Förräderiartiklarna (del ett, två, tre, fyra, fem och sex) detaljerar det Muslimska Brödraskapets infiltration i och inflytande på Obama-administrationen. Från enskilda individer inom administrationen som är förknippade med olika av det Muslimska Brödraskapets frontgrupper (CAIR, Isna, MSA, etc.), inrikes- och utrikespolitik, för dem som tittar på bevisen, är fallet klart att Brödraskapet producerar många av uttalandena i Vita huset.
Betrayal Papers Movie: Who Is Barack Hussein Obama?
Barack Obama
by William Palumbo

The Betrayal Papers (Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six) series details the Muslim Brotherhood’s infiltration into and influence on the Obama administration. From the specific individuals within the administration who are associated with various Muslim Brotherhood front groups (CAIR, ISNA, MSA, etc.), to domestic and foreign policy, for those who look at the evidence, the case is clear that the Brotherhood calls many of the shots at the White House.
Today, the Coalition of Concerned Citizens is proud to announce that Part Five of the series is available in movie format. Narrated by Andrea Shea King, it details the personal history of President Barack Hussein Obama. As the report is read, the movie matches pictures with words, and gives a reader the sense of who the man residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue really is, from a biographical perspective.
Ahead to 2016
The issue of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic fascist organization that advocates death and jihad in the name of Allah, is especially important ahead of the 2016 Presidential Election.
For the next President will have to make a choice: Will he or she route the Muslim Brotherhood from our military and intelligence agencies, from DHS and the IRS, and other regulatory agencies?
Or will the Muslim Brotherhood, which calls for the destruction of America from within, be allowed to continue to flourish and undermine our republic?
Watch The Betrayal Papers: Part V – Who is Barack Hussein Obama? to learn more:
Note: The Coalition of Concerned Citizens will be releasing all six parts in the same format in the coming weeks.
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Read more: http://joemiller.us/2015/06/betrayal-papers-movie-who-is-barack-hussein-obama/#ixzz3dVJlAblZ
Read more at http://joemiller.us/2015/06/betrayal-papers-movie-who-is-barack-hussein-obama/#RLUt63WwQdlHMViD.99
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