Nya Likud MK Nava Boker: Dags att annektera Gush Etzion

På besök i området, sa den nya MK att annektera Gush Etzion är högsta prioritet för henne och att hon kommer att driva lagstiftningen på området.
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Shaked tar sig an mäns rättigheter

Inkommande justitieminister skall möta Justitiekansler om en policy att inte åtala kvinnor som falskeligen anklagar män.
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Hotovely kommer att bli Firsta Religiösa kvinnliga minister

Likud MK kommer att bli den första observanta kvinnan som utses till ett ministerium, och Netanyahu är enligt uppgift inställd på att erbjuda henne naturvetenskapsministeriet.
Mer på länken.
Shaked kommer att få mycket att göra, speciellt skölja bort alla manipulationer från vänster och deras israel-hatande beteenden.
Ayelet Shaked is now Israel’s Justice Minister – and she has been a clear voice of reason stating that the extreme, radical left must be stopped for their dangerous actions towards the Jewish State. One hopes this will see the radical, left-wing extremists of American Jewry, including Alisa Doctoroff, President of the UJA-Federation of NY, the Jim Joseph Foundation, Leichtag Foundation and others stop giving millions to the New Israel Fund (NIF).
The real Jewish extremists are on the left, and with Shaked as the Minister of Justice, it is possible we will see an enhancement of law enforcement against boycotts such as those practiced by NIF, which Israel’s High Court of Justice recently called “economic terrorism.”
Shaked previously told Haaretz that “To boycott Israel because of its policies and because Israel wants to defend itself is not only anti-Zionist... it's 21st century anti-Semitism." She rightfully said that boycotting Israel "should be illegal." (Not dissimilar from the Jewish Home MK who asked for treason harges to be filed against Alon Liel, who is married to the President of the New Israel Fund.)
Shaked criticized those who “call for an academic and economic boycott of Israel and by presenting petitions against Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and heads of the security forces. These organizations enjoy a great deal of power and invest millions of euros in their incitement activity — a sort of a “new anti-Semitism.” That would include organizations like Beyond the Silence – an organization funded by NIF – whose report this week caused and uncalled-for tremendous damage to Israel.
Shaked continued: “…foreign states damage Israel’s sovereignty with a heavy hand by funding anti-Israeli — not to mention anti-Semitic — organizations, while Israel stands by unable to respond.” She has proposed a bill – similar to America’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) – which will require foreign countries funding projects in Israel to pay taxes and obey disclosure laws.
As Israel’s incoming Justice Minister noted, “These NGOs cause Israel significant international damage, in general, and to Israeli soldiers, in particular, by helping draft petitions presented to various European courts. One such example is the significant contribution of the Adalah organization to the Goldstone Report — Israel is still dealing with the fallout from that document. Another example is the expert opinion provided by the organization in a petition presented to a Spanish court against senior Israeli defense officials. The proposed bill seeks to curb the ability of foreign entities to influence activities of this kind.”
As Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf and Netanyahu’s former Chief of Staff George Birnbaum have written often with me, “If you stand with New Israel Fund, you stand against Israel.”
One should expect Ayelet Shaked to stand tall and loud – as she has already made clear she will not be silent in the face of haters, having said that, “JStreet has taken upon itself the role of Israel's loudest critic where Shimon Peres is a known participant. Among its actions are the leading of a media campaign against the placing of sanctions on Iran by the US Congress; denunciation of the Cast Lead operation and its definition as 'an illegitimate and even criminal operation'; defining the takeover of the Marmara as 'brutal and cruel'; support for the US administration's demand to freeze construction in Jerusalem; pressure on the US administration not to veto the proposal by the Palestinian Authority to denounce Israel for construction in Judea and Samaria and more."
The New Israel Fund – and their donors worldwide – should not be able to continue harming Israel with impunity.
To the New Justice Minister: Counter the Extreme Radical Left
The writer expects Israel’s New Justice Ministry to counter the radical Left-Wingers Funding NIF.Ayelet Shaked is now Israel’s Justice Minister – and she has been a clear voice of reason stating that the extreme, radical left must be stopped for their dangerous actions towards the Jewish State. One hopes this will see the radical, left-wing extremists of American Jewry, including Alisa Doctoroff, President of the UJA-Federation of NY, the Jim Joseph Foundation, Leichtag Foundation and others stop giving millions to the New Israel Fund (NIF).
The real Jewish extremists are on the left, and with Shaked as the Minister of Justice, it is possible we will see an enhancement of law enforcement against boycotts such as those practiced by NIF, which Israel’s High Court of Justice recently called “economic terrorism.”
Shaked previously told Haaretz that “To boycott Israel because of its policies and because Israel wants to defend itself is not only anti-Zionist... it's 21st century anti-Semitism." She rightfully said that boycotting Israel "should be illegal." (Not dissimilar from the Jewish Home MK who asked for treason harges to be filed against Alon Liel, who is married to the President of the New Israel Fund.)
Shaked criticized those who “call for an academic and economic boycott of Israel and by presenting petitions against Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers and heads of the security forces. These organizations enjoy a great deal of power and invest millions of euros in their incitement activity — a sort of a “new anti-Semitism.” That would include organizations like Beyond the Silence – an organization funded by NIF – whose report this week caused and uncalled-for tremendous damage to Israel.
Shaked continued: “…foreign states damage Israel’s sovereignty with a heavy hand by funding anti-Israeli — not to mention anti-Semitic — organizations, while Israel stands by unable to respond.” She has proposed a bill – similar to America’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) – which will require foreign countries funding projects in Israel to pay taxes and obey disclosure laws.
As Israel’s incoming Justice Minister noted, “These NGOs cause Israel significant international damage, in general, and to Israeli soldiers, in particular, by helping draft petitions presented to various European courts. One such example is the significant contribution of the Adalah organization to the Goldstone Report — Israel is still dealing with the fallout from that document. Another example is the expert opinion provided by the organization in a petition presented to a Spanish court against senior Israeli defense officials. The proposed bill seeks to curb the ability of foreign entities to influence activities of this kind.”
As Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf and Netanyahu’s former Chief of Staff George Birnbaum have written often with me, “If you stand with New Israel Fund, you stand against Israel.”
One should expect Ayelet Shaked to stand tall and loud – as she has already made clear she will not be silent in the face of haters, having said that, “JStreet has taken upon itself the role of Israel's loudest critic where Shimon Peres is a known participant. Among its actions are the leading of a media campaign against the placing of sanctions on Iran by the US Congress; denunciation of the Cast Lead operation and its definition as 'an illegitimate and even criminal operation'; defining the takeover of the Marmara as 'brutal and cruel'; support for the US administration's demand to freeze construction in Jerusalem; pressure on the US administration not to veto the proposal by the Palestinian Authority to denounce Israel for construction in Judea and Samaria and more."
The New Israel Fund – and their donors worldwide – should not be able to continue harming Israel with impunity.
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