel. Och alla Israelhatare i USA. Ska bli intressant att se hur han får en näsknäpp av Trump i sann cowboystil.

Obongon Approves deal Giving Iran enough Uranium for more than 10 nuclear bombs.

 States tolerated and minimized Iran’s violations and sought to legitimize its international standing as a commercial supplier of heavy water.”
Albright told AP that “depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon,” Iran could create more than 10 atomic bombs with the uranium it will receive.

Too Many Concessions

AP noted that the latest side deal with Iran is expected to come under heavy criticism and perceived as “further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions.”
Diplomats who spoke to AP claimed that the uranium sent to Iran will be under “strict surveillance” by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for 25 years. Iran has not stated what it will do with the uranium. It could store it or process it into low-enriched uranium to be sold as nuclear fuel. But the nuclear deal itself allows Iran to step up approved nuclear enrichment activities even before the 15-year deal expires.
In addition to Iran’s heavy water violations, the IAEA warned last month that Iran was likely to exceed its cap on low-enriched uranium if it continued producing it at current levels. That warning came just days after Iranian President Hassan Rouhani ordered his nuclear agency to draw up plans to develop nuclear-powered engines that would require uranium to be enriched to 20 percent (in violation of the terms of the deal, which only allows Iran to enrich up to to 3.67 percent).
The IAEA publicized documents last month that essentially showed that Iran could violate the deal without receiving penalties. Certain amounts of low-enriched uranium in Iran’s possession are considered “unrecoverable,” and therefore do not count against its cap. “If this whole thing rests on [Iran] promising not to build a facility that they’d probably only build in secret if they were going to actually break out, then this material probably should not be deemed non-recoverable,” Albright wrote.
When serving as Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator, Rouhani agreed to a temporary halt of uranium enrichment as part of the November 2004 Paris Agreement. But Iran backed out of the deal nine months later and began enriching uranium again. The following year, Rouhani boasted to a meeting of clerics that during the time that talks were ongoing in Paris, Iran was able to install equipment for converting yellowcake, a necessary step in enriching uranium.

Trump, glöm Ryssland, concentrera dej på Obamaadministrationens infiltration av terrorister från Muslimska Brödraskapet.

Länkar:  Sök i nedanstående blogg efter Obama, Muslim Brotherhoood.

Ser man svenska utgjutelser ser man att Obamas fyllande av sin administration med muslimska terrorister med terrorister inte anses som någon risk alls.







