torsdag 6 november 2014

Lista över några av Obamas skandaler. (English)


This section of Discover The Networks examines the details of various scandals in which President Barack Obama and his administration have been involved. These include:
  • the Justice Department's secret surveillance of news reporters;
  • the administration's egregious failure to implement adequate security measures at the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya prior to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012, and its deceitful mischaracterization of those attacks in their aftermath;
  • the "Fast & Furious" gun-running scandal, whereby “straw purchasers” in the U.S. smuggled sniper rifles into Mexico and put them into the hands of cartel leaders
  •  the Internal Revenue Service's practice of illegally denying or stalling, for blatantly political reasons, applications for tax-exempt status that it received from conservative organizations; and
  • the unprecedented degree to which the National Security Agency monitored and spied on the communications of ordinary American citizens
  • the inordinately long periods of time that military veterans were being required to wait before they could receive medical treatment at VA hospitals, and the VA's deliberate falsification of patient records in order to conceal the problem of the long waits
  • the Obama administration's 2012 coverup -- for political purposes in a presidential election year -- of the fact that a White House volunteer (who was the son of a major donor to Obama and the Democrats) had participated in a prostitution scandal in Colombia

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