måndag 7 mars 2016

Israel tar ner 9 illegala EU-betalda byggnader på israelisk mark - och hotar stämma Israel!

EU bygger illegalt för araber på israeliskt land. Tar ingen som helst hänsyn till lagar och regler. Tycker bara att "det ska araber ha".

Civil Administration demolishes nine EU-funded illegal buildings

As crackdown widens on illegal Arab building in Judea-Samaria, security forces destroy nine buildings funded by European Union in Tamoun.

By Ido Ben Porat
First Publish: 2/4/2016, 11:34 AM

One of the structures funded by the EU
One of the structures funded by the EU
Civil Administration spokesperson
The supervisory unit of the Civil Administration along with security forces destroyed on Thursday nine illegal structures erected in the Arab village of Tamoun in the northern Jordan Valley. 
In total, five residential tents, three tin buildings and an outhouse were demolished. 
The demolished structures bore the symbol of the European Union, indicating these buildings were funded by the EU like many others erected in Ma'ale Adumim and the Jordan Valley. 
The Foreign Ministry reported at a recent meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that the EU is preparing a lawsuit against Israel over the destruction of EU-funded structures. 
Thursday's demolitions appear to be part of a wider crackdown on illegal Arab building in Judea-Samaria, following the destruction of several illegal structures near Hevron on Tuesday
Jerusalem has also gone public in its criticism of the EU's "hypocrisy" in condemning Jewish construction in Judea-Samaria, while simultaneously trying to expand existing Palestinian villages.  
Israeli officials slammed the EU's actions on Army Radio Thursday morning, asserting, "You come and complain about our unilateral steps to determine facts on the ground? Here you're doing the exact same thing on the Palestinian side."

Se också:

EU condemns 'Israeli incitement' against it

Här ser du den muslimska arabvärlden i grönt, vad vi talar om är area C av Judeen/Samarien, en liten liten bit av den röda pricken, som ägs av Israel enligt Osloavtalet, där EU satt med, tills någon kommit överens om något annat. EU har inte lyckats hitta den minsta prick av det gröna, de ser bara vad judarna har och tycker alltså att de kan stjäla det.

Som jag skrev nyss tror Merkel att hon genom att sträcka ut sin breda hand kan hon bestämma över andra Europeiska länder. Att hon 2015 deklarerade  att multikulti-samhället i Europa var en total flopp, har hon glömt bort. Betald av Iran, floppen?

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