- "Döda de otrogna var du hittar dem." Koranen 2:191
- "Gör krig mot de otrogna som bor i ditt grannskap." Koranen 9:123
- "När tillfälle ges, döda de otrogna var du fångar dem." Koranen 09:05
- "Någon annan religion än islam är inte acceptabel." Koranen 3:85
- "Judarna och de kristna är perversa, slåss mot dem." ... Koranen 9:30
- "Stympa och korsfäst de otrogna om de kritiserar islam" Koranen 05:33
- "Straffa de otrogna med kläder av eld, hakade järnrör, kokande vatten, smält deras hud och bukar." Koranen 22:19
- "De otrogna är dumma, uppmana muslimerna att bekämpa dem." Koranen 8:65
- "Muslimer får inte ta de otrogna som vänner." Koranen 03:28
- "Terrorisera och halshugg dem som tror på skrifter andra än Koranen." Koranen 08:12
- "Muslimer måste uppbåda alla vapen för att terrorisera de otrogna." Koranen 8:60
- och på engelska:
- "Kill the unbelievers wherever you find them." Koran 2:191
- "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood." Koran 9:123
- "When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them." Koran 9:5
- "Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable." Koran 3:85
- "The Jews and the Christians are perverts fight them."... Koran 9:30
- "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam" Koran 5:33
- "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water melt their skin and bellies." Koran 22:19
- "The unbelievers are silly, urge the Muslims to fight them." Koran 8:65
- "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends." Koran 3:28
- "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur'an." Koran 8:12
- "Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels." Koran 8:60
Ongoing Terror in Jerusalem
The city of peace knows no tranquillity because the Palestinian Arabs use violence to try to achieve their ends.Published: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 3:34 PM
Palestinian Arabs have concentrated many of their terrorist attacks on Jews in Jerusalem,hoping to win the city by an onslaught of suicide bombers who seek to make life in the City of Peace unbearable.
But this is not a new tactic. Arab strategy to turn Jerusalem into a battleground began in 1920.
Unfortunately, Arab leaders often turn to violence to gain what they were unable to achieve at the negotiating table. When talks broke down at Camp David in 2000, Palestinian Arab leaders unleashed the al-Aqsa Intifada, which amounted to a full-blown guerrilla war against Israel.
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The truth is that Palestinians’ plans for warfare had begun immediately after Arafat walked out of the Camp David talks.
Why do Palestinian Arabs focus terrorist attacks on the City of Peace? Because Palestinians, despite their rhetoric, fully understand Jerusalem’s symbolic and spiritual significance to the Jews.
Suicide attacks – on public buses and cafes, malls, and other crowded sites in the heart of the city – since the 1993 Oslo Accords, were designed to make life hell for Jewish Jerusalemites. Atrocities like the February and March 1996 bombings of two #18 buses that killed 26 people and the August 2001 bombing of a Sbarro pizzeria that killed 15 (including five members of one family) and left one young woman unconscious since then, are part of an ongoing 120-year-old battle that Arabs have waged in opposition to Zionism.
In April 1920, a three-day rampage by religiously incited anti-Zionist Arab mobs left six dead and 200 injured in the Jewish Quarter. The attackers gutted synagogues and yeshivot and ransacked homes. Arabs planted time bombs in public places as far back as February 1947, when they blasted Ben-Yehuda Street, Jerusalem’s main thoroughfare, leaving 50 dead.
This was all done before the establishment of the State of Israel. In the 1950s, Jordanians periodically shot at Jewish neighborhoods from the walls of the Old City. And after the city was united in 1967, Arabs renewed their battle for the city by planting bombs in cinemas and supermarkets.
The first terrorist attack in that renewed battle came with the 1968 bombing of Jerusalem’s “Machane Yehuda,” the open market that left 12 dead.
The plain facts about Palestinian Arabs behavior clearly demonstrate that they have forfeited any claim to Jerusalem, the City of Peace.
Och Löfvén betalar otroliga summor för att det ska fortsätta. Utan redovisningsskyldighet. Hur mycket blir det per mördad jude?
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