tisdag 10 mars 2015

Medemmar av Europeiska Parlamentet till EU: sluta supporta palArabisk terror!

Dagens EU bryter hämningslöst mot lagar och beslut och följer helt sina föregångare i sitt judehat.

11 medlemmar har skrivit till EU och bett dom stoppa support för terrorism och brott mot Osloavtalet. De bara mal på som tröskverk och fattar inte ett skvatt vart det leder till.

EU sätter upp mängder av illegala byggnader på israelisk mark och skäms inte ett ögonblick över att sätta sitt varumärke på dessa byggnader.

Vad händer om hälften av EU:s judar flyttar ut, ekonomisk katastrof.  Presidenten över Europeiska Judiska Kongressen garanterar ekonomisk kollaps för EU om de inte gör något seriöst mot de muslimska terroragreppen. Alla europeiska judar går och tänker på om de ska emigrera eller ej. Om en miljon lämnar blir det en ekonomisk katastrof för EU, helt självförvållad. Bara se hur våra kära svenska media smyger in kärlek för muslimernas bedrifter.

European Parliament Members Urge EU Freeze on PA Funding

Eleven members of the European Parliament are calling on the European Union to fight terrorism by freezing funds to the Palestinian Authority.

Illegal construction by the European Union of a Palestinian Authority Arab school near the Jewish community of Adam, north of Jerusalem, in Area C. 
Photo Credit: Regavim / MailOnline

The Regavim NGO was attacked while passing over illegal homes bearing the EU flag in "Area C."

Rock headed for Regavim drone.
Rock headed for Regavim drone.
Photo Credit: Regavim

A video from a drone investigating illegal Arab and Bedouin homes in the Palestinian Authority shows children hurling rocks at the drone flying outside Jerusalem.
The Regavim organization, directed by Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) candidate for the Knesset Betzalel Smotrich, is an advocate against claims by Peace Now and other pro-Palestinian Authority groups that appeal to the courts with claims that Jews live on their property.
The Regavim research drone was on a routine mission when it was almost downed by Palestinian Authority children throwing rocks at it while it collecting evidence of continued illegal EU building in and around Jerusalem on behalf of the Palestinian Authority.
Real-time footage of the research drone shows that it was almost downed during a routine surveillance mission over an illegal EU settlement on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
Viewers can clearly see large rocks narrowly missing the unmanned aircraft as it flew past a cluster of buildings bearing the EU flag. The Regavim field researcher who was operating the machine managed to steer it away from the incoming rocks and fly it back to safety.
A recent report by Regavim highlighted this new EU policy of unilaterally building on behalf of the Palestinian Authority in Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank to the detriment of Israel.
The Regavim report has subsequently been presented to the European Parliament by a number of MEPs and awaits a hearing in the Foreign Policy Committee.
Ari Briggs, International Director of Regavim explained what the organization’s use of drones and how the event could have ended much worse:

We use drones to monitor the ongoing illegal activities across the country, without having to go into villages themselves. These machines are extremely effective but costly, and this near-miss could have cost the organization thousands of dollars.
Although we will not be deterred by this violent attack against our equipment we may now have to purchase a more advanced drone that can take close-up footage much higher-up in the sky and out of projectile range.

About the Author: Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.

Hur klart måste det vara: EU och Obongon förstör och blir allt fattigare, Kina bygger upp, Ryssland är så förtvivlat blandat att jag inte utlåter mej mer än att de också gör bra saker. De behandlar kristna i Mellanöstern mycket bättre än Obongon och EU. 

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