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Kongressen Kräver Förtydligande om rapport om Obamas Israel Sanktioner.
45 GOP kongressledamöter kräver presidenten klargöra rapporter Vita huset överväger sanktioner mot Israel för Jerusalem byggnaden.
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Av Mark Langfan
Först Publish: 2014/12/06, 06:40
45 republikanska kongressledamöter avfyrade ett skarpt formulerat brev till president Barack Obama kräver att han "klargöra senaste rapporterna" som antyder hans administration har hållit hemliga möten under de senaste veckorna för att diskutera möjligheten att införa sanktioner mot Israel för dess beslut att bygga bostäder i östra Jerusalem.
Kongressledamoten Mark Meadows twittrade att de anti-israeliska sanktions rapporter var "skrämmande".
Brevet, som publicerades fredagen vidare varnat för att "Israel är ett av våra starkaste allierade, och blotta tanken att administrationen ensidigt skulle införa sanktioner mot Israel är inte bara oklokt, men är extremt oroande. Sådana rapporter sända ett tydligt budskap till våra vänner och fiender både att sådana allianser med USA: s regering inte längre kan otvivelaktigt betrodd. "
I kölvattnet av talrika Obama "executive order" - bland annat en amnesti för illegala invandrare och Obamacare, som republikaner har påstått är "olaglig" - de 45 kongressledamöter betonade att "vid något tillfälle har kongressen gett [Obama] administration myndigheten att sanktionera Israel. I själva verket har kongressen fortsatte att visa sitt orubbliga stöd för Israel och har nyligen vidtagit åtgärder för att öka vår ekonomiska och militära samarbetet. "
Det fick stor uppmärksamhet förra veckan att utrikesdepartementet biträdande talesperson Marie Harf undvek frågor om huruvida administrationen skulle driva sanktioner. Och på fredag, Vita Husets pressekreterare Josh Earnest misslyckats med att ge ett definitivt ja eller nej på frågan om verkets position under Vita huset pressträffen.
Mot bakgrund av den osäkerhet som dessa rapporter orsakade, gjorde kongressledamöter klart att medan "det är vår förhoppning att dessa rapporter är osanna, är djupt oroande att din administration har underlåtit att säga upp eller förtydliga dem. USA måste stå fast vid sina åtaganden till Israel, eller riskerar vi att brytas vår relation med Israel och andra viktiga partner över hela världen. "
Och i ett dramatiskt illavarslande tecken på den försämrade kongressens partiet stöd för Israel, det fanns inga demokratiska kongressledamöter som medförfattare eller co-undertecknat brevet.
Rapporten, som läcktes av en långt vänster israeliska papper Haaretz, sammanfaller något misstänk med kollapsen av Israels Likud-ledda koalitionsregeringen, och tillkännagivandet av snäpp val - vilket vissa analytiker att spekulera det är ett försök att påverka resultatet av nästa mars: s allmänna val
Tala till Arutz Sheva fredag, professor Shmuel Sandler - en expert på US-israeliska relationerna på Begin-Sadat Centrum för strategiska studier - noterade att både Haaretz och Vita huset har aldrig gjort någon ansträngning för att dölja sin motvilja för den nuvarande regeringen och premiärminister minister, och skulle kunna ha samordnat läckan "för att påverka allmänheten" att rösta för en mer vänsterregering,
I en annan upp känslorna hos många israeliska och amerikanska observatörer, frågade Kongressledamot Meadows: "Vilket budskap sänder det till världen för USA att införa sanktioner mot Israel samtidigt lätta sanktioner mot Iran - en statlig sponsor av terror med en avgrundsdjup vad gäller mänskliga rättigheter? "
Congress Demands Clarification on Obama Israel Sanctions Report
45 GOP Congressmen demand president clarify reports White House considering sanctions against Israel for Jerusalem building.
By Mark Langfan First Published: 12/6/2014, 6:40 PM
45 Republican Congressmen fired off a stern letter to President Barack Obama demanding that he “clarify recent reports” which suggest his Administration has held classified meetings over the past several weeks to discuss the possibility of imposing sanctions against Israel for its decision to construct homes in eastern Jerusalem.
Congressman Mark Meadows tweeted that the anti-Israel sanction reports were “appalling.”
The letter, published Friday, further warned that “Israel is one of our strongestallies, and the mere notion that the Administration would unilaterally impose sanctions against Israel is not only unwise, but is extremely worrisome. Such reports send a clear message to our friends and enemies alike that such alliances with the United States government can no longer be unquestionably trusted.”
In the wake of numerous Obama “executive orders” - including an amnestyfor illegal immigrant and Obamacare, which Republicans have alleged are “illegal” - the 45 congressmen emphasized that “at no point in time has Congress given the [Obama] Administration the authority to sanction Israel. In fact, Congress has continued to show its unwavering support for Israel and has recently taken steps to increase our economic and military cooperation.”
It was widely reported last week that the State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf dodged questions on whether the Administration would pursue sanctions. And on Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest failed to give a definitive yes or no answer when asked about the Administration’s position during the White House press briefing.
In view of the uncertainty that these reports caused, the congressmen made clear that while “it is our hope that these reports are untrue, the fact that your Administration has failed to denounce or clarify them is deeply troubling. The United States must stand firm in its commitments to Israel, or we risk fracturing our relationship with Israel and other key partners across the globe.”
And in a dramatically ominous sign of the deteriorating congressional Democratic Party support for Israel, there were no Democratic congressmen as co-authors or co-signatories to the letter.
The report, which was leaked by far-left Israeli paper Haaretz, coincides somewhat suspiciously with the collapse of Israel's Likud-led coalition government, and the announcement of snap elections - leading some analysts to speculate it is an attempt to influence the outcome of next March's general elections
Speaking to Arutz Sheva Friday, Professor Shmuel Sandler - an expert on US-Israeli relations at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies - noted that both Haaretz and the White House have never made any effort to hide their dislike for the current government and prime minister, and could potentially have coordinated the leak "to influence the public" to vote for a more left-wing government,
In another up the sentiments of many Israeli and American observers, Congressman Meadows asked: “What message does it send to the world for the US to impose sanctions against Israel while easing sanctions against Iran - a state-sponsor of terror with an abysmal human rights record?”
Congressman Mark Meadows tweeted that the anti-Israel sanction reports were “appalling.”
The letter, published Friday, further warned that “Israel is one of our strongestallies, and the mere notion that the Administration would unilaterally impose sanctions against Israel is not only unwise, but is extremely worrisome. Such reports send a clear message to our friends and enemies alike that such alliances with the United States government can no longer be unquestionably trusted.”
In the wake of numerous Obama “executive orders” - including an amnestyfor illegal immigrant and Obamacare, which Republicans have alleged are “illegal” - the 45 congressmen emphasized that “at no point in time has Congress given the [Obama] Administration the authority to sanction Israel. In fact, Congress has continued to show its unwavering support for Israel and has recently taken steps to increase our economic and military cooperation.”
It was widely reported last week that the State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf dodged questions on whether the Administration would pursue sanctions. And on Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest failed to give a definitive yes or no answer when asked about the Administration’s position during the White House press briefing.
In view of the uncertainty that these reports caused, the congressmen made clear that while “it is our hope that these reports are untrue, the fact that your Administration has failed to denounce or clarify them is deeply troubling. The United States must stand firm in its commitments to Israel, or we risk fracturing our relationship with Israel and other key partners across the globe.”
And in a dramatically ominous sign of the deteriorating congressional Democratic Party support for Israel, there were no Democratic congressmen as co-authors or co-signatories to the letter.
The report, which was leaked by far-left Israeli paper Haaretz, coincides somewhat suspiciously with the collapse of Israel's Likud-led coalition government, and the announcement of snap elections - leading some analysts to speculate it is an attempt to influence the outcome of next March's general elections
Speaking to Arutz Sheva Friday, Professor Shmuel Sandler - an expert on US-Israeli relations at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies - noted that both Haaretz and the White House have never made any effort to hide their dislike for the current government and prime minister, and could potentially have coordinated the leak "to influence the public" to vote for a more left-wing government,
In another up the sentiments of many Israeli and American observers, Congressman Meadows asked: “What message does it send to the world for the US to impose sanctions against Israel while easing sanctions against Iran - a state-sponsor of terror with an abysmal human rights record?”
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